brand spanking new and need someone to be a buddy :)

Hello everyone, hows everyone doing out there??
i am new to this today i signed up and at the moment i find it really helpful, im trrying to loose weight for my hols in July but also want a nice summer bod lol. i am a single mum to a 3 yr old.. so finding time is easier said then done but i do exercise 4x a week but for some reason the exercising and eating correctly isnt doing anything just seems im toning has anyone else has that before?
so then i found this app & website, hows everyone finding it? and can loosing weight be done via this app ?

Thank you and good luck everyone xxx <3


  • stacey2022
    stacey2022 Posts: 25 Member
    Having good buds will help motivate you and helps with accountability!! We can do this!! :)
  • COME ON!!!!! lets go girl!! lol!!

    my friends dont want to do it with me they like their junk food more, so i am doing this alone :( its not very good cause having motivation for it all is harder.. but least my fridge is full of nice healthy salad and veg :)
  • stacey2022
    stacey2022 Posts: 25 Member
    Very nice!! Get your protein in too! I'm going to bake a whole chicken this weekend so I can have yummy low carb wraps and salad all week! :)

    If you are a tv watcher, get up between commercials and do some jumping jacks or crunches or planks!! Move move move when u can!
  • the only time i watch tv is at night when my son is a bed lol.. other then that i am on the go al day :( i do a work out about 11ish til 12 and sit ups and push ups.. up and down and stairs all day yummy wraps sounds nice.. what sort of exercising do you do?
  • stacey2022
    stacey2022 Posts: 25 Member
    Cardio, treadmill, dancing and Circuit training! Love my weekly dancing (Tap) but really enjoyed my mix of circuits today, woweee feeling it tonight!! :)
  • Feel free to add me =)
  • candjiverson
    candjiverson Posts: 10 Member
    JHey girl! Just sent kyou a request. This is my third day and I could use a buddy! The more motivation the better!!
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    I'll be your buddy! I love buddies. :D Always good to keep me motivated
  • apee34
    apee34 Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone
  • I've only been doing MFP for a week now and I need pals too for support and encouragement. I'd love to be your MFP friend and we could offer encouragement to each other. Sounds like you're definitely on the right track and chasing a 3 year old should definitely be a plus toward the exercise program!! Good luck and hang tough -- it will work!!
  • FR sent...
  • My friends are the same! They don't care at all about losing weight because they don't really need to. Just noticed from you're profile that you're from Bristol? I am too! I joined yesterday :)
  • Prettymisssparkles
    Prettymisssparkles Posts: 1,274 Member
    You can totally add me, would love to be your buddy. I also have a 3 year old son. :) (anyone can add me)
  • oneman1
    oneman1 Posts: 11 Member
    Started using this app after piling on the weight 2 years ago with a back injury, and having knee surgery in December.
    Been using for 30 days and found it easy to change some of my eating habits, but now need a bit more motivation,