Planet Fitness--Good gym or Bad gym



  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    The lunk alarm is annoying sometimes...but they honestly don't use it much at the location I go to.

    I find giving looks of disdain/eye rolls to the tools who spend half their time staring at their bodies in the mirror to be much more satisfying than hearing the alarm :) but that's just me....
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    My husband and I go to PF and we like it. It suits our needs. All of the gyms are independently owned so as far as equipment goes and what they will or will not allow depends on the person who owns it. I have NEVER been told to leave because I was dead lifting, lifting heavy, doing squats etc. My PF has really buff guys who go there and they have never had a problem with their lifting. The people who work there only do the alarm for someone who is being really obnoxious, and usually it's on this one guy who yells when he talks.

    The price can't be beat either. My husband used to go to a "fancy" gym and it was really expensive -- $40/month I think and that was without adding classes or tanning-- and when I was working from home or had a day off and went to the gym with him (I had a fitness center where I worked that i used daily) I would have to pay the $15 day pass. Sometimes I was home twice a week and that was $30 a week which was ridiculous. Now he has the black card and I get to go for free with him and we can use any PF in the country.

    As for the pizza, bagels and coffee and the tootsie rolls guess what? You actually don't have to partake! Crazy, I know but you don't! When we are there when they have the bagels and coffee we partake in the coffee. I have never been there on pizza day and I don't eat the tootsie rolls. I know plenty of gyms -- the one my sister is a manager at for example -- who will occasionally have bagels or some sort of food. They had a wine and cheese night once and it's kind of a member appreciation thing. Does that make that particular gym bad because they decided to do that? Not at all. It's just up to you as to whether or not you want to partake. No one is forcing you.

    But to the OP it's not a bad gym. A lot of bashing goes on this site about it because people consider it not to be a "real" gym (because of the things I mentioned) and feel that if you're not "serious" about your workouts then to go there. I'm serious about my workouts, I train hard at my PF and I have awesome results to show for it. It doesn't matter what gym you go to. What matters is how hard you're going to work out, your commitment and dedication.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member

    As for the pizza, bagels and coffee and the tootsie rolls guess what? You actually don't have to partake! Crazy, I know but you don't! When we are there when they have the bagels and coffee we partake in the coffee. I have never been there on pizza day and I don't eat the tootsie rolls. I know plenty of gyms -- the one my sister is a manager at for example -- who will occasionally have bagels or some sort of food. They had a wine and cheese night once and it's kind of a member appreciation thing. Does that make that particular gym bad because they decided to do that? Not at all. It's just up to you as to whether or not you want to partake. No one is forcing you.

  • WolfChylde
    WolfChylde Posts: 50 Member
    The only issue I have with planet fitness is the 'lunk alarm', while I can appreciate that no one wants to hear people dropping weights like hot potatoes or grunting, what have you, under the alarm it says something that basically makes fun of people who are very muscular and tote around gallon jugs of water etc. They say everyone of any shape or size is welcome there. If what makes you happy is being very muscular or that is your way of training, cool. If you aren't into that kind of lifestyle, cool.

    Other than that nonsense, it's very clean, they have this cool 30 min express workout area, top notch machines. Only downside is no classes are offered.
  • I would make a smart comment about not allowing deadlifts, but I'm not entirely sure Crankstr can't find me and smack me. (She's scary.)

    With any gym, take a tour and check it out with your fitness needs in mind. It doesn't matter what gym it is. Does it fit YOU and what YOU want to accomplish?

    Agree about your goals and finding a gym to fit YOU. I don't know if there are 'good' and 'bad' gyms, just if they have the equipment and atmosphere you like.

    Didn't realize PF doesn't allow deadlifts. I usually go in and do deadlifts, overhead press, clean press, etc and haven't gotten yelled at yet... perhaps it's because i'm a girl and I don't have big muscles? Should I be worried? Haha if they set the ''lunk'' alarm off on me I would consider it a compliment at this point.

    Does anyone else think it's weird that PF is a 'judgement free' zone yet they judge people who do certain kinds of fitness? I've found a routine of deadlift/overhead press/bench press/reverse fly/squats works best for me because it is a quick and dirty all around workout for my whole body... Not cause I'm trying to show off or whatever.
  • The only issue I have with planet fitness is the 'lunk alarm', while I can appreciate that no one wants to hear people dropping weights like hot potatoes or grunting, what have you, under the alarm it says something that basically makes fun of people who are very muscular and tote around gallon jugs of water etc. They say everyone of any shape or size is welcome there. If what makes you happy is being very muscular or that is your way of training, cool. If you aren't into that kind of lifestyle, cool.

    Other than that nonsense, it's very clean, they have this cool 30 min express workout area, top notch machines. Only downside is no classes are offered.

    Love that we posted this at about the same time. Re: gallons of water - what if you are just thirsty??

    The one by me started classes recently.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    If you are some insecure DB loading up on creatine, HGH and other supplements thinking that huge muscles make you a better person and that you judge anyone who doesn't share your desire to have pancake tits and batwings like Arnold[...]
    Lol creatine/protein shakes make you HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. Don't categorize creatine/supplements with PEDs. Also disrespecting someone who has inspired millions to follow a fitness orientated lifestyle like Arnold on a fitness forum isn't doing you any favors either.

    My personal experience of Planet Fitness would have me rate it as a "bad" gym, not because of any of the equipment (there's enough to get a workout) but the management who thought it'd be a good idea to sound the lunk alarm in the middle of a set of squats (on the Smith machine of course as they have no free weight squat rack, I may have been breathing too loudly?) which broke my concentration mid-lift and almost had me leaving the gym in a stretcher. But I would still recommend it to anyone who is beginning to lift weights/exercise or anyone who is tight on a budget, the membership there is fairly cheap (free food once/twice a month doesn't sound too bad either).

    In your case OP I'd give it a try.
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    I love planet fitness because I'm a broke normal college kid! I don't lift heavy weights so I don't care if they have them or not. I've only ever heard the lunk alarm used once at my gym and I think the guy dropped the weight on accident. I've been to two other PF's and one had wayyy more equipment then my home one which I don't think was fair at all! That just goes to show that each one is different. I agree about the free pizza, I just walk past it and eat my own dinner at home, I don't care for crappy five dollar pizza anyways. I think its a good gym but it depends on your own goals.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Ours has much more than cardio machines. There is an ab circuit, a stretching room full of medicine balls, DBs up to 20lbs, mats, benches, pretty much everything. There are probably over 100 machines, including cables. I love that they have some fantastic abs machines, kill me. OH and they have 6 squat/bench racks(ok they are smiths), and tons of free weights, benches dumbbells and EZ Bars (which I love for shrugs). I did a total upper body workout last night and the only machine I used was the Lat Pulldown. There were a ton of 'ripped' guys using the free weights and I was the only girl.

    About the pizza, it's one night a month. And for people like me, you work out so you CAN eat pizza!

    For me, it seems to be perfect.
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Going to Planet Fitness is like going to a gay bar where they're holding group therapy.

    ^^ end thread
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Going to Planet Fitness is like going to a gay bar where they're holding group therapy.

    You are an idiot. BTW, based on your's no wonder that you don't like the place, because you are certainly not welcome there.

    So, if you are looking at a place with ... "no judgement" atmosphere, Planet Fitness is a good place to look.

    I don't know whats more entertaining, the hypocritical "judgement free' crowd or the meat heads that feel compelled to flex thier muscles in these threads
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Any gym that gets you motivated and exercising is a good one!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I went to Planet Fitness. yes, they had " pizza" days.. guess what?

    I DIDN'T EAT IT!..

    Guess what?

    That means, you ( person of free will) Don't have to either! :)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Any gym that provides candy at the front desk, has pizza parties, and supplies bagels, does not have fitness and your best interest at heart.

    It's not like they are forcing it down your throat and since when are bagels and pizza inherently bad? So many people preach "moderation"
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    PF bans lifting heavy, grunting, dropping weights, and generally anything I go to the gym to do.

    If you're grunting the weight is probably too high, fyi...
  • i live in a pretty small town. but have you checked out your local ymca? i have lost 100 lbs there and there is so much to do there. cardio, the classes , and the swimming . plus more. cant say enough good things about the ymca.
  • bouchie11982
    bouchie11982 Posts: 11 Member
    I just recently quit PF after going to them for 9 years. I now have a 19 month old and I need to find a place that has childcare while I workout. PF doesn't offer any of that, nor do they offer classes. As for the pizza and bagels and candy at the front desk, I think that is ridiculous. They do not have your fitness as their #1 priority. Sometimes their bathrooms are clean. The staff are horrible though. They act like they don't want to be there. But if this is your first gym and looking for mediocre equipment then PF is the place to go. I recently switched to Best FItness. I LOVE it there. They have classes and childcare and I am paying the same amount I was for PF.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    i live in a pretty small town. but have you checked out your local ymca? i have lost 100 lbs there and there is so much to do there. cardio, the classes , and the swimming . plus more. cant say enough good things about the ymca.

    I think for a lot of people cost is an issue. My YMCA started at $40 for basic use. Not really comparable to $10
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    PF bans lifting heavy, grunting, dropping weights, and generally anything I go to the gym to do.

    If you're grunting the weight is probably too high, fyi...

    heh. what about growling?