what to eat before a workout

I'm presently doing my workout every night after dinner (roughly 60 minutes after I eat. I'm going to be going on vacation a few times this year and our resort has a full gym that I would use early in the morning around 8:00am so I need to know what I should eat to give me energy to do a full weight routine and jogging routine (alternate every morning)
Presently, I have been having problems with getting light headed when I don't eat enough carbs or protein before my workout so when I change it to the morning, I tend to think I may have even less energy. Any suggestions on what to eat or drink?


  • mikeyd1219
    http://www.muscleandstrength.com/ This website really helped me with my fitness and nutrition goals. Check it out. What your going to eat before and after workouts really depends on your goals.
  • willlywillly
    hi anderson,
    like mikey said it depends on your goals to how much you eat before and after workouts. what i am about to say is totally my opinion (i am by no means an expert on this subject and i am not a doctor...my advice is worth what it is costing you) the foods you eat and nutrition is pretty much the same for anyone regardless of their physical activities. what is different is how much you eat and the times you eat. here is my spill on the matter. i am going to assume you are past middle age just like myself. you want to gain some muscles but loss some fat in the process. first you got to eat a pretty high protein diet to build muscles but you still need energy to work your muscles. this is why you need to eat carbs also. but the carbs you eat are very important. absolutely stay away from all white things (potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, etc...) if its white don't eat it. the carbs you do eat need to be from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. if you don't eat the correct amount of carbs you just are not going to have energy and you will feel light headed. if you aren't pushing weights very hard it does not matter how much protein you eat. i think everyone's carbs needs vary. you need to start writing down everything you eat!!!! don't worry so much about calories. my rule of thumb is to never be hungry but never full either. i would suggest drinking whey protein 30 minutes before you go to the gym and drinking whey protein immediately after you finish your workout. about an hour before you go to the gym eat a fruit of your choice. it does not hurt to eat a fruit after you finish working out also. but by keeping a journal of what you eat all day will help you know how much to eat and what foods seem to be working for you (making you feel good and having energy). i weigh myself every single day also. by keeping up with my food and my weight i can see trends. there is so much more so say but i would do as mikey says....research as much as you feel comfortable doing but don't get overwhelmed. forget all the supplements you will see (most are meaningless and waste of money). the only supplement i buy is whey protein (and casein protein which i drink before i go to bed). i do take vitamins and oil tablet (omega 3, 6, 9). but for the average guy like you and me (who will never be lifting weights professionally) get all what we need from the foods we eat. i will be glad to be friends with you if you like and we can talk more. but the main thing is KISS (keep it simple stupid). also get plenty of sleep...as much as you possibly can (8 hours is a minimum) wish you all the luck my friend
  • andersonhvac
    Hi Willy,

    Thanks for all the informtion. It does make alot of sense and your suggestions of eating fruit before a workout might be the solution. Presently, I eat an orange in the morning and an apple at lunch but by the time I do my workout after dinner, I sometimes get light headed. When I go down south (Arizona) I will be working out in the mornings because its usually a little cool in the mornings so I can't get out golfing until after 12:00pm.
    Maybe eating the fruit just before a workout might give me more energy. I also eat the same cereal everyday ( cherrios multi grain with Bran Buds) and a glass of water. I was thinking I should maybe add a piece of pumpernickle bread with peanut butter in the morning to give me some protein also.
    I leave in a couple of weeks so I guess I will read up on the internets suggestions and see what I can find.

    Sure, if you want to add me as a friend, that would be great.

  • andersonhvac
    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the suggestion about the website. I took a quick look at it and it seems that they're talking about people that are greatly over weight and need to lose alot of weight. I'm just trying to lose 10 more pounds and maintain my weight and not get light headed when I work out.
    I also looked at the supplements that they recommend thru Dr. Oz. I have a hard time believing that if you take a coffee bean everyday you will automatically lose weight. I think Dr. Oz is usually honest and is trying to help people but I think he must be getting paid big bucks to sponsor something that I don't think will work.

    Thanks for your help and I will keep looking at the website you sent to see if theres anything I can use.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you are someone that needs to eat before a morning workout (some can train fasted, some do not do so well), something simple like a banana and peanut butter usually works well. Also, some other things include yogurt, fruits, oatmeal...anything is good really, but make sure you have some carbs.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    If its more than an hour before, oatmeal or yogurt.
    If its right before or during, water, gel or sports beans. Otherwise I just want to throw up/poop.

  • KBSwinger
    KBSwinger Posts: 160 Member
    I drink some green tea or a glass of water thats it.
  • andersonhvac
    Interesting.....whats in the sports beans? are there any side affects? who sells Sports Beans?
  • andersonhvac
    That wouldn't work for me. I need sustance before I can work out. Thanks,
  • andersonhvac
    Thanks for the advise but they show bananas as one of the worst things a person can eat because of all the sugar I guess. I love bananas and still eat half of one every now and then and then give the other half to my two dogs.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thanks for the advise but they show bananas as one of the worst things a person can eat because of all the sugar I guess. I love bananas and still eat half of one every now and then and then give the other half to my two dogs.

    Sugar is good before a workout. Sugar = carbs = fuel