Trying once again on weight loss journey

Hi everyone, I am new to this site although not new to trying to lose weight. My niece encouraged me to join this site and I must say it has a wonderful data base for food, everything that I have looked up has been in this data base. I have done really well for my fist week and hope with support can continue on my journey towards weight loss. Lost 44 pounds years ago on WW and hope I can do the same here.


  • faithisone
    faithisone Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome aboard! If you need support, add me.
  • ses0919
    ses0919 Posts: 1 Member
    You have already taken the first step so it's all down hill from here!!! Think about all the reason's you have always quit in the past and make sure this time you avoid those at all costs! We all have bad days and sometimes bad weeks, it's when you continue to move forward and be consistent that change happens :) Accountability is the best tool you can have so I will be constantly checking in with you!
  • MaxsMomTN
    MaxsMomTN Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm sure you'll find the tools here very useful, and the people here are very supportive. We are all on the same journey, to become healthier and happier versions of ourselves. We can do this! Keep up with your diary daily, and reach out to your friends here when you need some encouragement. Best of luck!