Wondering if exercise calories shouldn't be added back...?

Hi there,

I'm a bit frustrated because I have been "good" all week and I didn't lose any weight on the scale. I'm set at 1240 calories/day and when I exercise (for example burn 200 cals on elliptical) fitness pal adds it back so that I technically have 1440 calories for the day. I'm wondering if I shouldn't log my exercise and ONLY eat the 1240 calories/day...I know that will help me lose weight, but I'll be so hungry! :o/

What is your advice/What is working for you? I'm 5lbs away from getting into my healthy BMI.


  • I eat most if not all of mine back. I believe that is the healthy way to do it, because MFP already has you set at a caloric defecit. I don't necessarily eat all of them back every time but I try to.
  • MargaretWalks
    MargaretWalks Posts: 38 Member
    I eat my exercise calories back. With my Fitbit linked to MFP calories burned are automatic.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    You should eat them that is why you are hungry. Your 1240 is to be your net after eating your exercise calories. You are already on a big deficeit. Your body needs fuel to burn.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    It depends on how you have your mfp goals set. If you've got it set to sedentary, eat about 75% of them back, yes, otherwise you might be creating a larger deficit than is necessary or healthy. Leave about 60-80 cals per hour of exercise uneaten, though, because you burn some just standing around not exercising. You just want the what's above and beyond your normal range of activity.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    IMO you should eat them back. Your calorie goal is very low, especially considering that you don't have much to lose. I think this is a case where you just need to be patient. If you are "so hungry" it might indicate that 1240 calories is not enough for you. Considering increasing your goal.
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    I have never eaten my calories back and have done well. However, if you are wanting to gain muscle, I think you definately need to eat them back. If you want to lose weight, try going with out them and uping your water intake. Works for me.
  • cathynovakovich
    cathynovakovich Posts: 2 Member
    I, unlike so many posting, do not eat them all back. I also have never been hungry. I eat enough to not be hungry but make my food choices wisely. You need to burn approx. 3500 cal. to lose a pound ---- or take in less than 3500 less than you exert --- over days, not in one day. In my opinion, and backed up by many medical articles I have read this can be accomplished with ease by making the right choices, excercising and eating the right foods. I stay within the 1200 Calorie mark, go to the gym 3-4 times a week (moderate excercise as I am 58 Years old) and eat plenty -- just make good choices. I am down 13 pounds since Jan. 2 and will keep going. I feel so much better and hope I will continue to feel better and look better, it was just time for me to get serious about me. Good luck, do your research and do what's right for you, make sure you have protein with every meal to feel better.
  • latoyasmith1985
    latoyasmith1985 Posts: 71 Member
    yea I think it meant for you to add it back because it tells you at the bottom that you gain 110 calories. So I am only assuming that you would add to the amount to what you can eat.
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    I have never eaten my calories back and have done well. However, if you are wanting to gain muscle, I think you definately need to eat them back. If you want to lose weight, try going with out them and uping your water intake. Works for me.
    I try to leave about 500 of my exercise calories when I excercise ( 4 times per week). When I reach goal and want to maintain I will eat all of my exercise calories.