
People are such smart arses on here sometimes. When someone is posting a serious question, why do folks feel it's appropriate to post something smart alecky in response?? Why is it so challenging to be NICE and SUPPORTIVE of folks who are asking something sincerely? Geeze's a Motivation and SUPPORT thread~!


  • krystaljarv
    Aww I do hope you haven't come across horrible people on here, unfortunately you will always get some one thinking they are right, or are just over confident, others just don't realise they are offending people, sounds harsh but true. I prefer to go through and add people that you feel are supportive by the posts they have written, then you'll have a better support group to help you. Keep going you're doing great. :)
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    We need to support one another on this journey which can be difficult much of the time. We need support and encouragement to keep going and to keep strong. and you are right, Gwenmf, we need to motivate and support each other.
  • wwstewart
    wwstewart Posts: 135 Member
    I, for one, appreciate a little bit of sarcasm and humor.

    However, you're correct. There are idiots on the internet...and this site isn't exempt.

    There will always be people who think they are better than everyone else...and everyone else knows that those people suck.

    Motivation: be better than the jerks. :D
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    I think it can be a mixture of two factors:

    1) Some people mean to be friendly when they're being smart alecks. Unfortunately, without body language and audible cues, it can be difficult if not impossible to tell if someone is being sarcastic or serious.

    2) It can depend on the question. There are many dead horses that have been beaten into dust over and over again on these boards. The person asking the question may not be aware the subject has been addressed or that the ire of other members may come from being tired of seeing the issue come up again and again because it often means the debates are going to start all over again, too. Eating back exercise calories, the pros and cons of diet soda, cheat days / meals, and the whole "1200 calorie" theme are the subjects that come to my mind that often are brought up again and again by new contributors. The limited functionality of the search function, combined with the constant churn on the message boards, doesn't help this.
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    It really bothers me that people can be snarky and mean here. If you see a post on a topic you've seen 100 times, just ignore it. No need to jump in and be rude.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    It's the internet, sometimes even the best intentions can easily be misinterpreted or offend someone.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    It's the internet, sometimes even the best intentions can easily be misinterpreted or offend someone.

    This. Besides, everyone is different, and what you see as nasty, other people might find funny. Some people enjoy sarcasm and snark. :) Try to take the good and let go of the bad.