weight Watchers

Does anyone on MFP do the weight watcher diet. Im wanting to try but cant bring my self to pay $44 a month.


  • Wickedone1973
    Wickedone1973 Posts: 43 Member
    I did it for a while. I went during the free sign ups, bought the books and calculator, then only went t meetings once per month ($12 month). It worked for me. I lost weight and kept most of it off over the past year. It is just another way to count calories, if you don't do the meetings.
  • savingsunday
    savingsunday Posts: 148 Member
    I've done it previously. IMHO, MFP is much better. One of the reasons I stopped WW was the cost. That program worked better for me if I went to the meetings and on top of the registration fee it was $13/wk just to weigh in. I like counting calories better. I'm more aware of my macros then I was when I did WW. I think for me figuring out points became a hassle but figuring out calories is much much easier and less time consuming. When I was doing WW I would take my points calculator with me grocery shopping. I'd be standing there punching in the numbers to see how many points something was and if it was worth buying. Much easier to just look at the nutritional information that is right there for you (and less time consuming). :) And while WW does work, they do have their own products but they really aren't much better than most of the other processed stuff out there.

    That said, if you want to try it, I say go for it. WW does work. I personally feel like counting calories and using MFP is more sustainable than figuring out points for the rest of my life. :) However, if MFP seems to be working for you (and it does, looking at your ticker on your page...GO YOU!) then I'd say stick with that.

    With any weight loss/lifestyle change you have to find what works for you. What works for one person may not work for someone else. Find your groove and dance to it!
  • Marilyn2303
    Marilyn2303 Posts: 91 Member
    I go to WW and love it. With the monthly pass I have access to online(quite similar to MFP) and actual meetings. If you could get to a free intro meeting for the info, buy a digital points calculator (about $7.00) and get a pocket guide to see points of food. You will be well on your way. That along with using MFP for support I think you would be fine.

    The key to WW like MFP is tracking. WW works on points instead of calories. That's why I decided to use MFP again. I like to know how many calories I'm taking in. Since joining WW though I've seen a few sites that outline the points you will need.

    I tried MFP last Jan but just wasn't quite ready mentally to make the changes. I gained 7 or so pounds afterwards and really hit my wall the fall so joined WW in Oct. Since then I've lost 51 pounds. I'll soon be at goal weight so not going to bother quitting now for only a few more months of payments. Once I hit my goal I will continue going, it will be free then but continue tracking and using MFP for support. These message groups are great.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Sorry, long post ahead....I'm so tired of seeing so much misinformation about Weight Watchers.

    The points system is designed based around your macros - but it provides a simpler way of counting them by using the points. It is the same exact thing as tracking your food on MFP, except you can actually see your macros here.
    It used to be designed for 2 lb per week weight loss, and the new points plus system is designed for slower weight loss. I think that's why a lot of people have been unhapppy with the new points plus system.

    Many people do not fully understand how the new system works - and complain when they don't lose weight - when they are eating 500 calories worth of "free" fruits every single day.

    Weight Watchers does NOT require you to buy anything - books, calculators etc. When you sign up (they have free registration practically all the time) they give you the points book and points finder that you need.

    If you want the accountability of going to a meeting - and having them weigh you, then you will need to pay the weekly fee.
    If you don't care about that, then you don't have to go there or pay them a dime.
    I do think it is important to at least go to the first meeting and learn how the program works and ask your questions - but then you can do it entirely on your own - FOR FREE - if you want to.

    I obviously am a supporter of Weight Watchers because I know that it is 150% effective. I know many people who have kept their weight off for years and years, and I myself have been very very successful with it.

    I've seen many people complain that they gained all of their weight back after "going off Weight Watchers" - but that makes no sense, because it is not something that you "go off of".

    You are supposed to learn how to eat properly - the correct foods to eat - the correct portion sizes, etc. The points system is supposed to help you learn that - if you don't learn that from the program, then that is UP TO YOU to learn or ask your leader about it. They aren't going to sit there like a school and teach you every single thing - they give you the weekly pamphlets if you go to the meetings - and it is UP TO YOU to read them and learn how it works, and how you should be eating!!
    So once you've reached your goal weight, you should know how to keep the weight off because you've learned how to eat properly. If you gain the weight back, it is because you stopped eating right! PERIOD - because Weight Watchers doesn't require you to eat any special foods of theirs - nor does it tell you can't eat certain foods. So people need to stop blaming their weight gain on the program that they "went off of".

    There are MANY people out there who don't understand the concept of BMR and TDEE or don't want to spend the time figuring that stuff out, so the program is designed to simplify things for people.

    Another thing I see is that people say they feel hungry on Weight Watchers or don't have any energy - again - that is their fault. You should be eating your daily points, plus your weekly points allowance, and any activity points you may earn. If you don't do that, you will be eating too low calories - and yes you will feel hungry, have no energy - and probably end up hitting a plateau.
    You need to figure out foods that will help you stay within your points but give you the most nutrition - higher fiber foods help with that. Otherwise, you can end up eating all of your points with higher fat foods and not get enough calories in.

    Also, there is nothing stopping you from increasing your points a little bit to see if that helps with your weight loss. It isn't a 100% exact science, so some people may need a few more points or a few less points in order to have the best weight loss.

    I just wish that people would really try to educate themselves on the Weight Watchers program instead of giving up on it and then telling everybody it doesn't work. If you find counting calories on MFP easier than counting points, that's totally understandable - but it doesn't mean that Weight Watchers doesn't work - maybe it just isn't for you.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I don't see why you would want to pay for it when you have access to MFP for free.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I don't see why you would want to pay for it when you have access to MFP for free.
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    I've done it previously. IMHO, MFP is much better. One of the reasons I stopped WW was the cost.

    Me too. I'm also finding counting cals and paying attention to the macros, but not obsessing over it, much more like real life than WW. I was not successful with WW PP+.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I've done it previously. IMHO, MFP is much better. One of the reasons I stopped WW was the cost.

    Me too. I'm also finding counting cals and paying attention to the macros, but not obsessing over it, much more like real life than WW. I was not successful with WW PP+.
    I actually feel the exact opposite. When I am trying to count all of my calories and macro and get everything entered into MFP it is much more difficult, time cosuming and requires a lot of work. Whereas, WW just requires you to calculate and count the points. Much quicker and easier IMO.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I'm with you, Cindy. I TRIED to make the switch to MFP from WW in order to save the $19 a month I pay for my Online subscription.

    I hated counting calories, and decided it wasn't worth the risk of derailing myself.

  • I've done it previously. IMHO, MFP is much better. One of the reasons I stopped WW was the cost.

    Me too. I'm also finding counting cals and paying attention to the macros, but not obsessing over it, much more like real life than WW. I was not successful with WW PP+.

    Me, too! I finding life much more pleasant with MFP, and my husband is happy that I am not obsessing over food like I did on WW. Plus, the cost was definitely a factor.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    It's a tool like anyting else if you use it you will lose. It's based on the same principles of most sound diets portion control, logging what you eat, and exercise.
  • xtrout
    xtrout Posts: 193 Member
    I used weight watchers and it definitely works well and you will lose weight. But there are subtle differences with MFP and I tend to like MFP better myself having tried both.

    I feel that tracking points is fairly easy, however, you do have to learn to convert the macros of a given food to points and that can be challenging to some people.

    While technically there is a way to do WW for free, it does take of extra work to do so. For 1, the app to track your points and look up food is not free. And you have to have a second app to scan bar codes (at least at one point you did, not sure if they integrated it yet.). If you need to re-adjust your points when your weight changes, then you have to go to some third party site that is not a WW approved site to figure out your new points. All in all, a few hoops to jump through, but not too bad if you are adept at it.

    All things being equal, I like MFP better. I did lose more weight with MFP as well. I like the presentation of the website and the iphone app better as well. I also prefer the MFP community forums.

    Just try both and see what you like better.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I used weight watchers and it definitely works well and you will lose weight. But there are subtle differences with MFP and I tend to like MFP better myself having tried both.

    I feel that tracking points is fairly easy, however, you do have to learn to convert the macros of a given food to points and that can be challenging to some people.

    While technically there is a way to do WW for free, it does take of extra work to do so. For 1, the app to track your points and look up food is not free. And you have to have a second app to scan bar codes (at least at one point you did, not sure if they integrated it yet.). If you need to re-adjust your points when your weight changes, then you have to go to some third party site that is not a WW approved site to figure out your new points. All in all, a few hoops to jump through, but not too bad if you are adept at it.

    All things being equal, I like MFP better. I did lose more weight with MFP as well. I like the presentation of the website and the iphone app better as well. I also prefer the MFP community forums.

    Just try both and see what you like better.

    If you want to log a food on MFP you need to either search for it in the database or scan the barcode.
    THEN, you have to compare what comes up to what is actually on the label and I'd say about 9.9999 times out of 10, the information in the MFP database is wrong - and there are a million entries to choose from. Not only is that annoying and time consuming, but you can end up tracking the wrong numbers if you pick the wrong database food entry.

    With WW, you can enter the macros into a calculator to get your points value and always know - 100% of the time, that the points value you get is correct - nothing to worry about. Not only that, but now there are SO many Weight Watchers endorsed foods, that have the points value right on the label, so it literally requires NO calculating whatsoever - what is easier than that?

    I've never used the WW barcode app so I can't comment on that - or their database - I prefer to use a calculator.
    There are plenty of free calculators that don't require a WW e-tools membership to use them and they are just as accurate. I've been using the same one forever.

    The points are based on certain calculations, so when your weight changes, you can just do those calculations again to get your new points number. I had to do that when I was a paying member of WW anyway - they didn't always tell me when to reduce my points - and it important to know how to do that anyway.

    Finally, there is a tool/script that you can install into certain Internet browsers, so you can track your WW points in your MFP food diary. I have found this extremely helpful and easy - so I can track my calories and macros as well as my points all on one screen. Many people aren't aware of this. Here is the link to the thread with more information:
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I used weight watchers and it definitely works well and you will lose weight. But there are subtle differences with MFP and I tend to like MFP better myself having tried both.

    I feel that tracking points is fairly easy, however, you do have to learn to convert the macros of a given food to points and that can be challenging to some people.

    While technically there is a way to do WW for free, it does take of extra work to do so. For 1, the app to track your points and look up food is not free. And you have to have a second app to scan bar codes (at least at one point you did, not sure if they integrated it yet.). If you need to re-adjust your points when your weight changes, then you have to go to some third party site that is not a WW approved site to figure out your new points. All in all, a few hoops to jump through, but not too bad if you are adept at it.

    All things being equal, I like MFP better. I did lose more weight with MFP as well. I like the presentation of the website and the iphone app better as well. I also prefer the MFP community forums.

    Just try both and see what you like better.

    If you want to log a food on MFP you need to either search for it in the database or scan the barcode.
    THEN, you have to compare what comes up to what is actually on the label and I'd say about 9.9999 times out of 10, the information in the MFP database is wrong - and there are a million entries to choose from. Not only is that annoying and time consuming, but you can end up tracking the wrong numbers if you pick the wrong database food entry.

    With WW, you can enter the macros into a calculator to get your points value and always know - 100% of the time, that the points value you get is correct - nothing to worry about. Not only that, but now there are SO many Weight Watchers endorsed foods, that have the points value right on the label, so it literally requires NO calculating whatsoever - what is easier than that?

    I've never used the WW barcode app so I can't comment on that - or their database - I prefer to use a calculator.
    There are plenty of free calculators that don't require a WW e-tools membership to use them and they are just as accurate. I've been using the same one forever.

    The points are based on certain calculations, so when your weight changes, you can just do those calculations again to get your new points number. I had to do that when I was a paying member of WW anyway - they didn't always tell me when to reduce my points - and it important to know how to do that anyway.

    Finally, there is a tool/script that you can install into certain Internet browsers, so you can track your WW points in your MFP food diary. I have found this extremely helpful and easy - so I can track my calories and macros as well as my points all on one screen. Many people aren't aware of this. Here is the link to the thread with more information:

    Which calculator are you using? I still have my old school cardboard one before they came up with pointsplus "new" system (and an electronic one). I lost 150lbs with it without going to meetings and I love and agree everything you've said about WW. No, you don't "go off it", you just stop eating healthy and like you should be. But people seem to think this for some reason it's just something you do once you get to goal weight.....why would you want to go back to eating crap you did before? idk

    No i'm not angelic at my tracking and food choices, but I find WW way easier to track and stick with becasue I don't have to track most vegetables and I've been using the method long enough to be able to eyeball a calorie/fat/fiber combo and know how many points it is for the most part. Looking up each component in the MFP database is meh - but I like the message boards here and the specialty groups.

    Thanks for your responses here cindy!
  • tdawg875
    tdawg875 Posts: 29 Member
    I use Weight Watchers online and just started using MFP because I was curious how many calories I was eating. My feeling is that Weight Watchers pushes you to towards healthier foods. It's more points for something that has no nutritional value, 0 points for fruits and most veggies. It works if you work it and track your food intake. I do not think that tracking through WW is any more difficult than tracking calories. I think it is actually easier through WW because I am thinking a week at a time and don't need to eat the same amount of calories (or points) each day as long as I at least eat my daily points. For me, the online fee for WW is well worth the cost! If I had more time and money I probably would do the monthly pass and go to meetings, but at this time I have no time for meetings.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I used weight watchers and it definitely works well and you will lose weight. But there are subtle differences with MFP and I tend to like MFP better myself having tried both.

    I feel that tracking points is fairly easy, however, you do have to learn to convert the macros of a given food to points and that can be challenging to some people.

    While technically there is a way to do WW for free, it does take of extra work to do so. For 1, the app to track your points and look up food is not free. And you have to have a second app to scan bar codes (at least at one point you did, not sure if they integrated it yet.). If you need to re-adjust your points when your weight changes, then you have to go to some third party site that is not a WW approved site to figure out your new points. All in all, a few hoops to jump through, but not too bad if you are adept at it.

    All things being equal, I like MFP better. I did lose more weight with MFP as well. I like the presentation of the website and the iphone app better as well. I also prefer the MFP community forums.

    Just try both and see what you like better.

    If you want to log a food on MFP you need to either search for it in the database or scan the barcode.
    THEN, you have to compare what comes up to what is actually on the label and I'd say about 9.9999 times out of 10, the information in the MFP database is wrong - and there are a million entries to choose from. Not only is that annoying and time consuming, but you can end up tracking the wrong numbers if you pick the wrong database food entry.

    With WW, you can enter the macros into a calculator to get your points value and always know - 100% of the time, that the points value you get is correct - nothing to worry about. Not only that, but now there are SO many Weight Watchers endorsed foods, that have the points value right on the label, so it literally requires NO calculating whatsoever - what is easier than that?

    I've never used the WW barcode app so I can't comment on that - or their database - I prefer to use a calculator.
    There are plenty of free calculators that don't require a WW e-tools membership to use them and they are just as accurate. I've been using the same one forever.

    The points are based on certain calculations, so when your weight changes, you can just do those calculations again to get your new points number. I had to do that when I was a paying member of WW anyway - they didn't always tell me when to reduce my points - and it important to know how to do that anyway.

    Finally, there is a tool/script that you can install into certain Internet browsers, so you can track your WW points in your MFP food diary. I have found this extremely helpful and easy - so I can track my calories and macros as well as my points all on one screen. Many people aren't aware of this. Here is the link to the thread with more information:

    I guess I'm confused why you're finding it so necessary and frustrating (to you) to 'educate' people on WW? Why are you HERE if WW is so wonderful? it works for some, not for others... it works for you so why are you doubling up?
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I used weight watchers and it definitely works well and you will lose weight. But there are subtle differences with MFP and I tend to like MFP better myself having tried both.

    I feel that tracking points is fairly easy, however, you do have to learn to convert the macros of a given food to points and that can be challenging to some people.

    While technically there is a way to do WW for free, it does take of extra work to do so. For 1, the app to track your points and look up food is not free. And you have to have a second app to scan bar codes (at least at one point you did, not sure if they integrated it yet.). If you need to re-adjust your points when your weight changes, then you have to go to some third party site that is not a WW approved site to figure out your new points. All in all, a few hoops to jump through, but not too bad if you are adept at it.

    All things being equal, I like MFP better. I did lose more weight with MFP as well. I like the presentation of the website and the iphone app better as well. I also prefer the MFP community forums.

    Just try both and see what you like better.

    If you want to log a food on MFP you need to either search for it in the database or scan the barcode.
    THEN, you have to compare what comes up to what is actually on the label and I'd say about 9.9999 times out of 10, the information in the MFP database is wrong - and there are a million entries to choose from. Not only is that annoying and time consuming, but you can end up tracking the wrong numbers if you pick the wrong database food entry.

    With WW, you can enter the macros into a calculator to get your points value and always know - 100% of the time, that the points value you get is correct - nothing to worry about. Not only that, but now there are SO many Weight Watchers endorsed foods, that have the points value right on the label, so it literally requires NO calculating whatsoever - what is easier than that?

    I've never used the WW barcode app so I can't comment on that - or their database - I prefer to use a calculator.
    There are plenty of free calculators that don't require a WW e-tools membership to use them and they are just as accurate. I've been using the same one forever.

    The points are based on certain calculations, so when your weight changes, you can just do those calculations again to get your new points number. I had to do that when I was a paying member of WW anyway - they didn't always tell me when to reduce my points - and it important to know how to do that anyway.

    Finally, there is a tool/script that you can install into certain Internet browsers, so you can track your WW points in your MFP food diary. I have found this extremely helpful and easy - so I can track my calories and macros as well as my points all on one screen. Many people aren't aware of this. Here is the link to the thread with more information:

    Which calculator are you using? I still have my old school cardboard one before they came up with pointsplus "new" system (and an electronic one). I lost 150lbs with it without going to meetings and I love and agree everything you've said about WW. No, you don't "go off it", you just stop eating healthy and like you should be. But people seem to think this for some reason it's just something you do once you get to goal weight.....why would you want to go back to eating crap you did before? idk

    No i'm not angelic at my tracking and food choices, but I find WW way easier to track and stick with becasue I don't have to track most vegetables and I've been using the method long enough to be able to eyeball a calorie/fat/fiber combo and know how many points it is for the most part. Looking up each component in the MFP database is meh - but I like the message boards here and the specialty groups.

    Thanks for your responses here cindy!

    Hi! I use this calculator, it has both old and new points:

    I did WW 10 years ago and lost over 70 lbs and maintained that loss for about 2 1/2 yrs. Eventually I gained the weight back plus more, but I never once blamed Weight Watchers for not working. I know exactly why I gained the weight back - because i started eating bad food like fast food all the time, never cooking for myself, over eating, etc. Did I "go off" Weight Watchers? No. I stopped eating right, period. Once I had hit my goal and maintained for so long, I wasn't counting points anymore. I had learned what I needed to eat to maintain that weight loss and when I stopped trying to do that, I gained the weight back. It had absolutely nothing to do with the effectiveness of the program.

    If you haven't checked it out yet, definitely look at the thread I posted the link for above. I think you'll really like the points tool in MFP.
  • erin4455
    erin4455 Posts: 135
    I say it's a bargain if it works for you.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I used weight watchers and it definitely works well and you will lose weight. But there are subtle differences with MFP and I tend to like MFP better myself having tried both.

    I feel that tracking points is fairly easy, however, you do have to learn to convert the macros of a given food to points and that can be challenging to some people.

    While technically there is a way to do WW for free, it does take of extra work to do so. For 1, the app to track your points and look up food is not free. And you have to have a second app to scan bar codes (at least at one point you did, not sure if they integrated it yet.). If you need to re-adjust your points when your weight changes, then you have to go to some third party site that is not a WW approved site to figure out your new points. All in all, a few hoops to jump through, but not too bad if you are adept at it.

    All things being equal, I like MFP better. I did lose more weight with MFP as well. I like the presentation of the website and the iphone app better as well. I also prefer the MFP community forums.

    Just try both and see what you like better.

    If you want to log a food on MFP you need to either search for it in the database or scan the barcode.
    THEN, you have to compare what comes up to what is actually on the label and I'd say about 9.9999 times out of 10, the information in the MFP database is wrong - and there are a million entries to choose from. Not only is that annoying and time consuming, but you can end up tracking the wrong numbers if you pick the wrong database food entry.

    With WW, you can enter the macros into a calculator to get your points value and always know - 100% of the time, that the points value you get is correct - nothing to worry about. Not only that, but now there are SO many Weight Watchers endorsed foods, that have the points value right on the label, so it literally requires NO calculating whatsoever - what is easier than that?

    I've never used the WW barcode app so I can't comment on that - or their database - I prefer to use a calculator.
    There are plenty of free calculators that don't require a WW e-tools membership to use them and they are just as accurate. I've been using the same one forever.

    The points are based on certain calculations, so when your weight changes, you can just do those calculations again to get your new points number. I had to do that when I was a paying member of WW anyway - they didn't always tell me when to reduce my points - and it important to know how to do that anyway.

    Finally, there is a tool/script that you can install into certain Internet browsers, so you can track your WW points in your MFP food diary. I have found this extremely helpful and easy - so I can track my calories and macros as well as my points all on one screen. Many people aren't aware of this. Here is the link to the thread with more information:

    I guess I'm confused why you're finding it so necessary and frustrating (to you) to 'educate' people on WW? Why are you HERE if WW is so wonderful? it works for some, not for others... it works for you so why are you doubling up?

    It is just frustrating because of the misinformation that so many people have. It is just a program that I feel very strongly about and I like to at least try to educate people on it when they are misinformed. It gets a bad rep sometimes on here, for no reason, and that bugs me.

    I am HERE because I wanted a place to see all of my macros for free and still use the points system at the same time.
    I still count points, not calories but I do like to see how many calories I am eating as well as my other macros.

    If the program is followed correctly, it will work the same as MFP works. It is a method of reducing your calories to lose weight. That works, period. If it doesn't work for some people - then they did something wrong.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I used weight watchers and it definitely works well and you will lose weight. But there are subtle differences with MFP and I tend to like MFP better myself having tried both.

    I feel that tracking points is fairly easy, however, you do have to learn to convert the macros of a given food to points and that can be challenging to some people.

    While technically there is a way to do WW for free, it does take of extra work to do so. For 1, the app to track your points and look up food is not free. And you have to have a second app to scan bar codes (at least at one point you did, not sure if they integrated it yet.). If you need to re-adjust your points when your weight changes, then you have to go to some third party site that is not a WW approved site to figure out your new points. All in all, a few hoops to jump through, but not too bad if you are adept at it.

    All things being equal, I like MFP better. I did lose more weight with MFP as well. I like the presentation of the website and the iphone app better as well. I also prefer the MFP community forums.

    Just try both and see what you like better.

    If you want to log a food on MFP you need to either search for it in the database or scan the barcode.
    THEN, you have to compare what comes up to what is actually on the label and I'd say about 9.9999 times out of 10, the information in the MFP database is wrong - and there are a million entries to choose from. Not only is that annoying and time consuming, but you can end up tracking the wrong numbers if you pick the wrong database food entry.

    With WW, you can enter the macros into a calculator to get your points value and always know - 100% of the time, that the points value you get is correct - nothing to worry about. Not only that, but now there are SO many Weight Watchers endorsed foods, that have the points value right on the label, so it literally requires NO calculating whatsoever - what is easier than that?

    I've never used the WW barcode app so I can't comment on that - or their database - I prefer to use a calculator.
    There are plenty of free calculators that don't require a WW e-tools membership to use them and they are just as accurate. I've been using the same one forever.

    The points are based on certain calculations, so when your weight changes, you can just do those calculations again to get your new points number. I had to do that when I was a paying member of WW anyway - they didn't always tell me when to reduce my points - and it important to know how to do that anyway.

    Finally, there is a tool/script that you can install into certain Internet browsers, so you can track your WW points in your MFP food diary. I have found this extremely helpful and easy - so I can track my calories and macros as well as my points all on one screen. Many people aren't aware of this. Here is the link to the thread with more information:

    I guess I'm confused why you're finding it so necessary and frustrating (to you) to 'educate' people on WW? Why are you HERE if WW is so wonderful? it works for some, not for others... it works for you so why are you doubling up?

    It is just frustrating because of the misinformation that so many people have. It is just a program that I feel very strongly about and I like to at least try to educate people on it when they are misinformed. It gets a bad rep sometimes on here, for no reason, and that bugs me.

    I am HERE because I wanted a place to see all of my macros for free and still use the points system at the same time.
    I still count points, not calories but I do like to see how many calories I am eating as well as my other macros.

    If the program is followed correctly, it will work the same as MFP works. It is a method of reducing your calories to lose weight. That works, period. If it doesn't work for some people - then they did something wrong.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    I did it on and off for years, you don't need to pay for it - i just figured out how to calculate points on my own and bought the handbook (this was years ago, now everything is online & readily available). So far MFP is better for me because I think it works better for my body (I'm eating less calories on MFP)
  • I found the group meeting to be great but the tracking points was tedious. I really love this site. I am not as frustrated and it has been very helpful in how it helps me keep track of my foods.
  • I have done MFP and weight watchers. I really like WW for the meetings because the support is great. I also really like MFP as a tool for managing the diet.
  • Well...guess I'll throw in my 2 cents worth. The first 80 pounds I lost, I lost doing WW at home under their old point system, I also exercised, but loved, loved, loved WW, I just couldn't afford to go to their meetings, so I went to TOPS instead. TOPS gave me the support I needed, also being weighed each week and the contests, incentives and other stuff TOPS offers to support you in your weight loss journey. Then I kinda fell off counting the points, but I did not gain my weight back. Then WW came out with the new points plus program, I had to check it out.....so I went to a meeting and joined, but they were sold out of the calculators and they said you can only count points with the calculator under the new PP, unlike using the cardboard slider with the old points system. Plus I had to buy the book, they gave me NOTHING, I had to buy everything to figure the points.....books, calculator, etc., no problem, I did that. Here in Michigan where I went to meetings, you had to pay $12 a week, no matter if you went or not....so I did that, but I didn't care for the new PP and after 8 weeks and $200.00 plus dollars later, I had lost nothing, not their fault...my own fault not getting with the program totally, in other words, I just wasn't mentally ready. Unfortunately to two different meeting places I attended, were not supportive at all, the Leaders had their favorites and had no time for anyone else, so needless to say, I got absolutely no support. The people weighing me in were rude, didn't smile, didn't say a word....again, no support, so I quit going. But once again, I'm not blaming WW, my own fault, because if it is to be, it is up to me. I think WW was much better with their old plan, but the problem is they want you to buy all their stuff. I'm sure not all meeting places are like the ones I attended and I'm sure some offer some great support, the only downfall in my opinion about WW is how expensive it is. But no matter what anyone has to say, you have to do what works for you and what works for some won't work for others, so I would say....try it, if it works for you, do it. If you really can't afford it, maybe try doing it at home first, if you go on ebay you can buy the calculator and books, or join for a few weeks...whatever works for you. TOPS is only $28 a year, plus a monthly fee, which depends on the meeting you go to, I pay $7.00 a month, you can earn money, charms and prizes for weight loss......I will say this though, you have to find a good supportive club, some clubs are just women getting out of the house for the evening. TOPS.org is their website if you want to check it out. WW works and its great, I don't mean to say anything bad, just telling my story and I did lose 80 pounds on WW, but last year I lost 50 pounds using MFP, so it works as well....but it all boils down to you doing the work, more calories out than in, nothing is going to make you do it. No matter the price, if it works for you, that is all that is important, you can't put a price tag on your life. Ok....my novel is done....good luck in whatever you choose.

  • Ok, sorry, that was more like $2.00 worth...LOL...sorry for such a long post above.

  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    While technically there is a way to do WW for free, it does take of extra work to do so. For 1, the app to track your points and look up food is not free. And you have to have a second app to scan bar codes (at least at one point you did, not sure if they integrated it yet.).

    It really isn't much extra work - you don't need these apps, I started WW pre-smart phones and did the math in my head, everything is labeled with nutritional info and you can look up restaurant info and calculate those points. I have no idea what this bar code app is for, and there are tons of sites with points already calculated for a lot of foods. Or you can just figure it out yourself, 1point = 50 calories or 12 grams of fat, and you subtract a point for 5g of fiber. I still do this subconsciously when I look at NI.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Well...guess I'll throw in my 2 cents worth. The first 80 pounds I lost, I lost doing WW at home under their old point system, I also exercised, but loved, loved, loved WW, I just couldn't afford to go to their meetings, so I went to TOPS instead. TOPS gave me the support I needed, also being weighed each week and the contests, incentives and other stuff TOPS offers to support you in your weight loss journey. Then I kinda fell off counting the points, but I did not gain my weight back. Then WW came out with the new points plus program, I had to check it out.....so I went to a meeting and joined, but they were sold out of the calculators and they said you can only count points with the calculator under the new PP, unlike using the cardboard slider with the old points system. Plus I had to buy the book, they gave me NOTHING, I had to buy everything to figure the points.....books, calculator, etc., no problem, I did that. Here in Michigan where I went to meetings, you had to pay $12 a week, no matter if you went or not....so I did that, but I didn't care for the new PP and after 8 weeks and $200.00 plus dollars later, I had lost nothing, not their fault...my own fault not getting with the program totally, in other words, I just wasn't mentally ready. Unfortunately to two different meeting places I attended, were not supportive at all, the Leaders had their favorites and had no time for anyone else, so needless to say, I got absolutely no support. The people weighing me in were rude, didn't smile, didn't say a word....again, no support, so I quit going. But once again, I'm not blaming WW, my own fault, because if it is to be, it is up to me. I think WW was much better with their old plan, but the problem is they want you to buy all their stuff. I'm sure not all meeting places are like the ones I attended and I'm sure some offer some great support, the only downfall in my opinion about WW is how expensive it is. But no matter what anyone has to say, you have to do what works for you and what works for some won't work for others, so I would say....try it, if it works for you, do it. If you really can't afford it, maybe try doing it at home first, if you go on ebay you can buy the calculator and books, or join for a few weeks...whatever works for you. TOPS is only $28 a year, plus a monthly fee, which depends on the meeting you go to, I pay $7.00 a month, you can earn money, charms and prizes for weight loss......I will say this though, you have to find a good supportive club, some clubs are just women getting out of the house for the evening. TOPS.org is their website if you want to check it out. WW works and its great, I don't mean to say anything bad, just telling my story and I did lose 80 pounds on WW, but last year I lost 50 pounds using MFP, so it works as well....but it all boils down to you doing the work, more calories out than in, nothing is going to make you do it. No matter the price, if it works for you, that is all that is important, you can't put a price tag on your life. Ok....my novel is done....good luck in whatever you choose.


    Just wanted to make a quick point.. I am not sure if it was just an issue with the location where you joined, but when I went back last year (after not going for like 5 year), they gave me all of the membership stuff again which included a huge book of foods with their points value plus literally a TON Of other reading material in one huge package. If you need to calculate points for foods that aren't in that book, you can use any one of the million free apps online, or for your smart phone, which will do that for you. You don't need to buy a points calculator from Weight Watchers to calculate points plus.
    And once you have those materials, you never have to go to a meeting again or pay another dime if you don't want to. they give you the tools and it is up to you to make it work. If you need the accountability of getting weighed in there and attending meetings, then that is your choice - and pay the cash to do so.

    Out of all of the weight loss programs out there that charge something, I think WW is probably one of those most affordable ones. Think about it - Nutrisystem for example requires you to buy ALL of their foods - and they are very expensive. (besides that, it doesn't teach you how to eat properly whatsoever).

    When you reach different goals, WW does give you tokens - such as a keychain, pins, etc. If you attend the weekly meetings or get weighed in there, the give you a weekly pamphlet that covers different topics and teaches you new ways to make the program work for you. They do have a TON of other books and materials available for purchase, which can all be very helpful, but absolutely not necessary.
  • savingsunday
    savingsunday Posts: 148 Member
    Plus I had to buy the book, they gave me NOTHING, I had to buy everything to figure the points.....books, calculator, etc., no problem, I did that. Here in Michigan where I went to meetings, you had to pay $12 a week, no matter if you went or not.

    Just wanted to make a quick point.. I am not sure if it was just an issue with the location where you joined, but when I went back last year (after not going for like 5 year), they gave me all of the membership stuff again which included a huge book of foods with their points value plus literally a TON Of other reading material in one huge package. If you need to calculate points for foods that aren't in that book, you can use any one of the million free apps online, or for your smart phone, which will do that for you. You don't need to buy a points calculator from Weight Watchers to calculate points plus.
    And once you have those materials, you never have to go to a meeting again or pay another dime if you don't want to. they give you the tools and it is up to you to make it work. If you need the accountability of getting weighed in there and attending meetings, then that is your choice - and pay the cash to do so.

    You must have a generous group! When I did WW you also had to buy EVERYTHING (cookbooks, calculators, the food books, etc) if you wanted it, with the exception of the weekly mini magazine of course. And you had to pay for your weekly meeting even if you missed it!

    Again, I'm not knocking WW because it does work. I just found it too expensive (again, I'm the type where attending meetings very beneficial). I did try just online and didn't do well. Also found it a bit trying to keep track when I didn't have the app, which you couldn't use if you weren't actually a member.

    It all truly comes down to personal preference. Like I said earlier, each person has to find what works for them. If you're ultimate goal is to lose weight it has to be a lifestyle change, whether your preference is MFP or WW for tracking.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I used weight watchers and it definitely works well and you will lose weight. But there are subtle differences with MFP and I tend to like MFP better myself having tried both.

    I feel that tracking points is fairly easy, however, you do have to learn to convert the macros of a given food to points and that can be challenging to some people.

    While technically there is a way to do WW for free, it does take of extra work to do so. For 1, the app to track your points and look up food is not free. And you have to have a second app to scan bar codes (at least at one point you did, not sure if they integrated it yet.). If you need to re-adjust your points when your weight changes, then you have to go to some third party site that is not a WW approved site to figure out your new points. All in all, a few hoops to jump through, but not too bad if you are adept at it.

    All things being equal, I like MFP better. I did lose more weight with MFP as well. I like the presentation of the website and the iphone app better as well. I also prefer the MFP community forums.

    Just try both and see what you like better.

    If you want to log a food on MFP you need to either search for it in the database or scan the barcode.
    THEN, you have to compare what comes up to what is actually on the label and I'd say about 9.9999 times out of 10, the information in the MFP database is wrong - and there are a million entries to choose from. Not only is that annoying and time consuming, but you can end up tracking the wrong numbers if you pick the wrong database food entry.

    With WW, you can enter the macros into a calculator to get your points value and always know - 100% of the time, that the points value you get is correct - nothing to worry about. Not only that, but now there are SO many Weight Watchers endorsed foods, that have the points value right on the label, so it literally requires NO calculating whatsoever - what is easier than that?

    I've never used the WW barcode app so I can't comment on that - or their database - I prefer to use a calculator.
    There are plenty of free calculators that don't require a WW e-tools membership to use them and they are just as accurate. I've been using the same one forever.

    The points are based on certain calculations, so when your weight changes, you can just do those calculations again to get your new points number. I had to do that when I was a paying member of WW anyway - they didn't always tell me when to reduce my points - and it important to know how to do that anyway.

    Finally, there is a tool/script that you can install into certain Internet browsers, so you can track your WW points in your MFP food diary. I have found this extremely helpful and easy - so I can track my calories and macros as well as my points all on one screen. Many people aren't aware of this. Here is the link to the thread with more information:

    I guess I'm confused why you're finding it so necessary and frustrating (to you) to 'educate' people on WW? Why are you HERE if WW is so wonderful? it works for some, not for others... it works for you so why are you doubling up?
    Because you still have to keep track of what you put into your mouth and this is a simple way to do that. WW is a guide line and so is MFP, they are tools and complement each other.
  • Benphi91
    Benphi91 Posts: 31 Member
    There is far too much text in this thread.

    Don't waste your money on anything that isn't food or tea.