interval training

I want to try interval training, but i don't know much about it. I've read some things on the internet and I have spoken to a couple of VERY fit people.... I have been advised that I should try it and I have been advised not to try it. I'm 51 and built like kevin james (the actor) its like there is a layer muscle under this layer of fat. Currently I get 60 minutes on the eliptical for 5 days per week and do 1 hour of resistance on friday. It seems like my layer of muscle is growing underneath my layer of fat which refuses to leave. I am in day 3 of a 2000 calorie eating plan... I can stick to 2000 with minimal effort...... but until this time I probably ate enough every day to sustain life in 3 or 4 averave human beings.......... wow, what did I just do? It started out as an exercise post and ended up as a nutritional post


  • All the research I've read confirms the "post-exercise" effect of interval training. There are any number of options and programs so it very likely doesn't matter which form yours takes. I'm sixty-one, have been fairly actively engaged in alternate weight/cardio routines about four times weekly for the past six months. Only the past one or two doing really high intensity interval work. I'd highly recommend it if you're at the fitness level to handle it. Look up research on Tabata Routines or in general regarding High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). After almost two months, I'm doing two Tabata workouts weekly; three cycles of four minutes with a one minute rest between. I begin and end with five minutes warm up and five cool down. At the end of this twenty-four minutes, I'm beat but I know I've gotten a really good cardio workout. I also end my "Leg Day" at the gym (once weekly) with ten minutes of thirty/thirty second intervals on the treadmill; jogging and (for me) really fast running.
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    I've used interval training tn the past and found this useful, it also has a Tabata training page.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I do interval training on my treadmill. It has a setting for this and it is 1 minute run and 1 minute walk/jog depending on what speed settings you set it at. I like it, makes my run more interesting instead of just a straight run at the same pace. I've heard/read (not sure how true it is) that interval training helps burn fat better. I'm 40 and I do a 30 - 40 minute cardio interval workout if I'm just doing cardio. If I do any strength training/circuit training (usually a video) first, I only run for about 20 minutes (after the other stuff) but it is most always interval training.
  • halleymw
    halleymw Posts: 246 Member
    I was like you, having problems deciding about whether to do the HIIT. I got up to an hour on the elliptical before I started it. It is quite demanding, and I am still not up to 30 seconds yet. I actually started at 15 on 90 rest., and I have been increasing the on period. Once I get up to 30 seconds I plan on shortening the rest cycles until I get to the 30/30 program. I generally do it twice a week on non lift days, and do the LIT the rest of the time. The above mentioned web page does have a pretty good review of it. also has some nice articles about it.
  • Thanks for your reply to my interval training question. I've taken your insight and combined it with bits and pieces of information that I got from other sources.... My knowledge is limited, but I am putting together an interval training routine that will be suitable for me at this time.... then I will grow my program. I have 4 minutes of jumping jacks - 20seconds on, then 10 seconds off. Then I hop onto an eliptical trainer for 21 minutes - 2 minutes full tilt followed by 1 minute at a recovery pace(repeat and repat some more). When I stabalize a little with the jumping jacks, I would like to add another set, and then another ----and so on ---- it will take months. Eventually I would like the jumping jacks to evolve into a stand alone workout such as 4 minutes - 1 minute pause, then 4 on and 1 off, 4on, 1 off until it occupies 25 or 30 minutes....... my elliptical interval training should take less time to evolve into a stand alone routine as I am currently strong on this machine due the fact that it has been my primary source of cardiovascular exercise since September. I feel as if I am on my way. Any more advice?
  • Thanks for the website. I'm looking at it now. That Tabata is insane... I can last 4 minutes .... hoping to build on that