Figured I'd crawl out of my little hole and post something

So yeah, I've been perusing the forums for a bit and decided why not I'll finally post something though I am dreadfully loathe to do so (seriously, public speaking and to a lesser extent new situations *cough posting on what's essentially a weight loss/ fitness forum cough* are not exactly my cup of tea ). Basically I started this a while ago and lost track of everything (major life change and blah blah blah I could make excuses but that doesn't really help now does it) and decided its certainly time for perhaps a change so once again I've returned with a (hopeful >.>) vengeance. I'm an almost 30 year old guy who has always been, to put it delicately, "fluffy" as far as I can remember. I've not had all that much in the way of self confidence and what not so anything I've tried usually failed in about a month (again, my fault, not making any excuses because that's quasi pointless). Anyway, I need to do something, if not for my future help, my own outlook on life, then certainly because dang it I'm tired of shopping big and tall (Seriously, have you ever seen the inside of those stores the selection is kinda dreadful its either business, business casual, or full on I'm putting on this t-shirt because I obviously don't care). Anyway I figured I'd post something since I've been casual glancing at the look how much I've lost threads and may be more motivated then ever to try to lose as much as possible and figured I'd say hello since I'm in your forums... reading your posts mucking about the place (yes I'm a bit of a nerd if you haven't caught the references).

Soooo yeah, umm hi =).


  • sreynolds1313
    Hello!!! I am new to MFP! My names Samantha and its nice to meet you! I am so not good at introductions but saw your post and thought I would say hello!
  • kimleroy
    kimleroy Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! Welcome! There's no day like today to finally start making the changes you've always been saying you would. Props to you for taking the first step! Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
  • TraceysJourney
    TraceysJourney Posts: 27 Member
    lol i have done the same thing and i have replied to a few posts, but never posted or introduced myself . Hiiiii :)
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Welcome to the bright light of MFP!
  • misslaurie75
    misslaurie75 Posts: 15 Member
    Nice to meet you! I am a bit of a nerd, myself so we'll get along just fine! Now that you mention it, I don't think I ever made an intro post, either!! :)
  • Erodahs
    Erodahs Posts: 24 Member
    @Judding waaaait a minute bright light? As I said, I'm a nerd, we shun such things =) Kinda like an overly photosensitive Jedi if you think about it... maybe thats why they always have those robes on.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    @Judding waaaait a minute bright light? As I said, I'm a nerd, we shun such things =) Kinda like an overly photosensitive Jedi if you think about it... maybe thats why they always have those robes on.

    Don't blame me - you're the one who crawled out of your hole... :)
  • pattypureheart
    pattypureheart Posts: 44 Member
    Yes, perusing... me too. Just joined mfp on saturday and am limping along, but these success testimonies are such an encouragement... been there/ done that and know I can and will again. You can too and you will if you just keep doing whatever you can... limping, crawling, whatever it takes. At some point it will click in and we too will have a success story to tell. Time to get mad and move out of the jedi robes. Best to you as you grab hold of life by the kahunas! :smile:
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Do you feel better now. You made a healthy choice, put youself out there and that means that you are brave. Embrace healthy decisions.
  • Erodahs
    Erodahs Posts: 24 Member
    Better, perhaps a bit, more than slightly apprehensive, absolutely, but meh I figure if I at least introduce myself and then disappear there is a better chance I will get some help in the form of a random hey where are you. Hopefully I can get something started and change some of the past shenanigans but thanks =)