Weight Loss Advice

Hey Everyone,

I am new to MFP and I am really trying to lose weight. I am one of those college students that gained the freshman fifteen when I really didn't need to. Does anyone have any good tips on how to lose weight with limited food choices? I go to the rec center about 4 to 5 times a week and it doesn't seem like I am losing any weight. Thanks!


  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    What food venues to you have available to you?? What kind of set up do you have in your dorm room? Fridge? microwave? Basic advice....don't be going for the high fat, high calorie junk like pizza, fries and burgers. If there is a salad bar incorporate more salads...soup and salad, hamburger no bun and salad, or even 1 slice of pizza and a big salad.

    Can you get to the grocery store? Danon light and fit and yoplait both have good light greek yogurt for snacks. String cheese, nuts, but don't go overboard, they are higher in calories but good for you and have protein to keep you fuller longer and fruit.

    Start off slowly. Adjust your serving sizes and get some exercise. You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight and in fact can hinder weight loss if you aren't eating enough. By controlling portion size and eating higher fat foods and empty calorie foods like soda less often along with activity you will lose weight. I don't sacrifice anything. I still eat chocolate, soda, etc but so much less often and usually more as a treat when I have the extra calories. My dairy is open if you want to get any ideas. Good luck!
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member

    I'm a student as well so can relate. If you want to have a peek at my diary feel free to add me as a friend :) I find eating a fresh fish fillet (cooked with no oil of course) as well as having a protein filled breakfast is really good for me! lots of veggies! I had a horrible weekend though and gave in to pizza... at least it was gourmet, but left me feeling guilty.

    No chips. Nothing fried. No soft drinks. Limited chocolate/fruit (so hard :( )...
    In fact, I rarely eat bread as well, try to fill up on veggies instead :)

    Good luck!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Maybe for this first week or two, just eat as you have been but make sure to log everything and study the nutrition contents. Then play around with making other food choices and looking at the nutritional results of those choices. Obviously fresh food would be best, but you have to work with what you have available.

    Or actually, better yet...a lot of restaurants are in the database here. Look up some of your usualy spots and see the nutrient contents of various options. Get to know what the best choices are.
  • angelsb0nes
    angelsb0nes Posts: 17 Member
    Idk how things are set up at your school (meal plans, dining halls, what food you have in your dorm, etc.), but here's what I've been doing at my school and I've lost ten pounds since the middle of Jan.

    I workout in my room 3-5 days a week with my friend in the morning. I've heard working out in the morning on an empty stomach is the best time to burn fat. We just look up zumba/cardio workouts on youtube. I also do a lot of like strength/pilates stuff on a yoga matt in my room. Tumblr and Blogilates has SO MANY really useful workouts and stuff. Haven't gone to the gym yet, but hopefully will start going a couple days a week. Just try to find any extra time in your schedule to do any workouts. If you dorm maybe you could workout with your roommate.
    As far as breakfast goes it usually doesn't fit in with my schedule, which is really bad. I take fruit from the dining hall and keep it in my fridge to eat before my morning class sometimes. If you have a buffet style kind of dining hall see if there's fruit and just take it to your room lol. My friend and I are also getting a blender from her parents that they don't use. If you can get a small blender from home you could make smoothies in your room with fruit and I guess get yogurt?
    As far as eating goes, I'm a vegetarian so for lunch I usually eat veggie sushi or egg salad. And at the dining hall there's a salad bar with tofu and and omelete bar so I have egg whites with veggies or I get a bean burrito made. I'm almost always under my calorie goal which may be bad. Idk how dining is at your school, but just try to stick to lean meat like chicken and fish and things with vegetables I guess. What got me last semester was all the different pasta, pizza, and (mostly) delicious desserts always out in the open. It's mostly learning to not over indulge. Putting all your food and stuff on here has really helped a lot.

    Idk if this helped at all, but I hope it did.