Tips for Losing A Small Amount of Weight?



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Small deficit from TDEE.

    It really isn't more difficult, or different from someone needing to lose a lot...the problem is, the tolerances are much tighter. Miss your target by a little and you'll see *no* progress (as opposed to seeing slightly less progress).

    Track accurately, be patient, and adjust as necessary.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Aim to lose no more than a half pound a week.

    Eat most of your exercise calories if you're using MFP's calculations.

    Get more protein than MFP suggests... at very least, consider it a minimum to pass instead of a maximum to stay under.

    Get regular exercise. Strength training works wonders. I love cardio, but weight lifting is what shaped my body.

    Track your progress through measurements, how clothes fit, and progress photos, not just the scale.

    Be patient.

    ^^pretty much sums it up.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I just did it. I have been in chronic pain since October. I have been wanting to lose the last ten pounds for years. In October I got serious: if I'm going to be miserable I might as well lose my ten pounds while I'm at it instead of sitting on the couch eating (my Favourite) potato chips. So all I did was follow mfp'ers advice with a plan to lose only half to one pound per week. When I read about IIFYM and I realized that my year of logging really does reflect my mass i started to feel very confident. Calories in and calories out absolutely does reflect what I weigh. Once I had the confidence that I am in control I realized I can eat potato chips or anything else if I made room for it and IIFYM !!! I've also made some huge changes in my eating lately that has paused my weight loss (I don't eat as much protein as I used to ), but I have just one pound left to lose and I've been gaining and losing ( this really means I've been maintaining) since December. My only exercise has been running on average once a week. So for me it has been all about the food. I have lost muscle, I can see it in the mirror, this is because I haven't been lifting and I haven't even been writing or pouring coffee unassisted with my right hand for the last three months.

    Follow the advice here regarding lifting and determining your TDEE. Although I think I look great and I'm proud of my weight loss, I have pictures of myself from about ten years ago when I used to lift and weighed what I weigh now and I did look and feel much better then.
  • zilea
    zilea Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks again for all of the advice, everyone. I've been adjusting my diet and exercise in various ways for the last 3 weeks that I've been on MFP and taking logging seriously. I have seen some change in my measurements, but no change in my pounds. How long did it take for some of you to begin to see progress?
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Consistancy, patience and setting your goal to lose .5lbs/week. No more. Eat your calories, have good workouts. Use measuring tape as a base more than the scale. Don't weigh yourself more than once a week. Develop good habits that will take you through your whole life, not just while you are losing, so you don't ever have to do this again!
  • farahta
    farahta Posts: 3 Member
    very helpful

    same problem
  • Narla444
    Narla444 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm working on the same thing. And I'm trying to follow the advice that's already been posted - consistency and patience! I'm started to use weights more and use the measuring tape more. I haven't seen a change in the scale for a couple weeks, but I feel a lot better in my clothes!
  • mghanie
    mghanie Posts: 105 Member
    i can't get this last 5 lbs off me no matter how hard i try.. if i come close to it i bounce around after i did lose more then that but it's the last 5 that i can't get off...

    I know exactly what you mean I'm down to my last 6 and have been trying to lose it for 4 months and nothing.....
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    ya it's been that if not more, i think since oct i have been stuck. the same 3-4 lbs up and down...can't take it off an stay there to get just that much closer to my final goal...
  • mghanie
    mghanie Posts: 105 Member
    Maybe it just takes more time for us, but i don't know how much longer i can wait, and I'm afraid that when j do lose it what will happen when i start eating at maintenance will I gain? I hope we can both start losing soon we made it this far might ad well keep going :)
  • LucyVJC
    LucyVJC Posts: 2
    I think it might be that your body almost gets bored eating the same things everyday, week after week. I think sticking to the same bfast for a couple of weeks here and there can just make things easier, but you do have to mix it up. I will ask my nutritionist why these small changes make a difference, but what I also think is that if you are eating a big banana every day, and you change to an orange, that is 50 or even 75 cals less at just one meal. If you make these little swaps for every meal and snack, that can be 250 in a day without really missing anything...that is half a pound a week of not doing anything else, i.e. exercise or other portion control methods...