1 Cheat meal a week?

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
So I eat well during the week, for some reason its just easier. But on the weekends is when it goes down hill. I love going out to eat. The last few weekends...I've ended up going out to eat or getting take out..like seriously 2-3 times in one weekend!!!! Here's what Im thinking that i should try. Allow myself ONE TAKE OUT OR GOING OUT MEAL on the weekends. No worrying about it at all. I'm just going to enjoy it to the fullest. If i get mexican..yah im gonna fricken enjoy those chips and salsa lol. I think that by allowing myself one meal like that, that i wont feel like Im depriving myself. And i will look forward to that meal. BUT ONLY if i've done well all week long.

Does that sound like a good idea?


  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    If you aren't going over your calorie goal, sure why not?
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    So I eat well during the week, for some reason its just easier. But on the weekends is when it goes down hill. I love going out to eat. The last few weekends...I've ended up going out to eat or getting take out..like seriously 2-3 times in one weekend!!!! Here's what Im thinking that i should try. Allow myself ONE TAKE OUT OR GOING OUT MEAL on the weekends. No worrying about it at all. I'm just going to enjoy it to the fullest. If i get mexican..yah im gonna fricken enjoy those chips and salsa lol. I think that by allowing myself one meal like that, that i wont feel like Im depriving myself. And i will look forward to that meal. BUT ONLY if i've done well all week long.

    Does that sound like a good idea?

    AND may i add that I know people are going to say that I really should just cut it out. But i tried doing that, and its not working for me. Im trying to be realistic to not set myself up for failure and then feel upset because I did go out. Im thinking that this will be a little reward for me each week when I've done well all week.
  • rhstyles
    rhstyles Posts: 36
    I posted a few questions about this a few days ago. The title was "cheating". There were mixed answers. Some were all for it, some were completely against it...and some began to argue about it. We are all so very different and we know our bodies best. If you can have one meal and get right back on track and it doesnt affect your weight loss I would say go for it. I wish I could do that. If I eat bad one meal...I eat worse the next. So a bad meal turns into a bad day and so on. I hope this helps a little. You should read the post if you can find it (I dont know how.)
  • misc02u
    misc02u Posts: 25
    You should have 1 cheat meal (or day even) evrey week- it tricks your body. i have a cheat day on the weekend & it works well for me.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I have a cheat meal once in a while, it's no biggie. You gotta live,,, Just don't do it every day - that's how we got here!
  • pamw22
    pamw22 Posts: 77
    A day is ok but don't over do it make sure you are still keeping count of your calorie intake.
  • Jeni322
    Jeni322 Posts: 63 Member
    I went out for Italian on Friday night and had a few vodkas that night also. I still lost half a lb over the rest of the weekend. If I didn't have my cheat treat I'd have given up the week after I started LOL! :)
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I'm with the others. Sometimes a cheat meal can charge your metabolism, which is good.

    Also, here's another idea for you. Try to INVENT 'healthy' cheat meals. IOW, If you want a big mac, I'm sure there are ways to create it in your kitchen in a LOW FAT LOW CAL form that can help you feel like you ARE cheating when you're really NOT.. HTH.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I enjoy having a "cheat meal(s)" on the weekend, but I usually know that I will be eating out and know that I need to make sure I workout for at least an hour that day to give me some extra calories. But even doing that I still try not to go crazy because so many of the choices out there have sooo much sodium and of course all the extra exercise calories do not equal extra sodium. Another thing I do to help have extra calories is eat lighter for my other two meals, for example, I may just have shakeology for one and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for another.

    Hope this helps.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    One cheat meal is fine, I've been doing it myself! You don't want to have to deprive yourself of the things you enjoy, otherwise you will slip up a lot quicker! I go to the chinese every friday or saturday night and I order my honey chilli chicken with soft noodles... ok, I'm only eating half of it, but I don't feel as though I'm depriving myself and I really enjoy it!

    I know everyone is saying to keep an eye on your calories, but don't be too hard on yourself! Just remember that if you do go over your calories, you can make up for it by doing more exercise... it's not the end of the world!
  • WussKat
    WussKat Posts: 63
    I have just had my weekly 'cheat' meal and it was delicious.

    I think I enjoyed it even more because I was really ready for it. Lemon Possett and shortbread for dessert...to die for...absolutely gorgeous but I couldnt eat it all...a few months ago I would have - there's progress :smile:
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    I like the idea of a cheat meal or two on the weekends more than a cheat day. That way I balance the one cheat meal with healthier foods for the other meals. Personally, I think having a whole day can make you overindulge in too many things...but in moderation aka one meal, you get to have a treat and not undo all the hard work from the week! :glasses:

    I'm training hard and eating well 5-6 days/week, but I also don't want to miss out on some great meals with friends and family and a glass of wine now and then...no point in missing out on life! It's all about balance and moderation. :happy: Hope this helps!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    since the point of this entire website is to encourage and inspire a LIFESTYLE change, and this sounds like it would definitely be a healthy change for you, then i say go for it! cheating isn't for everyone, but it's worked for me. and i don't think staying within your calorie goal FOR THAT ONE MEAL is 100% necessary... that's kind of the point? but i would add it to your food diary for that day.
  • fitzio1015
    fitzio1015 Posts: 168
    also just by eating out does not mean you are cheating. Personally i eat out all the time ( it fits my lifestyle mostly on days that i work) You just have to choose the right food items not always what you WANT to eat.
  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    I don't see why not. You are only human.
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    hopefully you are into making a lifestyle change and not just another diet. if that is the case a "cheat meal " is fine just focus on being healthy the rest of the time. kinda like having your cake and eating it to lol
  • Breathe_Glamour
    I've heard that if you eat well 6 days a week and have 1 entire cheat day, then you're more likely to succeed on your diet. Don't be so rigid with yourself - that sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I'm all for a cheat meal once a week. I know they say don't give yourself food rewards, but I also like the idea that you only get your cheat meal if you've eaten healthy all week.
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    I actually am with the others, I have been going out with friends on Fridays or Saturdays a lot lately either to a ball game or a wedding or some kind of gathering where I KNOW right off there would be NO WAY IN %^&*# that it would even be possible to stay within my normal calorie count for a normal day. So, I get up early that morning and spend some extra time at the gym working out so it makes the cheat meal all that more rewarding to me when I do get to enjoy it later on that night. I actually had my first piece of pizza in about 8 months earlier this month at a baseball game, and it was HEAVENLY at the time I was eating it, however, my stomach was none too happy with my later:sick: if you catch my meaning.
    "Cheating" is not a bad thing, just make sure that you either have the calories for it, or have a way to balance them (i.e., find a healthy way to order [take half of your meal home and have it another day, thus getting twice the enjoyment out of it!])

    Just a thought.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Like many have said you have to be realistic with yourself if this is a lifestyle change I am sure we all know that life is going to happen and there are going to be meals eaten out. The problem I see is the term "cheat" that ultimately telling our minds we are doing something wrong. If you set yourself up for success then you will be fine plan that meal into your day I know I am going to go have Mexican Saturday humm what will I have so you already have your mine made up going into a situation and many places have there nutrition facts online you may look at something and be like that's not worth it. Do what's going to work best for your lifestyle change. Plus keep you pushing toward your goal.