I finally have my first NSV!!!

So, I'm kind of a "lurker" here. I don't post often, but I read all the time. I started my journey the week after New Years. I didn't start as a New Years Resolution, I started because I needed a new me for life!

I started logging my food prior to my official "start", because I consider my official start the day I got off my @$$ and started working out. Food wise, I'm doing it right. I, like many others, have "date nights" and other unexpected outings that screw with my food plans, but I don't beat myself up over them. Life throws curve balls, I'm just learning how to hit them!

I don't like to weigh, as I feel that at this point in my journey, it only makes me feel like crap. I weighed two weeks ago, and the scale said I was only down 5 pounds from when I started. I feel like the scale isn't telling the truth, because my clothes are fitting differently, and my husband said my "back fat was disappearing"! (Isn't he sweet? A real charmer...I'm so blessed!)
So, I think my muscle gain is talking smack to the scale, and the inches I'm losing don't show up on that stupid dial framed in aluminum.

On to my VERY FIRST NSV!!!
I've been working out roughly 5 days a week at the gym. I typically hit the elliptical on intervals for 20 minutes and burn around 220 calories, then I hit the machines for another 20-25 minutes, alternating between arms one days, and legs another.
I am getting stronger, and my endurance is getting better. I was able to bump up to 25-30 on the elliptical this past week, so I knew then it was all working.
On Wednesday, I told my charmer of a husband, that I needed to get a new pair of tennis shoes, because mine were 2 years old, had been worn everywhere, and that now that I was actually using them for their intended purpose, I needed to replace them. He said okay, we'll go after work and make an "early date" of it.
I honestly thought we were headed to Academy Sports, or ****'s to find shoes, but when he pulled into Fleet Feet Sports, I nearly pooped purple twinkies! I looked at him and before I could open my mouth, he said, "honey, you haven't had a pair of tennis shoes you've been happy with in the entire time we've been together (almost 10 years)! It's time!"
We went inside, and a wonderful man sized my feet (length, width, height, arch, etc), he then made me get barefoot, and get on the treadmill to analyze my stride, strike, etc. He then went in the back and pulled 4 boxes and had me try them on, and test them out. Let me say this....he didn't tell me to walk around the store....he told me to go outside and "hit the pavement" to test the shoes. SERIOUSLY....anywhere else, if you step off the carpet, you own the dang things!!!
Sorry...ADD here....I ended up with a pair of New Balance 860 V3's...and they are like having matching Porches' on your feet!!!

I was dying to give them a whirl on the treadmill...but haven't been able to until today. I am not a fan of running outside. Not sure I ever will be! I love the treadmill! We have one in our living room, that has mainly been a dust collector for the last two years....NOT ANYMORE!!!!

I got on that bad boy this morning, after 1 cup of coffee and a bottle of water. I did a 5 min warmup at 2.5mp, then I somehow managed to jog for 12 minutes straight! To some, a 12 minute jog is nothing, but to this 215lb, 34 year old girl....it's a frickin' act of GOD!
So that's it...my NSV is that I ran for 12 minutes without stopping or feeling like I was dying. If I hadn't been running on an empty stomach, I probably could have gone for another 5. But the rumbly in my tummy was telling me that working out with no food in my system since yesterday at 6:30, wasn't a good thing! I cooled off with a 5 min walk, then ate some oatmeal with protein powder! I'm feeling like a bad *kitten* right now!

Just wanted to share, and tell everyone that I look up to all of you, and your posts keep me excited about what I'm doing!!!
This MFP community is just what I needed!!! :)

P.S. My hubby is awesome! I'm just sarcastic as all hell!


  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    Congrats!!! Nothing like new shoes to kick your rear in gear!! I wish I had a place to buy shoes like that...but my town is small and I don't think anything like that exists!! But when I go visit my kids...there is a great store there so that is on the "to do" list next time I visit.

    And congrats on the great hubby!!!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Great feeling when your feet feel good! Keep up the good work! Latest NSV for me was putting on XL bike shorts! Use to wear 5X!
  • looopyloops
    looopyloops Posts: 84 Member
    hey 12 min straight jogging is a big deal, it takes time to build up endurance, I did a run walk program that in ten weeks got me running 10 min walking one ,so for your first try that is great, keep up the good work ,and good shoes really do make a difference.
  • hey 12 min straight jogging is a big deal, it takes time to build up endurance, I did a run walk program that in ten weeks got me running 10 min walking one ,so for your first try that is great, keep up the good work ,and good shoes really do make a difference.

    I actually tried the C25K app on my phone, but I hated it! I ran cross country in high school, so maybe that is the problem...I'm used to just being able to run....but it's been so long! I was just hoping that getting my endurance on the elliptical would be a first step, and it seems to be working.

    My goal is to be able to run 20-30 mins in the morning, then hit the gym in the evening for strength training. I'm just trying to get back to a healthy weight...and I know running will drop those pounds, and lean me out!

    I'm just stoked today!!!
  • Congrats! That is soooo awesome!!
    P.S. I need to go to a shoe store like that! :)
  • That is awesome you are awesome!!!!!!!!!!keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!
  • grrupp
    grrupp Posts: 159 Member
    Congrats on the NSV, you are very inspiring :) keep up the great work and I love the hubby sarcasm, too cute!!! Oh and 12 minutes is a huge accomplishment, you should be proud of yourself.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    That is awesome...here's a runner pic as a reward! Maybe you could also change your little scale to the runner on your ticker in celebration! Congrats!

  • Tootce01
    Tootce01 Posts: 184
    Fantastic! Congratulations! Also, loved reading your story, you are a very creative writer - purple twinkies :laugh:
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    How awesome! Congrats! And what a nice thing your sweetie did! :)
  • Awesome! Keep it up!
  • ygglove
    ygglove Posts: 102 Member
    The way you tell your story is really enticing! I want new shoes! Congratulations on your NSV, I just put together my treadmill, I haven't tried it out yet though.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Total bad-@ss! And your hubby sounds fab :happy:
    Well done, for me to jog for more than 5 minutes I think my life would have to depend on it!
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Thats fantastic!! I'm so excited for you! And getting new running shoes is always so much fun! But I have never actually gone in to a running store and got fitted!! How AWESOME!!!

    Your doing great!!!! Keep it up!
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Oooh...I am jealous! I need to get me one of those shoes :) Good luck girl..I am sure you are going to make immense progress with the new shoes n all :)
  • chubalina
    chubalina Posts: 30 Member
    Great job!! That is definitely impressive : ) Keep up the good work!!!
  • MenaMena
    MenaMena Posts: 232 Member
    so enjoyed reading this. congrats to you! Thank you for sharing.
  • trainingdirty
    trainingdirty Posts: 55 Member
    you go girl! way to kick *kitten*! keep it up, you're inspirational xx
  • IamLoriJ
    IamLoriJ Posts: 124 Member
    That is a wonderful NSV! I love a great pair of brand new sneaks to get the behind in gear! Congrats!
  • MBCook2
    MBCook2 Posts: 34 Member
    Really enjoyed reading this! Congrats!! Your hard work is paying off. Keep up the great work!
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