Ha! Take that!

lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
So this is slightly immature, but I wanted to share a little personal victory with all of my fellow MFPers...

There is a woman who used to be a very close friend of mine...she is slightly younger than me, and through one way or another we ended our friendship and now she (apparently) loathes me. That's a little backstory!

So, she is very skinny. Naturally, she just has a very small frame and even after having a child she is teeny tiny (luck biotch). Before I even had MY little one, I was bigger than her.

Noooow, that is changing! I'm never going to be as small as she is, but I'm starting to look better in clothes than ever before and apparently, she is taking notice!

I overheard from a mutual friend that she said "Well, Lexi can lose all the weight she wants but she's still going to be fatter than me."

My internal response to that?

"She was born skinny and will always be that way without any work on her part...but I had to work my butt off for this! I'd rather be toned and a bit bigger than skinny and lazy ANY DAY!"

:happy: :glasses:


  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    LOL....good for you!!!!
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    Good for you! Try not give her a second thought. She doesn't sound like the type of person that is worth the stress. You have an adorable little girl and you're making yourself feel and look better. She seems to have to put others down to feel good. I know I read alot into that, but I know the type.
  • sleitner
    sleitner Posts: 33 Member
    :wink: Right that!
  • busyiam
    busyiam Posts: 33 Member
    You go girl!
  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    You have definatly come through this SHINING! Babyish ? NO ! It's a shame people have to put other's down just to make themselve's look better. But with a person like this I can see why there is no longer a friendship.. I have had a person in my life like this and I just got out... What a great kudo for you!!
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    Jdelot - You nailed her right on the head...she certainly is that type! I knew her long enough/well enough to know that she likes to put others down.

    Thanks guys...I feel just fine about what she said. I know I've done well and lost 40lbs and am full of willpower! Go me! :laugh:
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    You go girl!!!:laugh:
    Some people are just born that way and no matter how hard you try, you aren't going to be their size. It just doesn't seem fair. But you are going to feel so much more confident and PROUD of yourself because of how hard you've worked!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Good for you!! I'm glad you didn't let her nasty comment get to you. It's a shame that some people are like that.
  • GRose
    GRose Posts: 69
    LOL That's pretty much my opinion! I have a friend that I grew up with - she's SOOOO skinny & a model now. I haven't had contact with her but I'm pretty sure that she'd think along the same lines.
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    you know my sister is like that shes always been smaller i guess 122issh maybe but i have a bigger frame and i have always been bigger, so i had a baby 8mths ago and ive been slackin,so back on track. but good job for you i know that feeling.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    That's a great response, Lexi!!! And I always just think to myself, "You can be smaller than me, thinner than me, but I sure as hell will live longer!"
  • dekkal
    dekkal Posts: 4
    Jut because she was "born Skinny" doesn't mean things won't change in later years. I can't tell you how many times I've seen that happen.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Ugh...I have an EX-friend like that. She weighs 110 soaking wet. If I ever heard her saying something like that about me, I would just think about how pathetic she is. I mean really? :p I'm glad you are over it and didn't let it affect you. You are a bigger person than she is!
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    That is great but why is your mutual friend telling you the negative things your ex-friend said? Is she going back to your ex-friend telling her what you are saying?
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    That is great but why is your mutual friend telling you the negative things your ex-friend said? Is she going back to your ex-friend telling her what you are saying?

    This is exactly why said mutual friend and I don't talk much. I'd say it's more of a mutual person we both happen to know :wink:
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