What are you looking forward to??

Hi There,
I go to thinking on the weekend about all the things I can't wait to be able to do as I reach my goal weight. There are a heap of things for me but I wonder what other people can't wait for???

Some of my list:
- Feeling fitter and sexier
- Buy and wear and dress in the clothing I love instead of making do with the horrible stuff they make for size 18 plus.
- Know that I could jog nude (but not actually doing it) without that slapping noise and my entire body jiggling and thumping about.
- Making love to my hubby in the most outrageous positions possible!!! LOL :blushing:
- Not having to wear shorts or slacks under all my skirts and dresses to avoid chaifing
- Being able to eat sweets in public without feeling guilty, feeling like everyone is looking at me or hearing people making rude remarks about my size and commenting that I should not be eating that!!
- Not feeling like people are judging me or feel sorry for me because of how I look!!

There are a bunch more but these are the main ones!!


  • I just got done telling my hubby yesterday that I can't wait to lose weight so I can feel sexier and have the confidence to make love the way we used to bc now i feel soooooooooooooo self conscious! So thats my main one.
    SELF CONFIDENCE! Need it.. Want it.. looking forward to it!
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Like both of you, I look forward to self confidence and a sexier me. I want to be able to wear smaller sizes than an 18 as well. I want to feel good in my own skin and be healthier. Charz612, I second all the reasons you stated above. Getting there is the hard part. This journey is not easy.
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    Go to the doctor and not be called obese and be taken seriously something is wrong with you and not judge you for your weight.
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    Great topic!
    -Go to the doctor and not say quickly "don't say my weight out loud" in order for my fiance not to hear
    -Be able to have sex comfortably and feel like I am sexy doing it
    -Feel sexy when I put clothes on in the morning
    -Put a shirt on and not wear a zip up sweatshirt over it
    -Be able to run up and down the stairs without getting out of breath
    -Fitting into clothes the "right" way
    -Introducing myself in public
    -Walking in front of a large group of people without putting my head down and hiding my hands in my sweatshirt
    -Being able to feel comfortable having my fiance know my weight
    -Being able to pick up my daughter and get down on the floor to play with her
    -Feel comfortable in a bathing suit (that hasn't happened in over a year)
    -Know that "stares" that I receive are good ones
    -Feel more beautiful and sexier
    -My fiance to start getting jealous ;) (personal)

    I am sure there are more things that I am missing out on but, I won't know until I get there. Overall, I can't wait to see my new body and to believe my fiance when he says that he is attracted to me. I want to be able to keep my head up and wave at people when I walk into a room, I want to be able to run and not feel floppy, I want to go to the beach and know that the stares are good ones!
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    Cant wait to lose 25 more lbs because then ill be under 200 and will weigh less than my husband. I also will be able to wear size 15 and it will be easier to buy clothes. My goal is by April 1st because my birthdays in April.