Vegetarian + Low Carb

Hey All, I need some help please :) I've been doing low carb for about a week or so, I'm pretty set on continuing as its the only thing that works for me. Eventually I'll slowly reintroduce carbs back into my diet but I'm not really ready to start thinking about that yet. Anyway, I had a recent traumatic experience (to avoid traumatizing anyone else I'll leave it at that) and I've been having some trouble keeping meat down. Seriously, the idea of eating meat makes me sick, and if I force myself I throw it all up. I'm not saying I'll never eat meat again but for now I'm going to stick to a meatless diet.

Does anyone have any tips or recipes for doing a low carb and meatless diet? I literally know nothing so any info is welcome! Thanks!


  • RockstarPunch
    RockstarPunch Posts: 203 Member
    i would surf the group section of mfp they have a lot of links with recipes etc.... :flowerforyou: I hope your healing from the trauma, best wishes,
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    dont do anything about carbs, but ive been vegan for 8 years and making you can get some ideas from my diary. feel free to friend me.
  • Lucyk00
    Lucyk00 Posts: 63 Member
    Protein powder, I like non soy. Beans, lots and lots of beans. Whole grains. Greens. Nuts. Nut butters. Good luck! I'm (almost) vegan trying to up my protein, it's been pretty hard, but I'm doing it.
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 333 Member
    Low carb and vegetarian won't be easy because veggies have carb's. Have look through some of the groups and try googling low carb veggie receipe's I've got one for a soup the may help.

    Chickpea and leek soup
    3 Leeks chopped finely
    zest of one lemon cut into thin strips
    1 Carrot grated coursely
    1 x 400g tin of chickpea's
    1 Clove of Garlic
    40g butter
    1 litre of veg or chicken stock

    Melt butter in pot, then add Garlin and leeks. Once leek has softened but not changed colour (about 3-5min). Add carrot, lemon zest and stock bring to boil, add chickpeas and simmer covered for 20 minutes.

    Add natural yogurt or sour cream if desired.

    Cal 101 Carb 17, Fat 2, Protein 5, Sugar 1

    Goodluck and hope this helps
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    U could eat nuts, healthy type fats, like butter, oils and cream, I am Keto (under 20 grams carb per day) I eat meats but if I didn't I would substitute with the above items. Best wishes and there are so many options online
  • KatieHall77
    KatieHall77 Posts: 129 Member
    There are some really wonderful nut and veggie dishes on I find tons of recipes there, including Mims, Atkins muffin in a minute, those are so quick and great for breakfast.
    I enjoy eggplant curry, and zucchini au gratin.
    Shiitake mushrooms sautéed with garlic, and tofu might be an option as well. Are eggs still permissible?

    Do you still eat cheese?
    I am admittedly verry very curious about this incident, because after starting my own low carb diet I have had awful nightmares about animals in meat facilities. I wonder if its guilt related... Anyway, good luck!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Low carb diet, well, my husband, diabetic, does watch his carbs,on orders of his dietician. For me, I could NEVER go vegetarian, I love meat ( rare beefsteak is a must). I grew up in a family that raised, slaughtered and dressed out our own chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits and pigeons, plus hogs when I was small, and I helped out with all of that starting at age 5, never had a problem with it. Also raised a lot of our own vegetables. Good eating. Yum.
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    my first question would be what kind of low carb diet you're doing. some people focus mainly on what we traditionally consider carbs - breads, grains, pasta. if you really break it down, almost everything has carbs. simple carbs are generally on the no-no list - white flours, refined sugars, stuff like that. complex carbs that come from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are better for the body and tend to come from more nutrient-dense foods.

    if you're limiting all carbs, you'll want to research which veg and fruit have higher carb loads. right off the top of my head, watch apples, carrots, corn, and peas (there are more). if you're mainly cutting out refined, simple carbs, it shouldn't be too hard to incorporate lots of fruit, veg, and legumes into your diet.

    i'm also curious about your incident. i know my brother, after eating a steak for the first time since moving in with a couple of open-minded vegans, had a very traumatic dream and has been a vegetarian for seven years now. my husband and i are working on cutting out most meat (we're keeping chicken in the diet for now) and processed foods. i've always watched refined, white flours and sugars, but now we're reading even deeper on labels. we enjoy a healthy amount of whole grains and complex carbs, eat a lot of fruit and veg, and my husband uses soy based protein supplements (he is muscle building).
  • JavaSparrow
    JavaSparrow Posts: 51 Member
    cottage cheese, boca burgers, shrimp/fish (if you can stomach that), soy milk, egg whites
  • n_gal87
    n_gal87 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone I really appreciate the help! I'm not cutting out all carbs still eating fruits that are low in sugar and all veggies - basically I just cut out sugary deserts, breads, and the like (basically its South Beach). For those that asked I witnessed several animals get killed, basically for no reason - I could live with it if it were done for food or hunting or something but not for no reason and now every time I go to eat meat I can just hear them crying. I know it kind of sounds crazy and truth be told I hope I can eventually get over it because I really do love a good steak or some chicken but for now I just can't.