My body is a giant raisin

I was looking in the mirror as I was getting dressed this morning. My body is a giant lumpy raisin. Any advice? I have a lot of weight to lose and just started in January. Do I need to do strength training? Will this just go away with weight loss? I don't like what I see :frown:


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I did not begin strength training until I was more than halfway to my goal. it was a mistake.

    Begin lifting now and you will be amazed.
  • julianalenny
    Keep going will change but it takes time....cardio will help you loose faster, but strength training helps more over the lon g term ...(builds muscles which look better and consume more calories).

    Don't give up!!!!! One good decision/meal/workout at a time!
  • SRT4twg
    SRT4twg Posts: 35 Member
    Weight training does help! Even body-weight training like squats and pushups and such if thats easier for you. Don't give up! You can do it.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I like that username you have - Time for me.

    Very true. If you are unhappy and want to change, it is time for you. You certainly can make the changes you want.

    Figure out what your helathy caloric intake is. Figure our safe and effective exercises. See your docotor to make sure they are on board with your goals as well. Start counting the calories, start exercising, and be patient. Most of us went through years of neglect and denial to get to the point we are are at (unhappy and ready for change), and it takes time to turn things around. Some weeks will be better than others. Some times weight will drop like nothing and other times you will have to sweat off and ounce it seems.

    Don't get discouraged. Don't quit. Don't forget it is time for you!
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for the advice and encouragement! I think I will begin the body weight training asap!
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    I like that username you have - Time for me.

    Very true. If you are unhappy and want to change, it is time for you. You certainly can make the changes you want.

    Figure out what your helathy caloric intake is. Figure our safe and effective exercises. See your docotor to make sure they are on board with your goals as well. Start counting the calories, start exercising, and be patient. Most of us went through years of neglect and denial to get to the point we are are at (unhappy and ready for change), and it takes time to turn things around. Some weeks will be better than others. Some times weight will drop like nothing and other times you will have to sweat off and ounce it seems.

    Don't get discouraged. Don't quit. Don't forget it is time for you!

    + 10 internetz points for kilt.

    Also, I would definitely do strength training, too, I want to be sculpted and lean.
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    Weight training will help shape your body and building muscle makes it so much easier for me to loose weight. You will simply burn more calories if you have more muscle. You look pretty young, so time will probably do a lot for the lumps and bumps as well. Young skin will shrink a bit over time.

    Hang in there!
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Try to lift weights. Shifting body composition will help. Do heavy sets of 6-8 repetitions per exercise and try to exhaust the muscle. It doesn't take much time. I do 30-minute splits of upper and lower body twice a week, sometimes 3 times if I get around to it. Try to give the muscle group 48 hours of rest before lifting again.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Strength training is the single most important thing you can do. Dont wait till you lose more weight, you'll just have more skin by then. It's easier to prevent than cure. Strength training prevents it from becoming a problem. Once you have extra skin you can try methods to get rid of it but other than surgery you just have to wait. In time it shrinks but it takes like a year depending on the amount of skin and your age.
    All those lotions that claim rejuvenation are usually costly so don't be sucked in. But to retain natural elasticity in your skin you must keep it hydrated. Lotion your entire body every day. I like the St Ives Collagen Elastin lotion because it's thick and keeps me moisturized all day. I don't know if Collagen Elastin lotion really boosts elasticity but it's inexpensive (around $4 for large bottle) so I have nothing to lose. As long as you have a lotion that moisturizes it's good. But strength training is the way to go.
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks again everyone, I am definitely going to try some of these things out!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    start weight training now...!

    seriously - three days a week total body workouts..legs, arms , chst, back, etc...try to get into squats, deadlifts, over head press, bench press/or dumbbell press, etc...mix in some cardio on off days...then re-assess after a few months...

    I beleive there is a book out on lifting for woman...stronglifts is another good one...

    good luck...
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    I will try these things, thanks!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I was looking in the mirror as I was getting dressed this morning. My body is a giant lumpy raisin. Any advice? I have a lot of weight to lose and just started in January. Do I need to do strength training? Will this just go away with weight loss? I don't like what I see :frown:

    Unless you want to trade the lumpy raisin look for saggy skin look ... start lifting. You won't get bulky. You'll just get strong and fabulous. :smile: