OMG I just binged!



  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I over ate yesterday, too for basically the same reason. I had the flu and two of my daughters did also. My husband works third shift which left it all up to me all night plus still having to work full-time during the day.

    I don't understand how I can feel so sick to my stomach yet overeat!! I would start to feel better and get really hungry then have a sour stomach 20 min later. I stayed on track and ate healthy until after dinner when all I wanted was crackers. Lots and lots of crackers. My stomach just felt better than it had in days by eating those so I went overboard. Sigh...

    I think I am getting over the flu but today my stomach just feels so bloated and I have a food hangover that it makes it hard to just move on from eating too much. I'll be on track today but I know how you feel.
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    I believe it is healthy to "cheat" and overeat on occassion. Once a week for me. I still log everything so I can see every calorie and impact of nutrition. I have found on the weeks that I have bigger day like my daughters birthday party I had bigger losses.

    Back on the wagon. The important thing IMO is to keep logging, it keeps the accountablity and honesty in what goes in your mouth. This is a journey-not a race if done for the right reasons and done for a lifetime.
  • lynnymcc
    Under my cals today by 343! Feels good to be back in control! New day! New week!
    Thanks again everyone!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    If this happens again: Plan out what you will eat tomorrow now. Pre-log it and make sure you have the food available so you don't grab something on the go. Don't try to restrict or over-exercise. Just get back into the normal swing of things and visualize yourself having a successful day. Make sure to exercise moderately or even go for a walk to relieve stress.
  • tlnm158
    tlnm158 Posts: 11 Member
    Its ok! I used to have a binge eating disorder--and constantly deal with emotional eating. The most important thing to remember is that it is ok. Forgive yourself. Don't beat yourself up about it. The more you blame yourself, the easier it will be to get into a cycle of negativity. Negative thoughts lead to binging, and binging leads to negative thoughts. If you can, forgive yourself and realize (like everyone else has said) that this doesn't undo all your hard work, and that you are no less likely to meet your goal! You are doing great, you are beautiful, and you will reach the weight that you want to--you just have to support yourself and believe in yourself as much as everyone else believes in you!

    Please reach out if you ever need to! I'm new on here, and would love to have some more "friends" :)
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    You will burn it off in your sleep :smile:
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    what is your daily calorie goal?

    also, remember you are in a probably ate close to maintenance for a big deal

    and you were sick...dont be so hard on need to be perfect

    ^^^^ THIS for sure. :wink:
  • Diahann_Hughes
    Diahann_Hughes Posts: 58 Member
    Yeh tomo is another day dont beat yourself up :( As of tomo keep up the good work x
  • MissVamp13
    Hi :) Youre only human dont sweat it we all binge on days Im sure :) Tomorrow is a new day get back to it!! And if you gain..what goes on will come off. I learnt that from experience as Im a binge eater lol x
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    The other day I did this. I went out to eat and the calories just added up and caught me by surprise. So yesterday I ate really well to make up for it and I also pushed myself during my exercise routine to burn just a little bit more. It's important to focus on the day, but broaden your view out to the entire week and see how you can do better. Remember our bodies crave nourishment so when you aren't feeling well food is what helps you keep going and there is nothing wrong with that.
  • aamtodd
    aamtodd Posts: 100 Member
    Hey, don't beat yourself up about this. But you'd probably find it useful to write down just exactly how you feel about it now and have a look at what you have written occasionally to stop any future slide right in its tracks. I have difficulty resisting any "goodies" that are even in the house - if you have young children around, as you do, then it is just not possible to have no treats around, is it? But I try to make a point of not buying anything I know would be too tempting (I LOOOOVE icecream)! And if I my husband buys chocolate I make a point of feeding it to him to get it out of the way as fast as possible! Work out how much extra walking/jogging etc would wipe out that excess and try to fit it in over the next month. Good luck.
    hello, and do not panic. you did it, its done and forget it. i think its ok to binge once in awhile. maybe you can re adjust for the rest of the day. drink lots of water. it seems your'e a figther and doesn't give up easily. my name is don and its not easy doing this. i started yesterday and im going to try real hard or im not gfoing to see my kids get married. tomorrow is another day, it will be better. are you into walking? try to burn off as much calories that you can today. keep in touch. good luck!!
  • lynnymcc
    Well, to my UNEXPECTED surprise, today is weigh in day and I FRICKEN lost 6 lbs this week! OMG!
    I eat 1700-1800 cals and sometimes more as I am breastfeeding and was NOT expecting this at all!
    I didn't lose anything last week and was quite bummed but trudged along...then friday night was a crazy binge night'....again,
    not happy with that behavior but got back in the saddle b/c of the awesome support on here and now monday!!!
    Perhaps a binge night might be okay from time to time?