Obsessed With the Scale

tkrall Posts: 109
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been on this site since January. I have lost 16 lbs and two pants sizes so far. I am totally excited with this! Don't get me wrong. But I check the scale every night and it hasn't moved in weeks!!!. I know it's not all about the scale, it's about measurements, ect. But the scale seems to call my name. And I can't help but get dissappointed everytime I check. So, why do I keep looking at it??? I find myself working harder everynight just to see the scale move. But when it doesn't I ask myself.... what the HELL am I doing wrong? The first 16 pounds came off easy, now it's like bees to honey. IT WON'T GO AWAY....


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    try testing in the morning, after a good bowel movement, in your underroos or naked. That's when you should be at the lightest.
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    I also weigh every day (in the morning, after potty, but before anything else). I am constantly disappointed as well and hate that I do it, but i am too afraid not to weigh and gain weight again.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    I think everyone goes thru this at least once. It will really help you if you don't do it every day... have 1 day a week, same time every week. I'd also recommend you do it in the morning, after using the restroom and before comsuming anything, including water. And yes, measurements do mean more. There have been times I've actually gained weight, but lost anywhere from 2-5 inches total body. Keep it up, great job and good luck!
  • Ariele
    Ariele Posts: 1
    try mixing up your work out and adding ten minutes! worked for me
  • tod4kids
    tod4kids Posts: 1
    I hear what you are saying.... I do the exact same thing, except first thing in the morning every day. I joined a gym, hired a trainer and have worked hard for 8 weeks. 13 pounds off and now stuck... But, I think what we both need to remember is the change in inches. I can wear clothes that I thought were going to Goodwill because they were too small. When I look in the mirror, I am happy... Pounds is one part of the equation. Inches make all the difference. Keep up the good work!!!!! It will happen
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I weigh pretty much ever morning before breakfast. There are some weeks that the number just won't move, and that's disappointing for me, but also motivating. I'm just that much happier when I see it go down again :D
  • TubOlard
    TubOlard Posts: 43 Member
    I agree with mamaturner. I did the same thing back at the end of last year when I started exercising and I dropped the first 12 to 15 pounds fast like I have this time. I have vowed to only check it once a week this time as it will drive you crazy. I too got discouraged an even quit. Now, I am back here with a new attitude and a solid goal. I am watching my calorie intake (trying to stay under 2000 each day) and exercising at least 45 minutes a day.

    I actually started my journey a week ago today and only signed up here a few days ago. Since last Tuesday I lost 11.5 pounds. I have not been on the scale since Sunday and will not again until next Sunday.

    Don't get discouraged. I have been there myself. I have chosen to make the commitment not only for me but for my family. I want to be around long enough to watch them have families on their own.

    Good luck!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Stop weighing yourself. You'll know you are making progress by the way your clothes fit and when you can feel your muscles becoming more obvious and toned.
  • themayes
    themayes Posts: 4
    I had my husband hide the scale. I have tried looking for it in the past but now I am to the point that I don't need it anymore. I can tell in my clothes whether or not I am gaining weight. You don't want or need the scale to control your emotions. It isn't worth it. Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Try weighing only 2X a month. Anything can affect the scale. Sometimes salt, TOM....really anything. Also, as you exercise more, you build muscles and tone up. Muscle weighs more than fat. Keep on keeping on! Mr. Scale will eventually surprise you. :wink:
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,387 Member
    Everyone is different. I have no problem weighing myself every day. I weigh in the morning for the lowest and most consistent weight. I know it goes up and I know it goes down, but you might miss and really nice low number if you don't weigh every day. I also look for patterns. I usually weigh the most on Monday morning and least on either Saturday or Sunday morning. The variations from day to day are just water weight so the important thing is to see the average daily weight go down. If you're a computer geek (like me) you could put the weights into a spreadsheet and having a moving seven day average.
  • savannah63
    savannah63 Posts: 15
    excellent advice Heather ...I think I will put my scales away for the week and just try on some clothes!!
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