my knee is swelling

Help! Help! Stats: 30, 5ft3 170 lbs, have done circuit training, cardio and some running over the past year, recently started stronglifts 5x5 program. . I am on my feet 4 days a week, 8hrs a day., i do the stronglift program 3 days a week, mon, wed fri. Friday i upped my weight just a little bit and my right knee is hurting to the point to where i can't put full pressure on my foot.. The knee feels swollen and it feels like i hyper extended it, (i did thus one time before, when I almost burned my house down, so i know what it feels like, ) is it possible that i did that with to much weight being added to squats and pedley ? I only did 40lb squats and 50lb pedleys!! (i know. I'm weak) i think i will go get a knee brace. And take off today. (i was going to do some cardio, but not with this knee all jacked up)


  • I had a bum knee for a year and it took going to a physical therapist to get it fixed - in 2 weeks even. I injured my knee while running - running to hard, too fast for too long. The cure was Alieve, stretching exercises and most importantly - ICE. If this happened to me, I would back off using the knee, take a pain med that will also reduce inflamation and ice the knee several times a day.
  • I would definitely take today off and use the ICE method as well as taking an anti inflammatory. If it continues go see a doctor and make sure it's not worse than you thought.