Help! How do u say no to sweets?



  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    At first I think it just takes sheer willpower. You have to think about how many calories they have, and how that will fit into your plan. But honestly, after you don't eat them for a while, they lose a lot of their appeal. I do not crave sweets at all like i used to, and if I decide to eat some, they are never as good as I remember them being, so I usually have a small taste and then walk away. It is definitely a good idea to avoid having them in your house!
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    First I look at the sweets, and then I'm all like...


    ...and then I'm all like...


    ...and then sometimes it ends with...

    ...but mostly this happens...
  • mforsis
    Manufacturers mess with our heads. They know how responsive our salt and sugar taste buds are so they pack sweets with salt and sugar to make us want more. I have just learned since I started myf that the less sugar I eat the less I want it. I started using equal as sugar substitute (I was down to 1/2 tsp sugar in coffee anyway) and have noticed I often forget putting in sugar or equal at all after 40 days.

    My husband always has a sugary treat after dinner. I have managed to make my snacks all have a bit of protein through the day so I am not 'peckish' after dinner and am able to turn down the offer of sugar. Last night he didn't have any treats in the house and I got him some cheese and crackers. I had a 1 oz slice of lovely cheese and an oatmeal biscuit (Nairn's - no sugar or salt) Oatmeal takes longer than wheat flour to digest. I was very pleased it was enough and my taste buds weren't screaming I want more.
    Good Luck
  • di1428
    di1428 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi, I`m writting `cause I started MFP a month ago and after checking everything I eat I noticed I eat a lot of sugar! How do I do to stop doing that?

    It`s horrible because I feel like an urge to eat and, if I do so, then I feel guilty and ashamed :(

    Every comment is welcome!


    For me, it helped by telling myself just get thru 2 weeks of no sweets. that has helped kill alot of my sugar/sweet cravings.
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    I don't say no. I simply eat less of it. I really enjoy the 100 cal snack packs. Eat one bag...satisfy the craving and move on.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Baby steps work well, if you can't go cold turkey ........ downsize, portion control, substitute ...... whatever works :drinker:

    I have fruit each day ........ and a little bit of really dark chocolate ....... instead of jelly donuts, cake, candy bars, cookies (well, I still eat an occasional cookie LOL)

    And absolutely read labels ...... there's sugar in everything ...... sugar in fruit is normal, but the sugar (and sodium) in processed food is something altogether different ......

    Best of luck !
  • curejenn
    curejenn Posts: 70 Member
    I was informed by a nutritionnist that carving sweets often means you are lacking some protein... if you have protein, you surprisingly won't crave as much sugar. From personal experience, having a higher protein diet won't make me crave the sweets... I also have a chocolate flavored protein shake that's flavored & sweetened with stevia.

    This has been SO true for me. I got into a very bad habit of eating a ton of sweets while nursing my daughter. That sugar was GREAT for milk production. When I stopped nursing, those cravings stayed and it just got out of control. I started MFP on Jan 15th of this year and have been getting in 150g of protein or so a day. It is AMAZING how that sweet tooth has gone away. I havent had candy or cake since Jan 15th (and it was an everyday, multiple times a day type thing before) and havent even cared! In fact, I am in the process of potty training my daughter with M&Ms as a reward and I havent had even one. Try to get more protein in and I bet you will see a HUGE difference. I also mix 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder in 1/2 c of plain greek yogurt and it is really good! And very filling!! You can even melt 1 oz of dark chocolate or 1 TBSP of peanut butter to pour over it and it tastes as good as any dessert I was eating previously and without the insane amounts of sugar that will just make you want more!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Not everyone is able to 'do moderation" If that's your case, then make yourself cut it out completely for a while....your cravings WILL subside if you don't have it for a while (even after a couple of days)

    Otherwise, you just have to keep reminding yourself that the temporary gratification from eating sugar is not worth feeling lousy about later!
  • ohnstadk
    ohnstadk Posts: 143 Member
    I noticed that you drink orange juice a lot - if you cut this from your diet the sugar will go down. If you like the orange taste pick up an orange instead - that has the same taste and has WAY less sugar :)
  • moveitmoveit
    moveitmoveit Posts: 20 Member
    After reading up on all the bad side effects of sugar and sugar replacements, I told myself I could quit cold turkey for 14 days. No soda, no sugar in my coffee- nada. But I upped my fruit intake. So instead of splenda sweetened yogurt, I had greek yogurt with 2 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce and a dusting of cinnamon. Or I added a splash of lime juice to a big cup of water. A big glass of water with lime was key to resisiting my intermittent cravings.

    On the 15th day I had a homemade truffle- because my truffles are amazing! :) But I didn't want to eat all of them. I have added back one teaspoon of sugar to my coffee- but that's usually just about all my refined sugar for the day.

    I feel amazingly better without all that stuff. Less headaches, body aches, etc. I've even got most of my family to switch to unsweetened yogurt and cereals and whatnot. Any time I really want something sweet, I stop and think about how much better I feel, and if the momentary treat is really worth it.

    Sometimes I say yes, but most of the time it's no. You can do this!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    sometimes i don't say no. and sometimes i do.

    if i eat too much sugar i get a headache, that's enough to deter me sometimes. but try to get me away from pumpkin bread or red velvet cupcakes and i'll sooner bite your hand off than not eat them.
  • JustBetty88
    Just don't buy it. I really have a problem with bingeing on sweets, I've gone a whole week with very little and the littke I had made me fell really sluggish.
  • mariabraceyrobinson
    Don't say no to sweets. If you deprive yourself, you'll want it more. Buy yourself a bag of hershey kisses. When you crave a sweet. Eat 1 or 2. don't eat the cake or ice cream or whatever your normal go to it. Buy the fiber bars with chocolate in them. That curbs my sweet tooth too. I've started cutting back on the sugar I add to stuff. Instead of my usually 4 teaspoons of sugar in my tea, i know use 3.