Could use some help.. exercise mat suggestions???

So I recently started working out to this new Buti workout. Unfortunately my whole house is carpeted (until April when I put hardwood floors in). But.. until then I need to find a solution to my problem.

I need to find an ideal mat for working out on. Carpet is ok but after a while (and sweating) I begin sliding on the carpet. What is an ideal mat that will work on carpet.. and eventually on hard wood?? Something that won't slide on carpet and big and thick enough.

Thank you!!!


  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    I just have a thick yoga mat. They sell some that have the grippy side that you can place down. I think mine is a gaiam. Now, I haven't tried Buti yet, but it looks like it would be SO much fun.

    What I've heard of people doing in Hot Yoga classes where they use hardwood floors instead of carpet is the intructor has them turn their mat when they do the exercises where they would normally straddle their mats. I'm not sure if that is an option for you.

    You could always put down an area rug over your hardwood floor. That's what I've done for my workout area.