Weight Loss and Medications

I take a low dose of a tricyclic antidepressant, Pamelor, 50 mg to manage my headaches. I've read that it can cause weight gain but no other medication works; I've tried all the others my neurologist suggests. Has anyone here ever dealt with this? I eat 1400-1500 cal/day, work out 6 times a week. I run a 5k (albeit slowly) three times a week and do muscle conditioning class the other three. Granted, I mess up a little calorie wise a couple of times a month, but it can't be more than an extra 1500 calories a month, max. I used to be 150 in college, but now I can't even get out of the 170s.

I feel hopeless, b/c I've been trying really hard, esp. this past month, and it gets me no where. If I stop counting cals and exercising, my weight shoots up.

I've made a Dr. appt., but I'm not optimistic about that, since nothing on the Internet suggests that anything can be done. The only idea I have to left is to eat very low calories a couple of days out the week, like 300-400, but just a couple days out of the week so that I don't go into starvation mode. I don't really know what else to try.

These extra 20 pounds are ruining my self esteem, and I wonder who that fat stranger is in all of my FB pictures recently :(.


  • leanhulk
    your carbs are way too high and your fats/protein is way too low... change your goals to be more like 40% protein, 30-35% fat and the difference in carbs... shoot to have your carbs early in the day with some fats, and the rest of the fat towards your later meals...
  • dmaloof2013
    dmaloof2013 Posts: 134 Member
    When I look at your food diary, there are a lot of "quick added calories." I know that you are probably doing that for ease, but it could help if you monitor your carbs, proteins, fats, that type of stuff, instead of just calories. It could be that you are eating empty calories, like sugars and that you need more substantial foods, ones with fiber and protein. I also take a medication that had caused me to gain a substantial amount of weight. I totally understand where you are coming from.

    I find that when I actually monitor sugars for example, I consume a lot more than I should. But then I try to see the type of sugar it is (whether it is fruits or candy) and take it from there.

    Just a suggestion.
  • Suzybread
    Suzybread Posts: 9 Member
    Did getting more calories from protein help you lose?
  • Suzybread
    Suzybread Posts: 9 Member
    I'm going to try that. Thanks!
  • leanhulk
    Did getting more calories from protein help you lose?
