ankle & knee pain

I knew I shouldnt have pushed myself, but today I did.
I have been doing the 30 day shred every single day, and am on level 2, day 7.
I started having knee and ankle soreness when I started level 2. But I continued to do it every single day.

Well today, I wanted to buy some runners, because my ankles were so sore. It was sore to walk up and down the steps, drive the car, stand etc.
Anyways, I got the shoes, and thought "hey, I can do this" and did my day 7 of the shred.

Right at the end my ankles kinda cracked (when you feel the small pop) and I had to stop.
I took off my shoes, and lay on the bed. My ankles...especially my right ankle is swollen, and feels like a bad bruise.
I can walk, but it hurts after a few minutes. Like a throbbing pain.
If im standing for a bit it will radiate up my ankle to the middle of the inside of my calf.

I went to the pharmacy and asked what over the counter meds I could get and she said some extra strenght advil, and to do hot and cold presses. She said if its still swollen, and still painful tomorrow or the next day I should go to the doctor, and get an xray done.

My knees hurt whenever I sit cross legged. And ache when I stand, then goes away.

I really am worried I did something to my ankle. I would feel embarassed if I have to go to the doc and tell them I injured myself exercising lol. I know her work out is very high impact.

Im only 30 yrs old! Im not supposed to be having these issues?

Has anyone every had this happen before? Suggestions?


  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    Don't be embarrassed if you end up going to the doctor. I bet you wouldn't be the first person he's seen with an exercise injury and you certainly won't be his last.

    As far as having this issue; right now I am having knee pain and can't seem to get it corrected. I thought I had it by using the R.I.C.E method but today it hurts pretty badly. I'm going to try heat next.
  • MichaelJM1960
    MichaelJM1960 Posts: 15 Member
    The notion of "No pain, no gain" is that...a notion. A couple of things on your thread...
    1) Regardless of your age...If you're not used to vigorous exercise and jumped head first into the deep end shredding; you HAVE to let your muscles adapt to what you're now asking them to do, and let them recover while they get there.
    2) Next, your gear. When I first started exercising (and I'm 22 years your senior) the shoes I had were fine...a nice pair of Nike cross-trainers. When I shifted to running; I developed a knee problem. I got Saucony to run in and stuck with my Nike's on cross train (Weights, recumbent bike) days. Knee was better after first run in new shoes.

    My recommendation(s):
    1) Get the right shoes..."runners" not a good fit for up and down in Shred.
    2) Take two weeks and repeat the first two shred levels every other day to prepare for the full routine...then hit it.
    3) Stretch before you start. I do 30 minutes of yoga before strenuous exercise (I run 5 miles 4 days and 15-20 miles 1 day every week)
    4) If you're injured; RICE. Rest Ice Compress Elevate for two days until you're pain free.
    Hope that's helpful...
  • MichaelJM1960
    MichaelJM1960 Posts: 15 Member
    Swonn, my left knee was flaring during long (10+ mile) runs. Specific pinpoint pain at 3:00 on my knee cap (front view). It eventually worked down into my 5 mile runs. Saw my ortho last Tuesday and he diagnosed Bursitis. He said it'll clear on it's own RICE'ing, exercise, stretching and massage/PT; but, gave me a shot of cortisone in the mean time. ZERO pain during a 5 and an 18 mile run this past weekend.
  • ka7iug
    ka7iug Posts: 6 Member
    I am recovering from a dislocated knee cap with bad arthritis. The doctor has said only water aerobics, elliptical, or stationary bike for me. My first week I went to WA on a Tuesday and Thursday. I hurt so bad afterwards. The following week only once and then I tried twice a week, then one, then twice. But now I am going three times a week. It feels good. I only do deep water with a float belt.

    It is okay to skip a day if you are hurting so bad that you have to lay down. But if you feel like you want to do something you might try something different. Bicycling, swimming, etc

    I go to the community center because it is cheaper than any of the gyms around my house. It takes me about 15 minutes to drive there but I have found it fun.

    Hope you get feeling better. Take care.
  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    MichaelMeyers1 thanks for replying to me.

    What exercises did your ortho recommend? I have never had knee issues before (always feet) so this is new to me. I have an appointment with the doctor in March and really don't want to have to go sooner.
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    As far as having this issue; right now I am having knee pain and can't seem to get it corrected. I thought I had it by using the R.I.C.E method but today it hurts pretty badly. I'm going to try heat next.

    I don't know if it's the same kind of pain, but look it up... I was recently diagnosed with a torn meniscus in my knee. Maybe you have the same thing?
  • xxMoonRiverxx
    thanks everyone for the help/suggestions/concern. Im hoping my ankles will be a bit better tmrw, if not im going to go to the doctors and get it checked.
  • grace173
    grace173 Posts: 180 Member
    I don't know if this makes any sense but I recently (in the last 10 days) ran out of cod liver oil and I haven't refilled but I have felt, maybe not swelling but extra tenderness around my joints. I wonder if cod liver oil is really good for your joints especially while working out. I have just finished 30 day shred and moved onto 6 week 6 pack and the tops of my feet are sore from doing core excercises are a killer but not too bad that I can't do them either though.
  • xxMoonRiverxx
    Oh really? thats interesting
  • xxMoonRiverxx
    I think Im going to go to the doctor today to get it looked at. Its still painful,and hurts to walk on
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Don't do 30DS daily. I don't get why people do it for 30 consecutive days when you don't have to and hurt themselves. I did 30DS but only 3 times a week and still got results. Even 4 days a week would be alright. This is way too common, if you use the search function you can see all the previous threads about ankle and knee pain with 30DS. .
  • xxMoonRiverxx
    Thx mandy. I guess its too late for that. I shouldnt have done it daily, but I thought my body could handle it obviously. Level 1 was fine, it wasnt till I started level 2 where I got the pain. Who knows why I continued to do it daily...I cant say.

    And im new to the site, and didnt "search" the 30 DS. Im sure there are tons of posts with hundreds of people talking, and to sit here and read it all would be time consuming.

    Anyways, whats done is done, and now Im going to get it looked at. Lesson learned. Thanks