Is Low FODMAP & Lose Weight possible? - HELP!

On medical advice from my doctor I recently undertook a Low FODMAP elimination plan to establish the intolerances I have developed.
This has pretty much ruled me as Wheat Intolerant in addition to an existing Lactose Intolerance, plus I've cut out onion and stone fruit.

I've been watching my portion sizes and the apparent calorie counts of everything I've been eating, plus smashing it at the gym everyday - but alas I'm not losing any weight... I've actually gained weight in the last 2 weeks.

I'm looking for some advice from anyone else who is on a Low FODMAP dietary restriction and is successfully losing weight on what I could be eating and should be avoiding...

Thanks!! :)


  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    hi shonty, thanks for your post, as I just got back from my GP and told I need to go on to FODMAPS Id never heard of it. So a quick google search and found the info, the funny thing is I just lost all my weight and now trying maitenance, i lost my weight following south beach and in the last 2 weeks reintroduced all the old foods and bang I have constipation, bloating etc (yuck) so it looks like doc was right and I need to go back on south beach or the fodmaps as had no problem then. Anyway Id like to add you as a friend and get advice re the diet. As to you not losing could it be your doing too much exercise? I know sounds silly but when i push it hard i usually gain weight, and then after a while i start losing again, i allways gain doing the shred and then lose at the end. goodluck :)
  • Shonty
    Well hopefully we will both be able to find out some info from the MFP knowledge base!!
  • pandabratt1
    pandabratt1 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't have any experience with the diet you guys are discussing, but in the way of exercise, I just wanted to ask if you are tracking and losing inches during all your workouts? If so, then the reason you are gaining the weight is because muscle weighs more that fat, so you can gain lbs, but still lose inches and pant sizes. Just a thought, give it a few more weeks of working out before you get discouraged because it takes a while for the fitness and exercise to catch up. If you start now don't expect to see the results for maybe 2 to 6 weeks from now. It is just how it is. I always get discouraged at week 4, and then start losing BIG TIME once I get to week 6, but by then I have stopped eating as healthy, hence the yo-yo effect. If I were to stick with it for 20 weeks straight I'm sure I would barely recognize myself. Hope that helps a little. Good luck to both of you for learning about your dieting portion of your goals!!