
hello! I've come to introduce myself, i wont give my history as thats on my profile and if you want to know that then by all means read it and ask questions.

so i am simply coming on to say HI and introduce myself. my name is Karin but my friends either call me kazza or wahya hence my user name. i am 21 turning 22 on the 28th of December, yes an in between Christmas and end of the year baby, lol. i was told that the doctors said i was going to be born at the end of the year while my mum disagreed and said Christmas day thus i decided between, lol. i dont study at the moment. to many issues to deal with and studying would only make things worse but i do have a degree in dog training.

i have to loose 50kgs in order to go a visit my friend in America, and she has no idea about how much i have to loose plus its a surprise for her really, lol. she's only seen me at 107kg so being my weight that i have always been before the abuse would be a nice surprise plus i get to shop for new clothes while i am about it, lol.

thats about it really.

so hi!


  • bambam32
    bambam32 Posts: 20
    I read your profile and wish you the best in reaching your goal and healing from past issues. Remember the past is behind you, the future ahead and a lot of work in between, so find what good you can everyday that you can and realize there is always and I mean always someone else in the world who has it just a little worse off than you. Hope all goes well. Ask what you need for support...Bambam
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    me three... def, i read it too. its horrible, but now you can have your life back, embrace that. mayne you need a change altogether, maybe a new little flat that you can make your own, take your dog, get some independence. its hard to heal when at your parents house.. you may need space to sort your head out. i wish you all the best of luck xxxx