anti depressant.

I have seen the dr today about trying some new anti depressents, and I wondered if I could get some advice. I like to consider these things carefully so i asked the dr to tell me the ones he was considering so i could look into it and do research. I am especially concerned in relation to my weightloss efforts.
.I shall NOT be taking fluextine (prozac) because this has not been good for me in the past. Mirtazapine i know can cause increased appetite (my appetite is already unbeleiveable) so i am wary.

So the short list is Citalopram or Sertaline. Has anyone taken these? What are they like? And most importantly, are they likely to affect wieght loss?

Thanks xxxxxxxx


  • ValerieS1122
    ValerieS1122 Posts: 23 Member
    I take citalopram and it has not affected my weight loss. I have tried several different meds and I liked citalopram. I did recently have to take a higher dose though (was on 20mg now on 30mg).
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    cilatoprom is cipramil or celexa

    sertraline is zoloft and lustral

    mirtazapine is Remeron, Avanza, Zispin

    if anyone was unsure the thing xxx
  • curvynblonde
    curvynblonde Posts: 170 Member
    I take effexor and it is the best I've tried and I've been through a few. But watch out if you miss a day. Holy he'll, you feel like you're dying. LOL. It doesn't affect weight loss for me.
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    Oh yeah, I almost ate my hands on Remeron. Zoloft didn't cause any weight gain for me, but everyone is different. You will notice within the first two weeks if you are gaining weight, most likely. Make sure you discuss your concerns with your doctor, and read up on all medications and side effects before you decide. Be your own best advocate!
  • ktrichards06
    I take citalopram and it has not affected my weight loss. I have tried several different meds and I liked citalopram. I did recently have to take a higher dose though (was on 20mg now on 30mg).
    I take this as well it helps. I take it before bed, and I usually sleep all night from it. It does give me some really crazy dreams. But with proper nutrition, exercise, and this medication I have been doing really well. I'm hoping when I go back to my dr though in May that I can get off the medication because of how well I am doing, since the main reason I take it is for anxiety and seasonal depression.
  • tobynapalm
    tobynapalm Posts: 14 Member
    I did citalopram for a few years. It really helped me out, in fact, I'm off them now!
  • shinyhappyrae
    shinyhappyrae Posts: 11 Member
    I took Citalopram years ago for about 2 years and gained 60-70 pounds in that time. I don't 100% blame the drug (also in a new relationship, stressful time at law school, not very active) but I am fairly certain it had an effect on my ability to keep weight off.
  • mecaseyrn
    mecaseyrn Posts: 76 Member
    All of the SSRIs (prozac, paxil, zoloft, lexapro, celexa) can cause weight gain. It is a very well known, published side effect that happens in majority of people. Usually caused by water retention.

    Atypical Antipsychiotics like Seroquel also have a high weight gain potential.

    Drug classes like the Atypical Antidepressants for example, Wellbutrin is the only one associated with DECREASED appetite and weight loss. Also helps with smoking cessation.

    The best way to avoid weight gain in these drugs is well don't let the appetite control you.
  • Fridayafternoon
    I'm on citalopram. I've taken effexor. NASTY drug when you go off of it. Citalopram is gentle. No effects really. Just back to normal. The best advice that I can give, though I don't take it very often: EXERCISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't matter what or how much. Just do it. Nike has it right. Just do it. Daily. Then you'll get off of the meds. You can do it. You can do it. Just start.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    All of the SSRIs (prozac, paxil, zoloft, lexapro, celexa) can cause weight gain. It is a very well known, published side effect that happens in majority of people. Usually caused by water retention.

    Atypical Antipsychiotics like Seroquel also have a high weight gain potential.

    Drug classes like the Atypical Antidepressants for example, Wellbutrin is the only one associated with DECREASED appetite and weight loss. Also helps with smoking cessation.

    The best way to avoid weight gain in these drugs is well don't let the appetite control you.

    very helpful... so is it that they all increase appetite or cause weight gain in itself, or both? the dr only really mentioned ssri ones... i am so so worried bout putting the weight back on, its been so hard losing the 55lbs i have so far, but also i hate being this unhappy and unstable mood, idk what to do :(
  • mecaseyrn
    mecaseyrn Posts: 76 Member
    The best advice I can give you about the SSRIs is try one, if you don't like it or you have unwanted side effects, switch to a different one. Everyone is going to be different. The appetite effect is because serotonin is created in the gut and for people with Depression will often lack serotonin so now you increase it and things are now stimulated that aren't normally for you. You would think it would help with weight loss but in reality it speeds up your appetite. The first few weeks you may have water weight which is common in all, but if you eat healthy, drink water and are conscious of your diet you can combat those things.

    celexa is the most common drug used now, has low amount of side effects but it can cause some abnormal heart rhythms after awhile. Most people are successful on this drug as you can see.

    Also, not sure where you live, but you should try a HappyLight. It has been a blessing to me and has kept me off all antidepressants for several years.

    Good Luck!!!
  • proctor78
    I take Citalopram and it has not affected my weight...
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    The SSRIs are generally good at what they do but different ones tend to suit different people. The weight gain is possible but you can also boost the serotonin levels by exercise & by laughter (also known as internal jogging if you do it long & hard enough!!) If you eat healthy & exercise then your mood will be lifted but that as well as the drugs which will mean you have less tendency to comfort eat.
    Keep busy & happy doing stuff with friends that does not include a whole bunch of food.
    If your GP advises that you need the drugs then surely your health is important?!?!?

    Oh and I have been on them all at one time or another & none of them helped me feel better than when I lost the weight!!
  • dynamodi
    dynamodi Posts: 56 Member
    I was on sertraline and while it helped with my anxiety greatly, it did contribute to about 10 pound weight gain over 2 years. Saying that though, I did really need it at the time and it's only taken me three weeks to lose the extra weight.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    In terms of how well they work as antidepressants, I don't think you can get good answers here because everyone is different. I have tried both citalopram and sertraline, and neither helped me. Someone very close to me is on sertraline though, and it works well for them.

    As for weight - neither sertraline nor citalopram caused me any weight gain (or loss) or changes in appetite. I didn't notice any effect on energy levels either. Didn't notice any effect at all really!

    The only antidepressant I ever found effective was Effexor (venlafaxine) - also no weight gain with that one, but horrible side effects that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

    Good luck, and if you try one and are bothered by weight gain, do talk to your doctor about it. It might be as simple as switching you to another one, which might work for you just as well, but could help you avoid the weight gain.
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    I take a low dose of Wellbutrin, and it has definitely suppressed my appetite. All my past weight loss attempts, I've struggled because I was a binger/food addict. But with the Wellbutrin, sticking with my eating plan has never been so easy. I don't binge anymore. I don't crave sugar like I used to. I don't buy so much junk at the grocery store.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    I take a low dose of Wellbutrin, and it has definitely suppressed my appetite. All my past weight loss attempts, I've struggled because I was a binger/food addict. But with the Wellbutrin, sticking with my eating plan has never been so easy. I don't binge anymore. I don't crave sugar like I used to. I don't buy so much junk at the grocery store.

    This sounds amazing, i wish my dr mentioned this one!! If I could get medication that also helped surpress appetite with making me feel better, would be sooo good!! i have problems also with binge eating/compulisve eating.