New girl!

Hey everyone

Just thought Id say howdy. Only 24 but its way past time I started losing weight! Im just over 300 lbs and a big gamer so that probly explains alot lol. Im living with family at the moment while I save money to move over sea's so I dont get alot of say in that the meals are but im trying to eat less and being as active as i can ( i often get bad back pain!).
Id love to meet new people and anyone that wants to chat or keep in touch as we lose weight together! :)


  • Welcome! Keep a positive out look and you will do well. Never miss an entry into your food dairy and YOU WILL lose big!! It :love: works! I have lost 8 pounds in the first month. Add friends and you will not want to disappoint them by not logging in each day. So yeah thats my encouragement and I am careful what I eat just incase somone wants to look at my dairy. Ha. Love this site!
  • Thanks ^^ Id love to have plently of friends here to hold me accountable lol
  • thisrandomgirl
    thisrandomgirl Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 24 too and a gamer ;) what do you play?
  • Hi,

    I'm a newbie to this too! I'm 23 and looking to get back into shape and lose some pounds.

    Peer support is a massive influence in keeping at it and making sure you are healthy and sensible about losing weight.

    I've found the best way is to just simply make portions sizes smaller (wean yourself down, your stomach will begin to shrink as you do it) and drink more water.

    That's a start! And then you will find you have more energy to bring the exercising in!!

    :) Nice to meet you.
  • missyleep
    missyleep Posts: 14 Member
    I used to be an avid gamer too, I'm new to the site as well. Add me!
  • Howdy! Welcome to MFP! Anybody feel free to add me...we can provide support as we work towards getting healthy!!
  • bjrowles
    bjrowles Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome! This site is so helpful, you will do great things here.
  • Hello, and welcome! I've been "back at it" for about a month now, doing well mostly just the last couple weeks. Just remember - weight loss is a journey, and for some people, it's for life. I know I am never going to be one of those people who can eat whatever and stop exercising, because the moment I do, I start gaining. I have been gaining and losing the same 30 lbs over and over for the last 7 years. I am determined this time, with a new outlook, that this is going to become a lifetime commitment and lifestyle, rather than a "diet" until I can fit into a certain size.

    Good for you for taking the first steps. The first few weeks really are the hardest until you get into a rhythm of trying new things that are healthy and figure out what you like and what is feasible for you both time and money-wise.

    Good luck - you will do great! Set mini-goals and have planned rewards for each one to keep yourself going (just don't make it a food reward) - get a pedicure after your first 10 or 15 lbs. Buy a new exercise top... things like that.
  • Hi & Welcome! Where are you planning to move overseas? :smile:
  • Hello! This site is really great. I had my doubts from past failings, but this really does work! Feel free to add me!
  • taryn_09
    taryn_09 Posts: 196 Member
    welcome! feel free to add, anyone. i love having more support :]
  • GodSentMe23
    GodSentMe23 Posts: 105 Member
    Add me.
  • brittamh
    brittamh Posts: 137 Member
    Good luck! Feel free to add me if you want.
  • KathyWel
    KathyWel Posts: 140
    Hi! I am a gamer too! This site is awesome. You CAN do this! I was at 331 when I started here, although I have hit a few bumps in the road I am ready to do this and finish what I started! Anyone can feel free to add me as their friend on here to walk this journey together! :happy:
  • Thanks guys ^^. Im an aussi gal living in Ireland so planning to move back to aust with family. And mostly I played WoW then SWTOR but taking a break from online gaming lol other than that I play most games on the ps3 from CoD to resident evil!