Natural Sugars in fruit- help

natzkj Posts: 127 Member
what would people sugest is a good amount of fruit to eat each day? sometimes i find i can eat a good 5-6 pieces a day. But some people say that too much of the natural sugar is bad and some people say it is good and some people say not to count natural sugar.
what would people sugest is a good amount of fruit to eat each day?
I find if i fancy something sweet instead of chocolate or sweets, i have fruit.



  • Maximumresults
    you are doing fine
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    you are doing fine

    yup, shut this thread down before somebody says something silly to confuse you...
  • mcrubino
    You're doing great with fruit. I will say try to maintaing that momentum with vegetables as well.
  • natzkj
    natzkj Posts: 127 Member
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    Yes thats awesome. I would just keep an eye on how much sugar.. depends if the rest of your diet includes a lot or not.

    I have strawberries and a banana every day.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I personally keep it to 30g per day. However what I would say is... Is this working for you? Are you losing like you want to be? If so.. Keep on with what your doing. If it's not working then look at it! Simples! X
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    I'm a fruit-o-holic, and in my gut I know that eating fruit is fantastic. But, but...but....I recently gave up fruit while I'm trying to lose weight - I did it while re-examinging my diet/routine, and I thought it would be worth a try to see if it helped (someone had called fruit the candy of the vegetable world...which got me thinking) - and short story short - I think it has helped - but my theory is that it not for any other reason that it has helped to cut further calories (easily, because I mentally only eliminated an entire food group as opposed to tracking each sugar calorie). There might be something to the fruit sugar claims - I don't know, but I figure I can live w/o for a while until I reach my goal weight.

    bottom line - I think there is super truth to the bottom line way to lose weight: ie., calories in vs calories out. period. full stop. sugar and fat are easy ways to add excess calories per volume consumed, so they should be watched, but otherwise I see nothing wrong w/ them.

    Very old story - my uncle needed to drop weight to be able to qualify for an army exam...he filled a backpack full of plums and walked all day for weeks, eating only from the backpack. He dropped alot of weight. So....there are many ways to get there.
  • jivitasa
    jivitasa Posts: 150 Member
    you are doing fine

    yup, shut this thread down before somebody says something silly to confuse you...

    ^^Yes, prepare yourself for the responses.

    That being said, I do believe when I ate a lot of fruit it hindered my efforts when I got down to the last 10 pounds. By process of elimination in my diet it was the culprit. Now I just try to not go overboard. I started evening it out a bit with veggies to keep the sugar lower. I limit to 2-3 servings a day now, and hit goal. Everyone is different though, there is no blanket answer. Know your body, and if you are falling short of goal use the process of elimination to confirm what is holding you back. :smile:
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    All carbs get broken down into sugar, or to be more specific, glycogen. Fruit sugar is already 80% converted when we eat it so it does not take as long to become glycogen. Fruit is outstanding nutritionally, and the sugar in it is fast absorbing. It's great pre and post workout food. But we need to use the entry it provides relatively quickly. We all know what happens to energy we don't use, it gets stored. And not as sugar. Fruit is awesome, just be smart eating it :-)