Low Calorie smoothies?

Does anyone have a low cal smoothie recipe to start my day off for breakfast?


  • KellenaG
    KellenaG Posts: 13 Member
    Are you looking for green smoothie type recipes, or just regular fruit smoothies? If you're looking for some green smoothie recipes, here's one of my favorites:

    1 cup frozen mixed berries
    1 cup almond milk (you can choose to use regular milk if you wish, but I think almond milk makes it taste better.)
    1 cup chopped Kale
    1/2 cup chopped fresh raw spinach
    1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (optional)

    I use the protein powder simply because I barely eat meat, so I need to get my daily protein But if you get enough protein during the day, substitute the protein powder for a cap full of pure vanilla extract (it's also fewer calories this way). Also, if you don't want to use frozen fruit, you can use fresh fruit, and use half a cup of milk and a few ice cubes instead, if you still want your smoothie to be nice and cold.
  • mili5726
    mili5726 Posts: 116 Member
    I use a handful or two of spinach or kale or a mixture of both, 1 small banana and some strawberries and blueberries. I use water as my mixture. i am not sure on the calories but it can't be too high. It's not very filling for me though. I am pretty hungry about an hour later. I need to find ways to incoporate some protein in the smoothie.
  • mili5726
    mili5726 Posts: 116 Member
    I will have to try the protein powder. I am a little apprehensive because the last time I used whey protein, it caused my face to break out really bad.
  • Silly me bought a couple of the Yoplait smoothie makings when all you really need is the frozen fruit (generic will do), throw in some baby carrots (naturally sweet and you get your veggies in) and maybe a 1/2 cup skim/1 % milk - 1/2 cup juice will do too. Talk about low cal, that's about as low as you can get. Plan with it and experiment till you get it right :)
  • Reebee22
    Reebee22 Posts: 26 Member
    Check out www.incrediblesmoothies.com its amazing! :bigsmile:
  • KellenaG
    KellenaG Posts: 13 Member
    Here are some recipes I found for green smoothies that I'm going to try:
