Im 23yo with PCOS looking for friends!

:smile: Looking for friends with PCOS mainly but anyone can add me.

I'm 23 years old and losing weight to help my PCOS, for me this is a BIG thing. I am fed up with the constant struggle, and after a heart to heart and a little sob :sad: with my family, I have decided that I am NOT gunna let it beat me! This is only the begining for me, my change of life!!!!! I am 5'7 have lost 5Ib so far any advice help/tips would be great! I would love to be a size 10/12.......:love: anything beyond that would just be a bonus, although I dont want to lose my curves!!! hehe :laugh:


  • helengetshealthy
    helengetshealthy Posts: 171 Member
    Oooh snap! (Except I'm 24 :p ...close enough!) I'm in the same boat as you, let's do this together :)
  • sylmcguigan
    sylmcguigan Posts: 48 Member
    Add me if you'd like. I'm a fellow sister cyster.
  • MommaRoseFitness
    MommaRoseFitness Posts: 87 Member
    If anyone would like to add me.. I have fought PCOS since I was 13. Doctors have taken me off of meds now, and have been major cysts free for a year. It really is all about diet and exercise! I am here if you have any questions or need to vent. I know how hard it is.
  • minimicra
    minimicra Posts: 2 Member
    Im also 23 with PCOS and looking for some friends! the more supposrt we can give each other the better!
  • Thank you all, lets do this!! :smile:
  • We just became friends! :) But I too have PCOS and losing weight is key ... especially for my dreams of having a family!
  • My doctor recommended reading "The Insulin Resistance Diet", which I've found to be helpful - limit or balance carbs with protein. Metformin also helped quite a bit, but the first few weeks were really rough. Good luck!
  • I've sent you a request :) Everyone else please feel free to add me :)
  • I'm 27 with PCOS and Metabolic Syndrome. I'm on glucophage and have been on and off for probably 5 years. It doesn't seem to make it any easier to lose weight for me. I also have hypothyroidism which doesn't help either. Anyone is free to add me if they'd like.
  • LifeChanged2000
    LifeChanged2000 Posts: 176 Member
    I too have had PCOS for the past almost 8 years. I was on meds, off meds, and now am working on diet. I was very lucky to have had my daughter 12 years ago, but diet and weight is key if I ever want to have another one. My best advice is to look for things low on the glycemic index. Any of you can feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. I love having support in my lifestyle change adventure, and love helping others too. :smile:
  • :smile: hi I'm 22 with PCOS, I'm trying to lose the weight as well not only for the condition but for me too. I'm kind of tired of being overweight so i'm committed to myself and making my body better. Let's be friends and we can do this together? :smile:

    We can so do this ladies!!!:happy:
  • I am 32 with PCOS and was diagnosed at age 27. I'm mostly vegan (no animal proteins at meat, dairy or eggs - started 3.5 weeks ago) and I'm currently on day 1 of my first juice fast. I've lost 22 pounds since 11/27 and since then have noticed a major difference in my cycle. Things are getting better the more weight I lose. I'm in it for the long haul now because weight loss surgery just isn't for me.
  • Hi I am 32 and I have had PCOS for about 6 years now. I have even had my left ovary removed bc of it. I would love to talk to others who are in the same boat as i am.
  • terrimcdee
    terrimcdee Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 28 and was diagnosed with PCOS about a year and a half ago. It's been quite a struggle, but I've come to terms with the fact that nothing will change unless I do something about it :) I would love to have some other people with PCOS to friend as well!
  • Hi! I am 28... I have PCOS also... Now that I have had my baby (I have a 10 month old, which I had to endure tons of treatment to conceive), I am aiming to lose 35-38 pounds and get where I want to be and stay there...
  • for us the biggest things are to stay away from fried foods, bread, and sugary drinks... anything with sugar.. I am now insulin resistant and in the fight of my life to keep away from Diabetes...
  • I had no idea when i read this what pcos until i googled it because abbreviated i had no idea. But i have it and its frustrating as hell ! Anyone else get those little hairs on their chin that they have to pluck !? lol