Best way to have Avacado? :)

I have never ever tried Avacado before but am planning on getting some my next grocery shopping trip. I really want to expand our vegetables! What is your favorite way to eat/prepare an avacado aside from guacamole?


  • I love mixing avocado with tuna, pepper, onion powder, tbs of hot sauce and low fat mayo. Spread it on a baked tostada..or on wheat bread.
  • anna32aries
    anna32aries Posts: 52 Member
    Baked chicken breast with avocado and skim mozzarella cheese in oven until cheese melts....with a salad or steamed veggies.
  • drbonn
    drbonn Posts: 11 Member
    Half an avacado with 1/2 Cup of low fat cottage cheese...yummm!
  • ashprather
    ashprather Posts: 227 Member

    recipes galore
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Spread it on toast, top with sliced tomato, salt/pepper, and fresh basil ! (or skip the basil if you don't have it!). Just avo and tomato is amazing!!!
    You could even add feta to this, or bocconcini .. :)
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    My favorite way is just cut it in half take out the seed and eat it raw. I put it in salads as well to give more substance, tastes good with any kind of dressing. I also mash it up and use it as spreads for sandwhiches and turkey burgers instead of mayo.
  • Lettuce wraps of avocado-egg salad!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Turkey and avocado sandwich.
  • norrisski
    norrisski Posts: 1,217 Member
    Just had grilled tilipia, mango salsa and diced avocado. It was amazing.
  • cut it open and eat with a spoon is my favorite. It goes great with eggs, or use it instead of mayo on a burger, chicken or turkey sandwich or instead of mayo in chicken salad (shredded chicken, cilantro, maybe some onion and some lime juice) spread it on some flat bread. Condensed milk and avocado smoothies, you can also make ice cream with it

    The lime juice is important if you don't eat it right away, it will turn brown and gross looking when exposed to air, if you don't finish it put it in a tupperware, cover with lime juice and press plastic wrap down on it leaving no air then put the lid on

    ETA Guac is my least favorite ways to eat it, most guacamoles are not that good, Chipotle has the best guac of any sort of chain I've had, I've even gone there to just get the chips and guac
  • I use it on everything...On sandwich's (instead of mayo) it give's that creamy texture. Salads with some vinegar. In tuna salad...whatever you just have to do a little experimenting with it. I love them I could eat them with nothing at all.
  • Half an avocado, plain greek yogurt (4T'ish), clove of garlic, chia seeds (1T), a little sea salt...let it set a bit and boom! Yummy dip high in protein.
  • Besides using slices of avacado in my turkey and fish sandwiches.i use avacado as a salad dressing, i use non fat plain greek yogurt, avacado, roasted garlic and black pepper and very little lemon or lime and blend together till creamy and toss in a salad or use it in place of mayo for sandwiches or chicken or tuna salad.
  • With any fish dish
    An apple
    Fruit salad
    In a smoothie
    Rice and beans
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I scoop out the middle to save for later and put a small egg in the whole, baked for 20 minutes and eat it. So yummy!!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    It's one of my base ingredients for protein smoothies and puddings.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It's one of my base ingredients for protein smoothies and puddings.

    Did you ever get that ice-cream?
  • I always use avocado instead of mayo on sandwiches.
  • I slice it thinly, peel the skin off, season lightly with nature's seasoning and chow down!
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I just eat it as is. I like it chopped up in a salad too :smile: