at what point do you switch over from cardio?

I admit it: I was a couch potato.

So just getting up and walking three times a week made me lose weight.
And then adding in zumba once a week made me lose weight.
Now I am walking 4-5 times a week and zumba once a week. Still losing. Next I want to try zumba two days a week.

Anyway, I am still losing so I am happy. But at what point for you did you switch from doing cardio stuff to doing more toning exercises? Or did you do it altogether along the way?

I'm not looking to ultimately look like a body builder with a six pack, but I would like to have a flat belly. And the belly fat I have is ALWAYS the last to go when I lose weight.


  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I pretty much do a 20 minute cardio warm-up the do weights. I do heavy lifting. If I feel my heart rate drop too low I might hit an elliptical for about 5-10 minutes to re warm up but usually, doing heavy enough weights keeps my heart rate pretty high. I've never done just cardio.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Start when you think you are ready to start.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    56 pounds ago. I started both at the same time. See if you can take a Pump class that mixes weights with cardio or Yoga for core strength.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Start last Thursday.
  • silversociety
    silversociety Posts: 222 Member
    I'm in your same boat. Once I lose 8 lbs more (my goal), I'm going to switch over to weights and more importantly, anything that improves my core strength.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I would recommend going to weights tomorrow...

    total body workout (three days a week) and cardio (two days a week)

    try and hit legs, chest, back, shoulders, arms...squats, deadlifts, over head press, chins/pulls etc...

    why don't you want a six pack? I thought that was the gold standard....
  • Charmainedelaney
    Charmainedelaney Posts: 46 Member
    So long as you dont have any health issues, start off small & work your way up - no time like the present :):smile:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I did a good amount of body weight and 5# dumbbell type stuff while losing weight. I started strength training after I did the Warrior Dash and was simultaneously amazed at how strong I was that I could do the things I did... and at how f'n sore I was for a week after. :laugh: Plus, I saw the results of the women who lifted on here and said to myself, "Do want!!!"

    I wish I started sooner. Like "from the get go" sooner.
  • heather86RN
    Doing strength training won't necessarily make you "Buff" but it will make you STRONG! And who doesn't want to be strong after sitting on the couch for a long time. Also you will have more muscle to burn off the fat. There is no downside to it. Ask your gym to have someone there put you on a program and show you how to do the exercises. There is no time like yesterday to get started!:wink:
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    You can't "spot reduce" fat - but I've found lifting heavy weights DOES burn quite a lot of calories, especially when you consider you can be done quite quickly - I've now got a setup at my work unit which makes it very convenient.

    Me - I started about 3 months after I meant to (before this I was spending a lot of time shifting heavy car parts like complete doors and gear boxes from one unit to another, so was getting a fair bit of a workout daily anyway.)
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 262 Member
    I started light weights from the beginning doing videos and my biking/running. A few months in I went heavy and I run.