Frustrated and depressed

I was on a medication that put 23 lbs. on me very rapidly. Now I need to drop that weight and get back to the weight I was and possibly lose an additional 10 lbs. I seem stuck at the weight I am. I bought new clothes to fit my new size and now I just look at them and cry. Am I ever going to achieve my goal once again or am I doomed to retain this weight. I've had weight issues all my life. UGH!!! Frustrated, stressed and distressed!!!


  • Yes, You will. It's slow going at first but it will happen. Just don't give up. I've got about 33 to go and I'm down 26 so far, if I can, anyone can.
  • Sometimes it seems like everyone around me can do it except me. And of course I have always been in the shadow of a sister who is thin and muscular and a brother who is a perfect weight and a body builder. I feel like I'm a defect.
  • My sister was always thin. She was size 6 with her jeans and people called her fat amazingly. Anyway, I was always the big one. It does go slowly but it will happen. Add me if you'd like. Maybe we can pin pal our way through our muffin top loss :)
  • That would be great! Thank you everyone who has responded. I deal with depression and panic and anxiety disorder so this just makes me a nervous wreck. I just want to see the light at the end of the tunnel.☺
  • ellennow
    ellennow Posts: 568
    It's easy to fall into that mindset that doesn't lead anywhere good. I know because I've been there. One day at a time, leave everyone else out of it, and just focus on you and getting to your personal goal and that goal maybe meal to meal, day to day or weekly... whatever works for you. You're worth fighting for and replace the defect word with winner! Even if you don't believe it keep saying it and don't allow yourself to use destructive words to describe yourself... we tend to become what we say. Good Vibes!
  • I think it's important to understand that's it's not just about how much you exercise or how many calories you eat, but what kind of calories you eat.
    I didn't see changes until I cut out all sugars, then bang, things changed. IF, IF I have a night time snack it is 100%protein like a slide of meat. Usually I don't. I generally skip breakfast, eat a very protein and leafy green veggie lunch, and soup and salad for dinner. NO dairy except for eggs.
    I'm also doing the p90x daily which is a big caloric burn.
    Give it a try.
    Here's a link to try it. It totally changed my body in the first two weeks.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    That would be great! Thank you everyone who has responded. I deal with depression and panic and anxiety disorder so this just makes me a nervous wreck. I just want to see the light at the end of the tunnel.☺

    diagnosed in feb 2011 (situational depression), medicated for a year, terrible withdrawal coming off them in early 2012. Broke two toes, found out that my father is dying - and we get to watch it happen :S, worked my *kitten* off at my intense job, and had my best friend abandon me because my life was too hard for her to deal with.

    Xmas day I woke up and went 'for xmas I'm giving myself back control.

    47 days later I am 8kg lighter, healthier, happier, tanned, and loving things.

    My point? There is no adversity no great that it cannot be overcome with a positive attitude, support, and a little bit of dreaming. Look at what you love about yourself, and think of it as doing something nice for you. I don't know you but I guarantee that there are several amazing things about you...and I know you can do this.
  • Thank you so much for the inspirational pep talk. It's just nice to know I'm on a site where we all are here for ourselves.
  • Sounds to me like you need to be a little kinder to yourself - stop seeing yourself as a failure, and start thinking positively, and get out there and doing stuff! Find the right mind-set and get your weight-loss and healthy-life groove on. Most people on here have friends, siblings, other family who are desirable, and me, can be that too, but it wont happen until you find what works for you. Its true what they say, there is no quick fix, it takes dedication and hard work and it really is a lifestyle change. I also think it has to work for you, and you have to work for it. I hope your goals are realistic too, cos if they aren't, thats not a recipe for success. But beating yourself up will only lead you to feel worse, and possibly reach for bad foods and more of it.

    I don't intend to offend, I just want to help, support, motivate, and encourage you. Have a good read through the forums, invite a few people to be your friends, they are wonderful support systems, and its great to share in other peoples successes to motivate yourself too. I too have a box of skinny clothes that I can't wait to get into, and some days it seems that I'll never get back there, but success comes to those who work hard.

  • New to this site and so far I've gotten so many wonderful, kind, understanding supportive words. This is exactly what I need. I don't have any family support do this is like my own secret society. God Bless all of you
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    As you eat better, improve your habits and patterns, get healthier, more fit, more beautiful. That's just how it works.
    Keep going! And enjoy the process. No sense in beating yourself up, just keep making improvements.
  • ????
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    You are going to do great! I started doing some group dance fitness classes and it made me want to exercise again. The group mentality is great because you don't want to give up with other people around you - at least I don't. I used to dance as a kid and it brought back some of the happiness. I eat mainly fruits and veggies and wouldn't have it any other way. When I do eat some pizza, it makes it 10x better. It feels like it is never going to happen, but it will if you try. It is just a very slow process.
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    Oh, and check out groupon or living social for fitness class discounts!
  • I was on a medication that put 23 lbs. on me very rapidly. Now I need to drop that weight and get back to the weight I was and possibly lose an additional 10 lbs. I seem stuck at the weight I am. I bought new clothes to fit my new size and now I just look at them and cry. Am I ever going to achieve my goal once again or am I doomed to retain this weight. I've had weight issues all my life. UGH!!! Frustrated, stressed and distressed!!!
    Okay first off it takes time to lose weight. Do not get involved with the delusional media out there with the quick weight loss stuff. People who produce and market that crap were born to mislead others. If that crap does work for anyone they probably gained back the weight and more.
    Second you need to understand losing weight slowly is a good thing even if you hit a plateau. Understand the science behind weight loss first off. Keep a journal, exercise daily, Increase your calcium, have protein at every meal, eat breakfast every day, never starve yourself.
    My best plan of approach here would be this: Eat like a king at breakfast, a queen at lunch and a peasant at dinner.
    If you have any questions shoot me a message. I use to be 300lbs and I am walking talking evidence today that will power, proper knowledge and discipline will get you results.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    One day at a time. Everyone starts this journey somewhere. I would have sworn I was going to be overweight for the rest of my life, but one day I woke up and it was day one of this journey. I didn't believe it was day one. I wanted it to be day one but there had been so many other possible day ones so there was no reason to believe this was my time. 30lbs may seem like a mountain but with one step at a time it will be little more than a hill, and you will be stronger and braver on the other side. :-) Good luck!