Anyone else have too much energy as you losing weight

I have a ton of energy with each pound loss to the point im too outgoing and bother people hahaaaaaaaaaaa. It's a good thing compared to where I was even a month ago (lazy, less confident) but it's getting ridiculous. I just want to go out all the time now.w.


  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    I have found that I have more energy in general, I am sleeping better at night, but I am really tired when I wake up in the morning and need coffee to get started. Once I am on the road though I am the energizer bunny.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    You've switched from being a sugar and carb burner to being a fat burner!!


    well done!!
  • Rubiesue
    Rubiesue Posts: 1 Member
    I do!!! I find when I get home from my workouts I am busting with extra energy. As long as I keep moving it tends to keep building, so I can get a lot done; but as soon as I sit down.....poof it is gone. I also can't sit on the couch and watch TV like I used to, which again leads to getting stuff done. Hmmmmm.....with all this "getting stuff done" you'd think my house would be cleaner!!