frozen food and recipes for fish

For the past few weeks, for lunch I'll just pop in a lean cuisine or healthy choice in the microwave....Has anybody lost weight just eating this type of food? I only do it for my lunch and then for dinner, I will eat fish and a vege...

Does anybody have good and easy and low fat/low calorie fish recipes using cod?:smile:


  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Those frozen meals are great, but very high in sodium.
    I like talapia (not sure if I spelled that right). Put fish in pan, sprinkle some salt & pepper, dill, capers, then slice a lemon and cover the fish with the lemon and bake at 350 deg until it flakes.
  • emttori
    emttori Posts: 6
    I eat them when I am in a hurry or my family is eating something I don't eat (I am a chickafishaterian as my GF's kids call me). So if I need to bring dinner to work with me, I take one. But alas, the sodium is HORRIBLE!! I just made home made fish sticks yesterday. My kids have high cholesterol so I've been experimenting with healthier home made stuff. I didn't have the right breadcrumbs though so they weren't crunchy. But it was simple, just used cod, breadcrumbs, eggs, flour, salt and pepper. I used sodium free bread crumbs. Oh and I also added grape nuts flakes (high in fiber and good stuff) and crushed them up. Baked for 10 minutes and they were pretty good. I really stink at making fish though, I could use some good recipes myself.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I make my kids flounder fish sticks all of the time!! Really easy!! Use the panko breadcrumbs, they are the really crunchy ones, you don't need to overdo it, just enough to coat it...then I saute in a tablespoon of EVOO until golden brown. Yummy!! And flounder is one of the better (lower calorie) fishes out there.