My Story - Looking for motivation and friends

I struggled with my weight all through childhood and finally got things under control in college and for a few years after. I moved to the boonies for my first year of law school and that's when my weight really spiraled out of control. I gained at least 40 pounds that year. I finished my first year, learned that I had gotten into top tier schools that were not in the boonies, and got ready to transfer to school in DC. That summer, I managed to lose at least half of the weight I had gained. I finished up law school in DC and eventually got back to the weight I had maintained in college. Then came the bar exam. The pounds slowly crept back on as I studied and stressed over the exam. More pounds crept on as I searched for a job where I could utilize this degree that now seems like a hindrance. Even more pounds piled on when I learned I had failed the bar exam. Now I'm getting ready to take the bar exam for a second time (in two weeks) and I'm back at that scary weight I was at my first year of law school.

I'm hoping the amazing MFP community can help and support me in this journey to get back to a healthy weight (and pass the bar exam, and become employed as an attorney). Please add me as a friend!!

One more note - does anyone else hate the mirror in workout classes? I was at Zumba today, and while I love the class, I was completely disgusted seeing all my jiggle in the mirror!


  • aquaventure
    keep plugging away with the rest of us here and you will find your way. I also hate those mirrors, especially on my side view.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    I wish you the best on your bar exam. Hopefully by this time next year you'll have the job you want and well on your way to establishing healthy food and exercise habits. You can do it because look at the success stories here on the forum. Lots of people of all ages and sizes have followed the program and succeeded.

    I suggest you find a more positive way to describe the self you see in that mirror at Zumba. So you what? I don't see it as disgusting at all. You are there doing something about ridding your body of your excess fat cells. Applaud that in what ever way suits you.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. We will do this together! Oh yeah - I am not very fond of those mirror things either!
  • wenikikini
    wenikikini Posts: 36 Member
    Thats awesome that've you've come so far in school. NO your degree is not a hinderance. WE NEED GOOD HONEST ATTORNEYS!!! Please feel free to add me too. I'm struggling with some of my own issues.. mostly old freinds who after I lost 30lbs pounds put 40 more back on me... sigh! Please don't stress yourself out over your exams. Stress doesn't help you pass. :) Go at it like Reese Witherspoon did in legally blonde. "What like it's hard?". *(I used to work for attorneys and I know different.. but it helps to have a happy go lucky attitude about it!)*
  • Palak1020
    Palak1020 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks everyone, for all of the words of encouragement!
  • elena0559
    elena0559 Posts: 29 Member
    Keep at it, youve lost the weight before and Im sure you have learned a thing or two of what works fo you.
    Good luck on your exam. :smile:
  • Mbrowne55
    Mbrowne55 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi There,

    I just read your Motivation post and joined the Spring Slimdown Challenge group earlier - as I am just getting back to dealing with my own weight loss/fitness issues after months (years?) of self-neglect . Thanks for coming up with the Challenge idea! I think the group motivation is much better than any of us trying to go it alone.

    Your story is very interesting....your weight seems to fluxuate with the stressors in your life, as does mine! I have gained and lost the same 20-30 lbs ten times at least! It usually depends on my personal life situation, work pressures, family issues.....

    It is so tough to prevent those pounds from coming back when food provides a comfort when times are tough.

    I wish you great success on your bar exam! Maybe the knowledge that you have a group of "Challengers" behind you will help!

  • Lollops
    Lollops Posts: 85 Member
    Feel free to add me! I try to be supportive as much as possible! =] <3
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    I just finished graduate school in December, after four years of part-time study and a full-time job. I gained a lot of weight on top of a lot of weight during this time. Reading your story sounds so familiar.

    Now that I've finished school, I decided 2013 was the year for me and my health. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'll be happy to have you as an MFP buddy!

  • Peanutbutterx
    Hey, dont be so hard on yourself! Every person (especially girls/women) go through this with their weight up and down.. you should be really proud of yourself and all of your accomplishments! You sound like a very smart, nice person and i'm sure you will be successful at loosing weight and all of your other endeavors. You sound really motivated and I think your going to do great! Stay healthy and focused, God bless :)