New to this site and looking for friends and supporters

My name is Amanda and I am new to this site. I joined along time ago and then forgot all about it and a friend of mine told me to get on and try it. I love it so far! I have been working towards my weight lose for about 6 weeks now and I'm down 20 pounds and I am determined that I am going to do this! So far I am staying under my calorie goal each day and most days I eat pretty well but every now and then I just need some chocolate or something else that I just have been craving. I've been doing pretty good about still keeping it under my calories when I do splurge but I always feel like I'm cheating. lol I have been doing anywhere from 10-30 minutes or strength exercise each day and about 20-40 minutes on a stationary bike. I would love to get everyone's input on what I could be doing to get better results. I'm pretty new to this whole thing and I am just trying to go off of what I think is common sense but I could be so far off and not even know it. I am down from 315 lbs to 295 lbs! I was so happy to see the numbers under 300! I basically just cut out pop and snacking on junk food and I make sure that I eat 3 meals a day (I hardly ever ate breakfast before) and I usually have a snack (100 calories or less) in between lunch and dinner. I honestly don't have a weight lose goal in mind I put on my page 160 because that is what I used to weigh when I was happy with how I looked but I really don't care what the scale says as long as I feel good and I would really like to shop in a normal clothing store and not have to shop in only plus size stores. If you have any advice for me please let me know!


  • ahanshew7
    ahanshew7 Posts: 26 Member
  • ChrisinGA
    ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
    Keep at it, I just started taking weight loss serious, me and my feonce both trying to loose weight I like to loose about 25 she wants to loose around 80 or more.
    we just got a treadmill and been using it 30 minutes a day. and were trying to stay under our calories, so far its kinda hard for me cause I am used to just eating whatever w/o thinking about the calories.

    Good luck
  • Polskastar
    Amanda, great job so far, all you have to remember is "to stick with it!"
    Easiest thing to say, really hard to do! Trust me I know, dont know if you're religious or not, but a
    prayer always helped me stay on the path.
    All the best and keep going.
  • bobbi_97
    Add me if you want, I just started thursday 2-7-13 :flowerforyou:
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    You are doing great. This will be a life's journey and a journey to better health. Just being on here and tracking is a big step in the right direction. I don't have all the answers, but I would be happy to be an encourager for you. Feel free to add me as your friend.
  • VickiDiane22
    VickiDiane22 Posts: 118 Member
    I just started Jan 31 on Dr. orders and was skeptical but it has been great so far lots friends to support and inspire
    I'm 63 Have Type 2 diabetes have had to totally change my lifestyle but I have lost 7 lbs so far and am making better choices
    I love dogs and needlework projects just recently retired due to health issues I love this sight need to get my son on it
    This sight is so much better than the Weight Watchers site I tried. Exercise is my biggest problem but working on it too
    add me
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Wish you luck in your journey! I have been on mfp for about 9 months but working on my weight loss for about 4 years. I have had a lot better success since joing MFP. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    Feel free to add me. Would love to offer support (and could use the support as well)! You live somewhere I have always wanted to visit since seeing Kindergarten Cop!
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Welcome! I've been here since Feb 17th last year. It's hard to believe it's been almost a year! I love it. There is so many nice people here. I've lost 60 lbs and still have 40 to reach my first goal. I'll see what I ffel ike then and will probably go set my goal for another 15 lbs. I have my diary open to my friends. Feel free to add me
  • AmandaLynn101103
    AmandaLynn101103 Posts: 20 Member
    You're welcome to add me, I have been on the look out for some new friends on here as well. Ive been off and on for some time now but the last 3 weeks have gone really well for me. I hope to keep on track and I know that the support from others on here has really helped keep me on track.
  • ahanshew7
    ahanshew7 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you all for all of your support!