Hello MFP friends and members!

I am so excited I am one week away from completing my 6 week boot camp with a crossfit company in NM and I love the results that I have seen in these few weeks :). I have only recently started using this app again, to help with my weight loss, and so my results are in actuality from January 7 to present. I have lost more inches then weight at this time and have toned up all around. I still have so much moreto go but I am so inspired.

I have a doctor’s appointment in March for a follow up on something that was detected in my blood work back in December and so I knew I needed to start something that will hopefully change those results the next time I go in. I think I have found it. I'm doing the Paleo lifestyle about 80/20 and crossfit 3 times a week. On my days off for crossfit I am attempting on doing home WOD's to help build my strength and keep me from getting to sore.

I am looking for encouragement because I really want to MAKE THIS CHANGE and better my life!

Love and light to all of you seeking to better your lives and many blessings from God above! Hope to find encouragement and to see if any of you have stories you'd like to share!


  • tikal26
    I do Crossfit and I think it is the greatest way to get lean. I am wondering what is a Crossfit bootcamp? will you continue Crossfit in a Gym or by yourself? The usual Crossfit prescription is 3 days followed by 1 day of rest, but always listen to your body. doing Crossfit 4-5 days straight might be taxing to your body and might get in the way of your goals
  • megallegos
    megallegos Posts: 22 Member
    Hey Tikal, the Bootcamp has been 6 weeks of classes three times a week that are built to build on one another. The bootcamp is supposed to be used as a jumpstart to any kind of goal people may have set out for themselves. It was a groupon special and I think more than anything it was titled a bootcamp because well the workouts have been to the level of intensity as those found in boot camps :).

    I'm hoping to continue it, the box membership is expensive but in all reality I'm spending that money on other things why not make an investment in myself. my home WOD's are more along the lines of squats, pushups, sit-ups, planks that will help my build my strength and not really at the same level of intensity as the WOD's in our classes. I only started doing the home ones two weeks ago and honestly haven't stuck to them as much this week.
  • tikal26
    I know they seem expensive, but the coaching makes me feel safer- I used to suffer from injuries and so far nothing significant, just soreness. Good luck! Sometimes it is mentally challenging specially the Olympic lifts or the gymnastic stuff like rope clubs or anything with the rings
  • megallegos
    megallegos Posts: 22 Member
    Seriously that is the only reason I want to stick it out. I have loved it and even though I have only seen a slight dip in the scale I can tell I have tightened up and feel better all the way around. Thanks I'm excited about seeing where this leads me and as long I have the motivation I am excited to do this!