Afraid Of The Scale

For the past week, I have been playing with my calorie count. Each day, I listed the food that I planned to the evening, I would eat one snack more...or two. My total calories for the day were never more than 1200, but I was showing 1000.

How did this cheating begin and why?

I had been faithfully sticking to 1000 calories per day, until this month. One day, I was so hungry that I actually developed a headache, something I rarely get. I ate an extra 100 calorie snack, and the headache went away. I posted about it to my MFP friends, and they said it was okay, "because my body knew better than I what it needed." I felt justified by that remark.

The next week, I lost one pound...not terrific, but I thought that I had hit a small 'plateau'.

Then, I went out of town on a trip. The first day was fine; but the second day, I was alone in a hotel room and really hungry again. My MFP friends said, "You should eat a little more, because this trip is taking more energy than usual for you."..."You will burn more calories, because of the stress of traveling." "Up your calories for the next few days." So I did.

I increase my daily limit to 1200 and actually lost 2.4 pounds that week. I was feeling great. The 1200 calories had not hurt my progress, instead I was losing more.

However...this week, I was not traveling...not under stress...but NOT being truthful about what I was eating. Every day, I added something that wasn't on my food diary. I did it once, then again...then it was every single night.

Last Wednesday morning, my weight (with clothes) was 246.2, and I was happy. This morning, I 'sneaked' a peek. I stepped on the scale in my nightgown (which does not weigh as much as my clothes). The scale said 245. Believe it or not, that isn't good. If I add about 2 pounds for clothing, I gained weight last week.

I know that I have a problem today, and that problem isn't the scale. The problem is honesty. I can't continue to claim a 1000 calorie food plan and eat 1200 calories. I am afraid that my own dishonesty is about to catch up with me.

I must come to clean on MFP about the game that I have been playing with the food. I don't want to lie to my friends on MFP. That would be the biggest mistake that I could make right now. I must also decide, if I can live with a 1000 calorie food plan or not.

For all of you that are about to jump in and say..."You should be eating more...figure out your MBR...your TDEE and so forth." I did. With all the carefully calcutated numbers, minus 30% for my morbid obesity (an ugly term), I am supposed to eat 1200 calorie per day to lose weight...but how much weight?

I am in a hurry. I must lose another 45 pounds before this summer. I don't want to keep explaining this, but I need to qualify for knee surgery. My husband and I are planning to move after the surgery, and we want that to be during the summer.

Okay. Tomorrow is my real weigh in day, so I should not have got on the scale today, with or without my clothes. One week from tomorrow is my next weigh in at my doctor's office. His scales are the ones that I fear the most, because they determine, if and when I get my surgery.

By the way, I won't be able to run to the gym and exercise the extra calories off. I am confined to a wheelchair at this time and restricted to upper body workouts in my home.

So...what do you recommend...besides the obvious..."Honesty on my food diary"?


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Do you feel that closing your diary would allow you to be more honest?

    I know you don't want to hear these responses, but here are my thoughts:

    1. Ditch the scale. Take measurements instead. If the scale is a source of stress then use another measure for your progress.

    2. Eat more. At least 1200 calories, and then only that little if you are carefully planning your nutrition. Preferably your BMR. I suspect you're sneaking food because your calorie intake is way too little.

    3. If you're going to continue to eat so little, see a nutritionist and/or doctor for monitoring.
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    Rose, your progess so far has been great!! Don't get down on yourself. When you go to the doctor next week have a chat, let them know your feelings! The only person you need to be honest with is yourself and you have. Tomorrow is a new day..embrace it!! You can do this!
  • tpfoodie
    tpfoodie Posts: 148 Member
    For the past week, I have been playing with my calorie count. Each day, I listed the food that I planned to the evening, I would eat one snack more...or two. My total calories for the day were never more than 1200, but I was showing 1000.

    How did this cheating begin and why?

    I had been faithfully sticking to 1000 calories per day, until this month. One day, I was so hungry that I actually developed a headache, something I rarely get. I ate an extra 100 calorie snack, and the headache went away. I posted about it to my MFP friends, and they said it was okay, "because my body knew better than I what it needed." I felt justified by that remark.

    The next week, I lost one pound...not terrific, but I thought that I had hit a small 'plateau'.

    Then, I went out of town on a trip. The first day was fine; but the second day, I was alone in a hotel room and really hungry again. My MFP friends said, "You should eat a little more, because this trip is taking more energy than usual for you."..."You will burn more calories, because of the stress of traveling." "Up your calories for the next few days." So I did.

    I increase my daily limit to 1200 and actually lost 2.4 pounds that week. I was feeling great. The 1200 calories had not hurt my progress, instead I was losing more.

    However...this week, I was not traveling...not under stress...but NOT being truthful about what I was eating. Every day, I added something that wasn't on my food diary. I did it once, then again...then it was every single night.

    Last Wednesday morning, my weight (with clothes) was 246.2, and I was happy. This morning, I 'sneaked' a peek. I stepped on the scale in my nightgown (which does not weigh as much as my clothes). The scale said 245. Believe it or not, that isn't good. If I add about 2 pounds for clothing, I gained weight last week.

    I know that I have a problem today, and that problem isn't the scale. The problem is honesty. I can't continue to claim a 1000 calorie food plan and eat 1200 calories. I am afraid that my own dishonesty is about to catch up with me.

    I must come to clean on MFP about the game that I have been playing with the food. I don't want to lie to my friends on MFP. That would be the biggest mistake that I could make right now. I must also decide, if I can live with a 1000 calorie food plan or not.

    For all of you that are about to jump in and say..."You should be eating more...figure out your MBR...your TDEE and so forth." I did. With all the carefully calcutated numbers, minus 30% for my morbid obesity (an ugly term), I am supposed to eat 1200 calorie per day to lose weight...but how much weight?

    I am in a hurry. I must lose another 45 pounds before this summer. I don't want to keep explaining this, but I need to qualify for knee surgery. My husband and I are planning to move after the surgery, and we want that to be during the summer.

    Okay. Tomorrow is my real weigh in day, so I should not have got on the scale today, with or without my clothes. One week from tomorrow is my next weigh in at my doctor's office. His scales are the ones that I fear the most, because they determine, if and when I get my surgery.

    By the way, I won't be able to run to the gym and exercise the extra calories off. I am confined to a wheelchair at this time and restricted to upper body workouts in my home.

    So...what do you recommend...besides the obvious..."Honesty on my food diary"?

    I think you really need to calculate your BMR and your TDEE. I think you're starving yourself! Your body, based on your weight, burns at least 1500 calories at rest in one day. No wonder you're snacking. You're hungry.

    Search for TDEE calculator, and then try and eat TDEE -20%. You'll eat more, feel better, and will be less inclined to cheat.

    Signed with love,
    A former 1200er
  • DonnaBee2013
    I have a HUGE problem with structured/pre-planned diets. I feel too limited, too restricted. I'm a rule breaker by nature and I don't like the feeling of "being told" what I can eat or when I can eat it.

    I've tried quite a few of these diets and although I lost the weight initially...eventually I began "cheating" and gained it back.

    I stumbled upon myfitnesspal by accident, and although I have only been doing this for 4 weeks, I have lost 11 lbs without even really trying.

    I am set up for 1200 calories per day which should make me lose 2 lbs a week. My personal goal (in my head) is 10 lbs a month. I have beaten both goals so far with no exercise or work out routine.

    What I do:

    I don't pre-plan my food diary. When I eat something, I add it. I eat when I want, and what I want (within reason). I'm not much of a breakfast person, so I don;t eat eat it every day. I am a night owl and eat a large portion of my calories in the evening.

    When my calories are gone, I don't eat anymore. I find this helps me make better decisions, since a lot of the time I will look up the facts on whatever it is I'm in the mood for to see how many calories/sugars/fats/carbs it will use up. If I think it's worth it, I have it. If not, I choose something else.

    I've been making much better choices, yet still treating myself to the things I love without any guilt whatsoever.

    Maybe if you tried adding your food when you eat it, instead of pre-planning your days in advance, you would feel more in control, instead of feeling like the diet is controlling you? It is certainly working for me!!
  • iveyroze3
    I also agree with above statements. I also have a lot to lose. I tried 1200 cal but I was too hungry. I have upped it to 1400 cal and am losing still. Eat most of your exercise calories back too. More fiber to keep you full,drink your water,lean protein will keep you full longer. Stay away from the "white stuff" as much as possible. Healthier carbs. I set my diary to closed because I am hard enough on myself. Just a personal choice.I commend you for trying to get the weight off before surgery. It will make things so much easier. I am a nurse and see a lot of knee surgery patients. If you are already exercising now it will be so much easier when you get into physical therapy after your surgery.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    My theory is, if what you're doing isn't working long term, then do something else. I highly recommend using your BMR and TDEE to determine a healthy caloric intake, and then use those calories wisely. Ditch the "snack packs" and grab an apple. Or an orange. Or a huge green salad (which you can seriously do for under 100 calories before dressing). You crave what you eat. Eat junk (which let's face it is all that's in those 100 calorie packs) and you'll continue to crave junk. That's my opinion based on personal experience and watching others.

    Take a look at my diary for yesterday and look at all the food I ate. And I didn't even make the most amazing choices last night. But I had leftover calories to eat so I pretty much ate what I wanted, within reason. And I'm eating at 1200-1400 calories per day generally (I only weigh 132 pounds so my intake need is lower than yours). I'm currently playing around with caloric intake right now so my diary is all over the place, not to mention I ate just about everything on the menu at a restaurant on Sunday! LOL But yesterday is a great example of how you can maximize your food intake on minimal calories. And never be hungry.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I cannot see your diary so I can't see what you are eating but since I read the post and understand that you need to lose a lot of weight by summer, the best suggestion I can offer is to make most of your food veggies then fruits then proteins/snacks.

    The more veggies you eat, the more food you can eat overall (still maintaining the same calories).
  • dowesney
    dowesney Posts: 26 Member
    Eat more. Those headaches are your body's way of crying out for help. It needs more energy to get through the day.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I think you've taken the biggest step here: you recognize the problem and you're trying to deal with it.

    I usually say something here about motivation but you seem to already have that in place. You need to lose a certain amount of weight by a specific time to have the surgery you need so the rest of your plans can fall into place. I think the thing you need to really ask yourself is "why you are attempting to sabotage that by cheating?" The only person you are hurting is you by lying to yourself and your diary. That may sound a bit harsh but I think that's the reality you need to hear right now.

    Since you're forced to be mostly sedentary you don't have the luxury of burning off many calories by exercise, so you have less wiggle room than most. That means you have to be even more strict with the amount of cheating you can get away with. Have you tried working with weights for your arms and upper body? Adding a little extra muscle can only help you.

    Good luck!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Do you feel that closing your diary would allow you to be more honest?

    My food diary is my 'pledge' each day. I am making a commitment to stay with my food plan. Closing the diary would be like hiding in the closet to binge. It is the openness of that diary that will help me to be honest. I don't want to hide my eating any more. I have done it in the past. That how I got to a top weight of 280 pounds by hiding my eating.
    I know you don't want to hear these responses, but here are my thoughts:

    1. Ditch the scale. Take measurements instead. If the scale is a source of stress then use another measure for your progress.

    My doctor and surgeon aren't measuring me. They are making their decisions based on my weight. If I don't weight 200 pounds or less, I won't get my new knees. It is that simple.

    I know that I am losing inches. My pants are lose. I have to hook my bra up another notch. Even my hubbie says that breast are 'less fluffy'.
    2. Eat more. At least 1200 calories, and then only that little if you are carefully planning your nutrition. Preferably your BMR. I suspect you're sneaking food because your calorie intake is way too little.

    I have been eating 1200 calories for about a week and a half; but now, I am concerned that the additional 200 calories each day are causing me to either stop losing weight or gain weight, which would be awful.
    3. If you're going to continue to eat so little, see a nutritionist and/or doctor for monitoring.

    I have been under close observation with labs by my doctor, but I think that I will ask for an appointment with his nutritionist as well. I declined that referral at my last appointment in January.

    Thanks for your thoughts, Angel. :smile:
  • climbamnt
    climbamnt Posts: 190 Member
    The Answer to The Question posted on Thu 02/21/08 08:23 AM by lotusfromthemud
    OK, this will be long. Please read it if you are confused. Disclaimer: I am not a dietician or a doctor, just a successful loser and maintainer, who has consulted both doctors and dieticians.

    Question #1:

    Should I eat all my calories?

    Yes. MFP is already figuring a deficit for you to lose weight. This deficit is based on what you need to eat based on your everyday activity, not counting exercise. In the end, it's all about "net calories" (you can view yours under reports)

    Example: you need to eat 2,000 calories to maintain your current weight (random number)
    MFP will tell you to eat 1,500 to lose one pound per week (500x7=3500=one pound loss).

    Let's say you exercise, and burn 500 additional calories.
    UH-OH, now you are at a 1,000 calorie a day deficit. You need 2,000 calories to maintian, are already restricted to 1500, so now your net calories are a 1,000 a day. This is starvation central. Your body, which is very good at keeping you alive, will store and save calories. You WILL stop losing weight. You WILL want to throw your scale out the window.

    Eat your exercise calories. At least eat most of them.

    Question #2:
    I'm eating 1200 calories, I feel like crap and I'm not losing weight. What gives?

    Run, don't walk, to "tools" and use the BMR calculator. Please, please, please, eat at least your BMR calories every day. You might lose weight more slowly, but you will still lose, and you will not longer feel a sudden urge to fall over every time you do, well, anything.

    Question #3:
    I'm doing "everything right" and the scale won't move.

    Answer #1: The scale is the devil. Step away from the scale. Buy a tape measure, notice how your clothes are (probably) fitting better. Muscle is more dense than fat, and takes up less space on your body. More muscle on your body will make the scale freeze or (gasp) move upward.

    Answer #2: You're not being honest. In order for this to work, you must record every morsel of food that goes in your body. Also, if you ride a stationary bike for 30 minutes and barely break a sweat and can still chatter on your cell phone (OK, that's my personal gym pet peeve) then you're probably not working "vigorously". Don't overestimate your exercise calories. (this was a big mistake I made in the past.)

    Answer #3: Your body might be re-adjusting. How you feel is the most important mark of progress. It's very easy to fixate on numbers, but feeling better really should be its own reward.

    Question #4:
    So, if I'm eating my exercise calories, what's the point of exercise?

    Answer: (warning: extremely opinionated answer ahead)
    You don't. You can lose weight through diet alone. But, then you will be skinny and flabby. Is a model skinnier than me? OH, YES! Is she healthier than me? probably NOT. She couldn't survive the hour-long spin class that I take three times a week. Trust me. Her skin is a mess, she smokes, and she looks like crap in person. (this is a generalization. I don't hate models, but this is their lifestyle. . .I used to be a "dresser" at shows, and I saw a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff.

    Does that help? Please say it does.

    Link to other good boards
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    If you are undernourishing yourself that much, there's a good chance you won't qualify for the surgery anyway. You are going to end up with no muscle and brittle bones at this rate. I'm sorry that it is unlikely you will meet your goals as quickly as you hope, but if you keep going at it like this, you are going to end up with MORE health issues. Treat your body right, and get the surgery AFTER you move. Your recovery will be a LOT smoother that way.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I cannot imagine that you have a reccomendation of 1200 at 240+ pounds. I can't go below 1400 on a no-exercise day without feeling incredibly terrible.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Rose, your progess so far has been great!! Don't get down on yourself. When you go to the doctor next week have a chat, let them know your feelings! The only person you need to be honest with is yourself and you have. Tomorrow is a new day..embrace it!! You can do this!

    Thanks, Sugar. I really think that it is time I asked my doctor to refer me to his nutritionist. He and I talked about that a while back; but he didn't push it, 'because I was doing so good.'
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member

    For all of you that are about to jump in and say..."You should be eating more...figure out your MBR...your TDEE and so forth." I did. With all the carefully calcutated numbers, minus 30% for my morbid obesity (an ugly term), I am supposed to eat 1200 calorie per day to lose weight...but how much weight?

    I think you really need to calculate your BMR and your TDEE. I think you're starving yourself! Your body, based on your weight, burns at least 1500 calories at rest in one day. No wonder you're snacking. You're hungry.

    Search for TDEE calculator, and then try and eat TDEE -20%. You'll eat more, feel better, and will be less inclined to cheat.

    Signed with love,
    A former 1200er

    As you can see...I already did that, Sis. However, I subtracted 30%, because that is the amount for folks who are at my BMR. When I get closer to 200, my BMR will call for -20%. My concern is how much can I expect to lose per week or month on 1200 calories?
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    Do you feel that closing your diary would allow you to be more honest?

    I know you don't want to hear these responses, but here are my thoughts:

    1. Ditch the scale. Take measurements instead. If the scale is a source of stress then use another measure for your progress.

    2. Eat more. At least 1200 calories, and then only that little if you are carefully planning your nutrition. Preferably your BMR. I suspect you're sneaking food because your calorie intake is way too little.

    3. If you're going to continue to eat so little, see a nutritionist and/or doctor for monitoring.

    I agree with this response. I'm also going to be another person who says "eat more". Have you seen a dietitian or doctor who told you that 1000 was right for you? If you're continually feeling hungry, eat a little more and log it! Eating more than 1000 doesn't have to be a bad thing.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I hate to be predictable but you are eating way too few calories... 1200 even without exercise is low and 1000 is starving yourself. I don't know how you did your calculations but they are off. No wonder you are cheating... your body is telling you its hungry!!

    Minimally I eat almost 1700 and I weigh less than you. When I exercise I eat about 2300 calories. I've lost a lot of weight. Diet isn't just about eating less its about learning to fuel your body properly. By any stroke of luck if successful at losing the 45 lbs for surgery, you will put it right back on again if there is no actual lifestyle change and that is not going to be good either.

    Do a search in the forum topics for "in place of a road map" to figure out what you should be eating. Be realistic... losing .5 to 1 lb a week is great. I know you want more but its not realistic and its not sustainable. You're better off taking a little longer and actually getting it done vs trying to get it off as quick as possible and being frustrated/unsuccessful.

    You mention you are confined to a wheelchair. I don't know if you are able to move your legs at all but there are seated aerobic DVD's out there (I used to use them and if you put the effort in - its a good burn - but totally seated non-weight bearing). I know you don't go to the gym but some gyms have an upper body cardio machine that again could help you increase exercise (kind of like a bike for your arms). Even just going to meet with a personal trainer a couple times a month would be good because they could help you develop a solid upper body workout.

    Good luck... you can do just try to change your approach.
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    This doesn't really answer your question, but have you thought about adding some water exercises to help you with your weight loss? It's very supportive, so you would be able to move around without weight on your knees. Not every swimming pool is ideal for this if there's only ladders to climb in and out from, but many have ramps you can wheel your chair down or a side where it's easier to enter and exit the pool.

    By getting into the pool, you'd be moving more and then able to burn more calories. And consequently, able to eat more and still lose weight at a fast rate.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Once you close your diary you can still add foods to it. It doesn't matter what your friends think, what matters is that your body knows what you ate so if you want a good accounting go ahead and enter the late snacks. I often close my diary mid afternoon then some days change what I had planned and have to change my entries or add to them.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    If you're still losing at 1200 calories, do that. I understand the weight needs to come off quickly, but you shouldn't be getting headaches or constantly starving. You'll just end up eating things you shouldn't. Your body will probably react positively to a slightly higher calorie intake - it can run more efficiently and won't try to compensate by lowering your metabolism.