lost 40 lbs, scared of gaining it back

I lost 40 lbs two years ago, I have gained back 10 over the last 3 months, xmas and all. I want to get this 10 lbs off before it gets out of control, I feel like my body wants to go back and gain all the weight back. I am thinking of trying some slim fit bars and protein shakes, never tried them before but need something to fill me up. Any advice is appreciated.


  • Sakura_Tree
    Sakura_Tree Posts: 142 Member
    Eat healthy yet filling food such a chicken or rice and lots of veggies. stay away from junk food. eat a 300-400 calories less than your daily calorie needs and you should lose the 10 pounds within 10 weeks( thats without exercise) you gained back over holidays.
  • tnb4ever08
    dont sweat over it...stress helps put on the pounds too! Just take it one day at a time, one meal snack at a time! if your a planner planning it out helps me! my new favorite treat sugar snap peas with hummus! delish and very filling for a quick low cal snack!
    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    Eat more veggies.
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    How did you lose the 40 lbs in the first place? Do that.

    Fake foods like bars and shakes will only make your wallet thinner.