36 years old and I don't remember dieting EVER. I am overweight (probably by todays standards 100lbs...but I'd like to loose 50) but I love who I am. I don't own a scale (and apparently I need to?!?!) but go by fit of my clothes and energy levels.

Anyway...I am starting with food journaling and making a conscious effort to excercise...and maybe meet a friend to hold me accountable?

I am taking courses on nutrition...but the information out there is soooo confusing!!

I just want to eat, live, excercise and be happy...but not have my feet hurt!!

Any tips or tricks are greatly appreciated.

Keep safe...
Carly and the boys


  • cam45237
    cam45237 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Carly -
    I am 48 and also about 100 pounds overweight. I had a rough couple of years that affetced my confidence greatly and got up to the highest weight of my life. I finally feel I have the right mindset and I have lost almost 20 pounds since January.
    Here are some tips that have been working for me:

    I cut out the soda (I always drank diet coke so it wasnt the calories - but I think it made me crave sweets and also eat more than I would with water). I pretty much only drink water and making that choice mentally keeps my mind set on the fact that I am dieting.

    I have gone off my diet in a fairly spectacular way - my husband made me a six course tapas dinner for my birthday. BUT I planned for it. I knew it was going to happen. I let myself enjoy it. I was right back to good eating habits the next day. In the past if I went off my diet I would feel guilty and let the emotional eating take over. By planning my cheats and taking steps to balance them with additional exercise or lighter meals, I have finally ended that cycle.

    I have found food that I like but dont love to help quell cravings. I drink v-8 juice instead of fruit juice. I have a glass of keffir for breakfast with some fruit for some quick out-the-door protein. I have been using lean cuisine and healthy choice frozen dinners to help with lunches at work. Not necessarily ideal, but they are fast, easy to pack. I usually dont finish them but they give me enough solid food to keep me from lfast food. If I crave something sweet and crisp I do pretty well with the new fruit newton crisp cookies - I can eat 1 or 2 and put the bag away (unlike oreos where the bag may not survive the day). And my secret weapons is Junior Mints. Dark chocolate, strong mint flavor in a tiny package. I can eat 2-4 of these and they satisfy my need for "dessert" at 20-50 calories.

    And I force myself to have at least 2 ounces of leafy green salad every day. My biggest weakness is cheese and I am not willing to give that up for the tasteless 2% cheeses. SO I add an ounce or less of blue cheese and make my own quick salad dressing using a garden herb blend with a little oil and a flavored vinegar. I think its strong flavors that I need to diet successfully - blue cheese, peppermint, the sourness of keffir - these all help me.

    As far as exercise - my husband and I go to the gym twice a week for an hour and I am pretty committed to doing that. Recently I have started adding 15 minutes in the morning on my exercise bike at home just to get my blood pumping and reinforce the mindset. I recently read that a recommended amount of exercise to LOSE weight is 5 hours a week. I am about 3, but I am building up.

    This time I am not an all or nothing girl. I am doing what I can and adding as I go along. I feel good - my mood is improved, clothes are starting to fit and I can feel my confidence coming back.

    I hope this helps a little - you have a great advantage as you start this journey in that you already have the confidence to love yourself.