too many calories , not enough fat :(

Alanna234 Posts: 13
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi there , I'm a pretty new member and Ive have a little read through the forums finding them Very interesting and Very Useful, but i couldn't see anything exactly to answer a question i have. soooo
I eat very well usually , Ive been diabetic since i was 12 so ive never been able to get in to the habit of eating junk etc. Im a size 12 (uk) i think that means size 8/10 in the USA? and im 5f5 , so im not terribly overweight, im really just trying to get healthier , i exercise 2/3 times a week.
But heres the think ... my MFP calorie "allowance" everyday is 1400 ... unless i exercise obviously. but im finding at the end of the day ive maybe got 200/150 cals left to eat (lucky you i hear you say) but ... im only allowed 49 fat, Like i said i dont eat junk or lots of fatty foods .. but it seems i cant make up the calories because i have such little fat to play with. Does anyone have any tips/hints for foods that are high cal and low fat? because even nuts seem to be out the question :P
Any advice would be much obliged :D thanks


  • jenners22
    jenners22 Posts: 91
    Avocados! They are higher in calories and fat, but they are so good with some wheat tortilla shells or just on their own. I find when I am under calories and fat, I dice up an avocado in a bowl and eat it. Very yummy and the good kind of fat...not the bad kind. :-)
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Someone posted this on another site: "Any carb is a solution to a high cal, low fat need. Try breads (go for whole grain, it's much healthier), pastas, rice (brown rice has more nutrients than white) and beans, which have absolutely no fat.

    A bean burrito with a whole wheat tortilla with a side of rice would be very low fat and high in calories. Good luck! "
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    On the days you exercise all of your percentages go up (fat, protein, calories, etc).

    What kinds of foods are you eating? Are you sticking to lean meat and low fat dairy for your protein?

    I drink a protein shake every day with 1/2 c of nonfat milk and 1/2 c of water. 130 cal, 26 g protein, 2 g of sugar and 3 g of fat per scoop of protein powder and 45 more calories for the milk. You can skip the milk and do all water.

    You can also have 1% cottage cheese (same calories as non fat), non fat yogurt, veggies, fruit, fish, chicken breast, lean beef, ground turkey, eggs (mainly egg whites), beans/legumes, quinoa. If you like pasta stick to small portions of whole wheat pasta. Sweet potatoes with cinnamon.... (a yummy treat).
    For bread, stick to whole wheat or sprouted grain. You should be able to add olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and avocado to your diet if you eat them in small portions. They are good healthy fats.

    Oh, you can toss in some protein bars (think thin 240 cals and low fat, Kashi go lean protein bars 170 cals/low fat, Cliff's)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    MFP's default sets your carbs/fats/protein percentages at a very moderate ratio. You can go in and tweak it based on your needs. Here's a couple of websites to help you gauge what that ratio should be for you:
  • Alanna234
    Alanna234 Posts: 13
    well thanks guys , everyone has been helpful in their own way. I eat only brown breads /rice/pasta anyway, but i guess i try not to eat too many carbs because means i have to take more insulin and can play havoc with my blood sugars. But if im honest my bloods are perfect atm so might not do any harm.
    I might go in a tweek the carb ratio to suit me better. But ill deffo try the avocados because i LOOOVE them.
    Only other prob ive sometimes encountered has been ... ive used up my cal/carb intake but then have a low blood sugar .. so i HAVE to eat , and obviously i always would .. but usually i have to drink a sweet juice or glucotabs. xxx
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    Have some fruit with FF whipped topping and don't stress about not hitting the exact number of calories. It is OK to be under by a few calories. I try not be be over or under 100 of my daily limit.
  • jenners22
    jenners22 Posts: 91

    Only other prob ive sometimes encountered has been ... ive used up my cal/carb intake but then have a low blood sugar .. so i HAVE to eat , and obviously i always would .. but usually i have to drink a sweet juice or glucotabs. xxx

    My son is diabetic and one day we could not get his blood sugar up and he was eating and drinking every 20 minutes....he started crying because he was soooo full, but had to keep eating to get his blood sugar up. I feel your pain.
  • Alanna234
    Alanna234 Posts: 13
    MFP's default sets your carbs/fats/protein percentages at a very moderate ratio. You can go in and tweak it based on your needs. Here's a couple of websites to help you gauge what that ratio should be for you:

    Where can i tweek it? i cant seem to find it in settings :S
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