Cant reach my calorie goal?



  • Oooh I love nutella!
    How do you measure it?x
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice!
    I never ever thought I'd say I wasn't hungry enough to eat enough calories lol

    Just an FYI, being at such an aggressive calorie deficit, your body is very likely flooding your system with leptin...leptin signals your brain that you are full when you are in fact, malnourished. What frequently happens with aggressive weight loss is that the metabolism slows, begins shutting down "non-essential" functions, and the body floods itself with leptin...this is a natural defense mechanism against starvation and associated discomforts of starvation. It is very common for people who routinely have a caloric intake below their BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate...the rate at which your body burns calories just to maintain proper organ function in coma).

    Netting 1,200 (which means eating back exercise calories) is the absolute bare minimum unless you have a medical condition that keeps your BMR very low. Even netting 1,200 is quite a bit below BMR for many women and the vast majority of men. Once you start eating more, your metabolism will kick back in and your body will hold back on leptin production and your appetite will return and you'll lose weight in a safe, healthy manner.
  • Have you ever thought of actually eating normal, human food? Not those sh***y bars and shakes? Eat a slice of bread with cheese, or a nice piece of sausage with mashed potatoes? -.- Some of you ppl here are literally sick......
  • Help !! I am putting all kinds of 1200 calorie menus together, but I am always way over on protein, only a little under on carbs, but 350 under on calories. I am doing the 5 fruits and veggies servings, what is wrong? My friends say the higher protein is good, but I have not lost weight in three days. HELP !!!:grumble:
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
  • dalemckeown
    dalemckeown Posts: 46 Member
    First of all, weight loss is a gradual process. Your will not loose weight over a matter of days, it takes weeks.

    Next, don't worry about going over on protein. Protein is good for muscle mass and is much better than, for example, fat.

    If you are under on carbs and calories then how a bout a sugary snack during the day? could be some fruit, or even chocolate!
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    penut butter jar and a spoon will fix that :)

    hahahaha! DEFINITELY a firm favorite
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Eat some food. Plan your day with some higher calorie foods, full fat dairy, cheese, nuts, peanut butter, meat, eggs. It isn't hard to consume those extras if you get your mind out the "diet" idea.

    THIS!!! I see people commenting all the time "I'm just not hungry". Well, that may be because you aren't getting enough fuel. People don't realize that if you consume too few calories consistantly you're body will start to shut down and loss of appetitie will happen.