Why can't I say NO??!!

So yesterday, I was all hyped up about about doing a bit of exercise after reading all sorts on here. Send a message to my friend saying lets go for a walk this evening (not fit enought to run. She responds with "oh I was hoping we could go eat I've had nothing all day". So what do I do? Go eat Thai food :(

I work long hours, lazy and have no will power how do I get out of the slump?


  • spongebobuk
    Do you have any goals or targets you would like to achieve?
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    Do you have any goals or targets you would like to achieve?

    ^^ This. Focus on your goals, targets and what you want for yourself in the future. Try and stay focussed on what you want for yourself in the future, rather than what you want right NOW.

    Don't be so hard on yourself though; me and my friends sometimes decide to go and treat ourselves to a yummy meal instead of working out. Just forget about it and move on, I usually just work harder the next day :flowerforyou:
  • nezsorou
    Just take it one day at a time.

    Is there any activity you find fun, because if you enjoy it, you'd be more apt to do it.
    I'm wanting to take systema, or krav maga, in the Summer, so that is keeping me motivated to build my stamina/strength -- I just don't think I'd be ready for either art at this point.
  • spongebobuk
    Some great advice :smile:
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Every time you slip up, do a review of what happened and how you can handle it next time. Is the problem that you didn't go for the walk? Next time, agree to go for a walk after dinner. Is the problem that you ate more than you wanted to? Learn to either leave extra calories aside for when you eat out, or to order smaller/healthier portions (Thai food especially has a lot of healthy options, such as chicken satay).
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    How badly do you want to lose that last 13 pounds? There's your motivation. I found that when it is important enough to me - nothing will get in my way. Make a plan and stick to it. Good luck!!
  • gemmaleigh1989
    gemmaleigh1989 Posts: 241 Member
    The hardest part of any fitness routine is getting started. The first week is hell. It does get easier and then it becomes second nature. Also the hardest part of any work out (motivation wise) is just turning up. Once you're there, your half way done. That is is truly what musters the most energy, just turning up. This means until working out becomes habit, you've got to stop thinking about it AND JUST DO IT.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Without malice, you have to remember, nobody is holding a gun to your head... You have to WANT to change to achieve your goal.

    It all depends how determined you are to 'change your lifestyle' (I don't see MFP as a diet), you have to be prepared to say 'no'.

    IMHO, there is no point setting off on a journey if you are 'not ready', otherwise you are just setting yourself up to fail. This is why faddy 'diets' fail.

    All the very best with your journey - I hope you stick with us on the good ship MFP :wink:
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    surround yourself with kick-*kitten* people who wanna get as hyped and fit as you do!!!! find someone on here to message and update each other with progress!!!!

    If you do end up going for thai food - choose the healthier options!!!! ive no idea those people eat but im sure they dont eat burgers and cookies!! use portion control too!!! don't gorge and shovel it in your mouth!!

    WALK ALONE!!!! losing weight is for YOU not your damn friend who ended up killin' your buzz anyway!! next time, go for a walk on your own and use the time to pysc yourself about tomorrows WEIGHT LOSS!!!


    it's all a mental thing - in your mind is in the place, your body will follow!!! trust me!!!

    Drink water too!! green tea!! I think thai people may have even INVENTED THAT *kitten* or something, who knows? Just bloody drink it, lady!!!

    one step and day at time.


    SO WHAT!!!!

    *kitten*-*kitten* the HELL out of FAT twice as hard today!!!!!

    dont be weak, that's for p*ssies and pushovers!!! PUSH BACK!!! dont be swayed by your friends to go scoff breadrolls!!

    be an inspiration to them and when SEE YOUR AWESOME RESULTS they'll be asking you for ADVICE

    on how to LOOK SO DAMN LEAN!!!

    go for it, lady - you're awesome. just sort your head out, kiddo!!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    @tricksee - funny. and true.
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    So yesterday, I was all hyped up about about doing a bit of exercise after reading all sorts on here. Send a message to my friend saying lets go for a walk this evening (not fit enought to run. She responds with "oh I was hoping we could go eat I've had nothing all day". So what do I do? Go eat Thai food :(

    I work long hours, lazy and have no will power how do I get out of the slump?

    If I relied on my friends to join me for exercise I'd never get any done, ever! Since becoming more active I've made new friends with similar interests and I sadly see less of my old friends. I still see them, just not as much anymore because they'd rather spend their morning at the coffee shop and I'd rather be out walking my dog or getting a workout in (I work in the afternoons so need to get stuff done in the mornings). Maybe next time agree to get the meal but arrange to meet after you've got your walk in.
  • lambchoplewis
    Just say "thank you but I already at today and I am going to exercise"!! You must plan your day including food, exercise and timing of all these. That way, you can put yourself first. Just ask your friend when you can do dinner next. That way, you can pick a place where you know what your will order (look up nutrition on-line) and just do it!!!

    Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin!!
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member

    They were really helpful (and needed) kicks in the behind :) What an inspirational bunch

    Execel open, exercise plan started! Now I should really do some work related work.