OBESE Just Starting - getting back into shape

I was looking for some input as how I should start getting back into shape. I've got at least 100pds to lose and I've been trying to exercise but I'm afraid I'm going to hurt myself. I'd really like to start jogging again, do you think I should loose a certain amount before I begin or just plug into it with walking and jogging intervals. Its seriously been about 3 years since I've been into any sort of fitness regimen
Any input would be helpful


  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    Hi! Welcome! I have over 100 pounds to lose too. I have been doing Leslie Sansone workouts and they really teach you endurance. I ran an entire mile without stopping. Have you heard of the C25K? Its couch to 5 k in nine weeks. Its free just type it in your search engine. I forget the site. I think it coolrunnings.com Goood luck. I know it can seem overwhelming but stick to it. .
  • TwinMamaBritt
    TwinMamaBritt Posts: 2 Member
    I would recommend to start walking and then gradually as you get more into shape I would start jogging. Good luck and stick to it!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Take your time. Loose some weight so it's easier on your joints. Walking is excellent exercise, so try it for a couple of months. Good luck!
  • Garcialynne
    Garcialynne Posts: 33
    I also use Leslie Sansone and yes they do teach u endurance. I have a little over 100 pounds to lose and have been able to do the 1 mile. I started ot walking it not running it . Good luck
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    Start cutting out "bad foods" (switching from going to drinking only water was a big one for me...besides the occasional latte or smoothie) and start walking. Walking is a wonderful way to lose weight and increase endurance. If you have kids/dogs, bring them along too. If not, some nice music to listen to while you walk is another good idea :)

    Good luck!! You can do it!
  • jencal2010
    jencal2010 Posts: 1
    I just signed up and really want to lose 100 pounds. My wedding is this sept and unfortunately have waited till the last min to lose any kind of weight. I'm hoping for 20 to 40 pounds till then. Would also love advice or someone to chat with during this obstacle
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I am quite similar to your jorney, have about 70 lbs to lose now (started closer to 80) and am in the obese BMI. I do have a few DVD's that I do when the weather is not so great outside but started walking daily for 45 minutes minimum for the first week, then made an effort to REALLY fast walk every second block on the second week, now in the 3rd week after I have walked, getting progressivly faster, for about 15 minutes to warm up Im running every second block. I do wear a knee brace some days as I have a bad knee . . . and guess what? . . . it hurts, it is sopposed to hurt . . . it isn't easy and it shouldn't be. Part of this journey is working through the pain because there will be pain. There are days when it is all I can do to lace up those running shoes or plug in that DVD . . . but you just do it because you know that every day you make the right choices it will bring you to the day when you realize that you feel comfortable in your skin and that you are close, or at, your goal.
    I walk daily on my lunchhour at work, then try do something else every evening . . . take the dog for a walk, do a DVD, get on my stationary bike, I've been swimming lately to give my sore knee a break, anything physical to get you off the couch basically.
    I've only been REALLY consistent with this for just under a month and am still facing some muscle soreness and a lot of knee pain some days . . . but understand that I have to work through the pain as part of the process.
    I live with the following mantra (in fact I have it posted in a few places) "I create myself with the choices I make each day". I try not to look forward or it is overwelming, only looking to the end of each day and find that it has helped my so far.
    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for some additional support. Good luck to you!
  • Miss_Jamie
    Miss_Jamie Posts: 16
    I was looking for some input as how I should start getting back into shape. I've got at least 100pds to lose and I've been trying to exercise but I'm afraid I'm going to hurt myself. I'd really like to start jogging again, do you think I should loose a certain amount before I begin or just plug into it with walking and jogging intervals. Its seriously been about 3 years since I've been into any sort of fitness regimen
    Any input would be helpful

    Hey, I was in the same boat as you and wasn't really sure how to approach it so I talked to my doctor. She basically said don't jump into it full tilt because you are setting yourself up for failure or injury....I'll either get sick of it and stop altogether or pull muscles and god knows what else. She suggested I start with a simple schedule of walking everyday for at least 20 minutes and build myself up after a week or so (or whenever you start to feel comfortable) and add 10 minutes to your walk, adding more along the way after a week of upping your time. If you are going to a gym, maybe look into seeing a personal trainer for a few sessions that way you have a professional help you figure everything out plus it's great encouragement. Don't forget...always stretch. Always. Not only do you prevent injury but it helps build muscle. And drink lots of water. Good luck on your adventure and keep going. Be proud of yourself for making the decision to get back into shape!!! :flowerforyou:
  • SassyMissDasha
    I have been doing this for about 2 weeks, and I haven't exercised one bit ..and I've lost 14 lbs. I've decided that I need to drop some weight before I get into any kind of physical regimen. I am planning on starting the Leslie Sansone walk at home program soon, I can do it for free on my Comcast on demand. I have a lot to lose myself. But the first step you took was coming here, that's great .. lots of motivation and support!
  • lindsaylee
    lindsaylee Posts: 20
    welcome! I just started too and have over 150 pounds to lose. hope things go well for you. my only advice is to go slowly and take your time. that's what i am hoping will work for me. good luck!
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    I've lost about 100 pounds and still have 70+ more to go. I didn't start running until I had lost about half of my weight because of how much my knees and feet hurt. You can still get a good workout by walking. I would say take it slow, drop some weight, get your heart and lungs into better shape and then transition over to running. I was so excited to run, because I hadn't done it my entire adult life, but soon found myself popping Advil like they were going out of style because I hurt afterwards. I'm still dropping weight, so it is getting easier! You'll get there! :)