
Anybody who is heavy like me do Zumba? Im looking at gyms (specifically ones with child care so I can go during the day) and Ive seen a few that offer Zumba classes. It looks like a lot of fun, but Im fairly certain id resemble a seal trying to do an obstacle course up the side of a mountain. :embarassed: I dont even like doing my dance workout with the Wii Fit unless my blinds are closed. Im a pretty self conscience person.


  • King22046
    King22046 Posts: 23 Member

    I stay near the back third of the class, but since it is typically all women, I'm more comfortbale doind Zumba than most other classes. That being said, I can not keep up with the class, particularly the turns, but I do my best. I'm (very) slowly starting to get better Please remember, it isn't important how you look when you move, it's important that you move! Just like with Bikram Yoga, I am too spent at the end of it to care that I look a sweaty mess! The changes you will begin to see in your body will negate and image problems you currently have.

    Best of luck to you!
  • I LOVE ZUMBA! I used to stick to the backwall, but now I'm always in the front row! I would find a place that has a bigger class as opposed to one thats smaller. I went to a class where I was the ONLY person along with the trainer... awkward! In a bigger crowd, I feel that I blend in. There's such a diverse group of people, that no one really stands out. Biggest, smallest, oldest, youngest...... no one notices!
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207
    I LOVE ZUMBA! I used to stick to the backwall, but now I'm always in the front row! I would find a place that has a bigger class as opposed to one thats smaller. I went to a class where I was the ONLY person along with the trainer... awkward! In a bigger crowd, I feel that I blend in. There's such a diverse group of people, that no one really stands out. Biggest, smallest, oldest, youngest...... no one notices!

    What she said! I started Zumba at 225lbs, I'm about 175 right now and still going. Still one of the biggest girls in my class but it's soooooooo ridiculously fun, no one cares what you look like :happy:
  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    I have never taken an actual Zumba class at the gym, but a while back I was talked into doing the videos with some of the girls I work with (who had been doing them for quite a while already). When I started out I felt extremely akward and self conscious the whole time. After a few workouts I realized we were all there to have fun and get ourselves in better/healthier shape and no one was paying much attention to who moved better or had more rhythym. I've been doing it for a few months now and while yes, I still feel akward (even have the occasional tangling of the feet) and know I look silly during certain steps, I have an absolute blast doing it (all while burning mad calories). So I say fo for it and give it a try! You never know, it may become a cardio workout you look forward to doing!!

    :happy: Good luck!!
  • lewisab
    lewisab Posts: 9 Member
    Zumba is wonderful. I'm overweight and absolutely loved it.
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I started 6 weeks ago and have been going 4-5 times a week. I love it. I stay in the back row and the leader of a couple of my classes jokes about it. I concentrate on making sure I "move" through the whole thing and its gets easier as you keep going. I was very very sore for a week or so but am no longer. Be careful with your knees... I had to give up running a few years ago and my knees did hurt one week. I think I had not been careful with them. Now, I wear knee braces and I think wearing them actually helps me remember to be very careful in some of the "twisting, turning" moves. Its a lot of fun!
  • sherimacquarrie
    sherimacquarrie Posts: 69 Member
    Love, Love, Love Zumba!! Have been doing two classes a week since June! I think finding the right class with the right teacher, makes all the difference. I still look silly, but I look forward to and love every class!!
  • Yeh like the girls said if you enjoy the class its great. I am probably one of the bigger in my class because its all full of skinney minneys - but the class is an intense workout and you're concentrating too long to be looking at anyone else.

    Right instructor, right class you will love it regardless. and realisitically who cares - your there to excercise and enjoy yourself just think of all the people your size who wouldn't get off their bum to go!!

    Just throw yourself into it - i was crazy self conscious at the start I have no rhythm and i don't even know my left from my right but its so much fun and my fitness has gone way up. Wouldn't miss that class at all now!!

    Good luck :smile:
  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    It occurred to me the other day that being self concious in zumba is of no use. Everyone else is so busy thinking about how they look and how they are moving that they are too busy to worry about what you are doing. Get out and dance!
  • Makeda1211
    Makeda1211 Posts: 134 Member
    It occurred to me the other day that being self concious in zumba is of no use. Everyone else is so busy thinking about how they look and how they are moving that they are too busy to worry about what you are doing. Get out and dance!

    I do Zumba four days a week and have two awesome instructors. I started at 277 and am now down to 249 since Thanksgiving. Zumba is awesome because you can go at your own fitness level. As long as you are moving, no matter how, you are doing it right. I live in Texas and 24 Hour fitness offers Zumba and childcare. Try it, you won't be sorry.
  • I started doing Zumba when I was over 350. LOVE IT! And trust me - the skinny girls are just as uncordinated as the heavy ones!
  • King22046
    King22046 Posts: 23 Member
    It occurred to me the other day that being self concious in zumba is of no use. Everyone else is so busy thinking about how they look and how they are moving that they are too busy to worry about what you are doing. Get out and dance!

    I do Zumba four days a week and have two awesome instructors. I started at 277 and am now down to 249 since Thanksgiving. Zumba is awesome because you can go at your own fitness level. As long as you are moving, no matter how, you are doing it right. I live in Texas and 24 Hour fitness offers Zumba and childcare. Try it, you won't be sorry.

    Congrats on your awesome loss!
  • in my experience, starting zumba at 270, no one cares how you look! Ive attended several classes with different instructors and fitness levels of the group and no one has ever made me feel unwelcome or silly.

    Like many have said, stay in the back and behind someone who knows the moves so you have the leader and that person to follow, you'll get the steps in no time at all and soon your insecurities will vanish. I go to zumba 3 days a week for an hour and 1 day for 2 hours. It is the most fun ive had exercising in my entire life!!
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Im 220 plus as well and no one cares, my friend dragged me in and i felt foolish, but I let go and had a wonderful time! cant wait for my next class :)
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    Being dragged to a zumba class is what started it all for me. Was way way over 200 when I started (I'm 5foot tall) now I'm almost 140...anyone can zumba!!!!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Try it !!!! I was very heavy at my first Zumba class not to mention my 2 left feet. I loved it. I stayed in the back of the class and just tried to follow the moves as best i could and when i couldnt keep up i just kept moving at my own pace and own moves lol. I realized that no one was looking at me as everyone else is just trying to keep up. Every person there started as a beginner.

    I have been going 1-2 times a week for the last 7 months and i am now in the front row of the class. I'm not perfect and i certainly dont look as good as the instructor doing the moves but, i FEEL good doing it. Once you learn the moves it gets much easier. Believe me i am not one to do anything where people can notice me...im very self concious like that. But, thru zumba i have gained confidence!

    The MOST important thing is that you are enjoying yourself! I also think that having the right instructor makes a difference. Where i go we have 4 diff instructors and i have taken all of their classes and i find there is one i just prefer to stick with now. Some are too fast or move to quickly around etc...just find one you like.
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    Go for it!!!! Zumba is fun, just focused on constant movement, you'll get the choreography in no time!! There are several over 200-250 pound women in the class I go to and they work it out!!!
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    I love Zumba and Im did it at almost 200 lbs its so much fin and no one cares what you look like dong it just go out and have fun with it dance girl dance :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    Here is a great way to start. No money or embarrassment involved. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDgbBdS9W54
  • Chiming in...I'm 215 right now and LOVE doing Zumba!! I'm a big girl AND I'm super uncoordinated but I just keep going. It's the best workout that I've found yet.
    Bring water, a towel, and just try to work through the side cramps. :) After a couple times, you'll get the hang of it and you'll love it!!