I'm confuses plz help

Here's the situation. I'm 26 years old, 200 lbs maybe a little bit more. I have the fitness app and it says I should be getting 1330 caliries a day. And I do that. I also walk for about 5-6 miles twice a day at about 3-4 mph. The app says I burn about 1000-1100 calories normally depending on which route I feel like taking. Now my question is am I supposed to eat more to make up for all the calories I lost? What happens if I don't? Will I still lose weight?


  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    You are walking 5-6 miles 2x a day? That's impressive.

    From what I know, there is no perfect method. Some people eat back all their exercise calories, some eat none of them, and many eat a portion of them. I know that I eat a portion. Just play with them for a few weeks to see what works best for your body. Keep it up.
  • Besa27
    Besa27 Posts: 37 Member
    You should stick to the 1330 calories a day. If you workout, do not make up for the calories burned because you wont lose weight.
  • TigressPat
    you spend 3 hours a day walking?
  • DizzGunner86
    Thank you for the advice. And u didn't know what I was doing with the walking was impressive lol. I used to be I. The army & we ran 5-6 miles a day. But that was yrs ago and u can't do that no more lol
  • DizzGunner86
    And for the person that asked about the amount if time. When I do my walks, I walk 2.7 miles to get to my destination and it takes 45 mins. And 45 to get back. And u do that twice a day
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You should stick to the 1330 calories a day. If you workout, do not make up for the calories burned because you wont lose weight.

    This is not true. MFP calculates a deficit based on the 1330 calories a day, and it assumes you don't exercise. If you do exercise, you are supposed to eat back the calories. This keeps the original deficit. It's how the program was designed, and why your target daily goal increases when you log exercise.

    However, it often over estimates exercise, so I personally only ever recorded two-thirds of the calories it told me. Then, I eat all of those back.

    A larger deficit can mean you lose faster, but not always. A lot of times it is not sustainable because your body isn't getting the fuel it needs. Lots of people get irritable and very hungry when this happens. I also was prone to binging when I under ate. In the long run, it is usually better for most people to use a moderate deficit (and so eating back the calories).
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You are a male. 1300 calories is too low. Definitely eat all the exercise calories.
  • dansing83
    dansing83 Posts: 47 Member
    Don't starve yourself. Remember this isn't just about losing weight, it's about finding a life style that works for you. I suggest you eat at least a portion of your exercise calories. Do what you need to do to feel comfortable on a daily basis. I tell myself this isn't a sprint, it's a marathon.
  • DizzGunner86
    I think i will take your advice. Ill eat some if them back. Just enough so I won't starve myself. But I still need to know if I would lose weight at the rate I'm on now. Someone said I'd probably lose weight faster which is what I want. I'm going for 2-3 lbs a week
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    2-3 pounds a week is unrealistic. If you had 100 pounds to lose, yeah, you could expect that. But not 30 pounds to goal. 1.5 now maybe, but then 1 pound to half a pound as you get closer to goal.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    You know simply being male means you can eat more and still lose weight, right? 1300 calories is low even for women.
  • shak29
    shak29 Posts: 114 Member
    Eat them back!
  • chantey16
    chantey16 Posts: 27 Member
    well the lowest amount of calories a male should eat is 1500...so u definitely need to eat at least some of the calories back! like suggested before, i would eat about 2/3 of them back, in case mfp has over-estimated calories burnt. that will leave you eating around 2000 calories, which seems like a good amount for an active male to lose weight on. please please please do mot starve yourself uneccessarily on 1300 calories! you will destroy your metabolism.
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    Eat them back, You deserve them!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    You should stick to the 1330 calories a day. If you workout, do not make up for the calories burned because you wont lose weight.


    Eat them back. The 1300 already includes the required caloric deficit. You will likely be weak, cranky and hungry if you don't eat back your calories (otherwise you'll only be giving yourself 300 calories NET in a day, which is, like, crazy).