I'm doing SO badly lately

I live at home with my parents currently (college student woo hoo) and they don't cook super well.

BUT ITS SO DELICIOUS and I feel guilty when they walk in with groceries because they planned a nice delicious meal.



  • Krysannis
    Krysannis Posts: 17 Member
    Get a salad plate instead of a dinner plate, you're portions will be smaller and you can trick your mind into thinking you ate more than you did. Also, workout. On my good days I workout once a day for at least 30 minutes, but on a bad eating day I throw in another workout to burn those extra calories. You could also talk to your parents, let them know that you're trying to get healthy and ask if there is any healthy substitutions that could replace the "bad" things in the meals they're cooking. Who knows, they might start getting healthier right along with you.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Smaller portions.


    Buy your own groceries and make your own meals.
  • stacezilla
    I do buy my own groceries and make my own meals a majority of the time. But, like I said, I feel very rude if my parents graciously decide to make me something and I turn it down.

    But yeah, I do try to keep smaller portions. It's just hard. ;[
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    It is very hard. I had to move back in with my parents a few years ago and gained 76 pounds living there for 3 years and most of the weight was gained quickly. And also, while not all of the gain can be attributed to excess calories, the majority of it can be.

    I moved out of my parents and 9-months later lost the 76 pounds and after a four month period where I gained 15-pounds or so I got back on track and am now smaller than when I moved in with my parents. (And actually smaller than I was in HS).

    Last week I had heating issues and had to temporarily go back to the parents for a few days. I didn't have MFP access (I have a dumb phone and my parents don't have regular internet access at home) and while I tried to portion control I think I over ate every day by 200 or so calories (I did log by hand and logged in the computer when I got back home). I also didn't exercise a bit and I figure that and the paczki I absolutely don't regret eating one bit I'm not going to have a huge loss this coming weigh in but I'm not going to overly stress. This was just a few days. Sorry to go off on that but...

    Like I said, it's hard but not impossible. My mom is proud of the progress I've made and she gets now that I don't want to be fat (or at least that's the impression I get) and her eating habits are hers and mine are mine and I can't follow her "diet" without being crazy fatso (potatoes, full breakfasts every morning, cakes, pierogi, ice cream, potatoes, cookies, pasta, cereal, potatoes--and just all of those comfy home cooked memory filled foods from childhood). If she hadn't out right gotten this we'd have sat down and had a discussion about it. You can do the same.

    Sit your parent's down and say, "I am eating this way because..." or whatever. Set rules. If your mom/dad/boba wants to prepare breakfast for you and would usually serve 3 fried eggs, 4 strips bacon, buttered toast and OJ 5 days a week. Explain that you are going to eat your breakfast 6 days a week and on Tuesdays they can make you an egg, 2 bacon and potatoes.

    Make your parents your food. Tell them you'll make dinner twice a week for everyone and twice a week you'll eat with them and the other three days you'll eat whatever you prepare and they'll eat whatever they're cooking. Or whatever works for you and your family.

    That said I am still in a living situation where I can't control all of the food %100 of the time (though I will be by summer). I do my own breakfast and a dinner a week. The rest of the time it's 100% portion control and exercise whenever and however I can and I've lost over 80 pounds.

    I don't know your parents and the above might not work...but don't beat yourself up. I figured this out recently...just keep going. In the end your parents are your parents and (hopefully) will love you whether or not you eat their food.

    Find ways to bond that aren't through unhealthy food. Have TV night with homemade popcorn (with or without oil), grocery shop with your parents even if it's for your own separate carts of food. Do you have other relatives you can all dine together with that eat more like you? If you do that's great, I always LOVED eating with my dad's parents...haa...healthy food everyone HAS to eat! Or just other non food ways to spend time together.

    Anyway, I do really wish you luck! I know it's hard and sometimes really guilt inducing just do the best you can and know that it won't be forever and just don't feel so bad about it.