Why am I not losing?

I have been at this since December and have only lost 2 pounds total. I'm 5'1 and currently 158 down from 160. I am logging my calories (measuring or weighing my food) and tracking my water intake and exercise. Some times I forget to log my workouts but do my best to get them posted when I can, however, I am doing pretty well with logging every thing I eat. There were a few days I missed because I got sick but for the most part I am logging everything as best I can. I do cardio 3 times per week either Zumba or going for a run outside weather permitting, and lift weights 2 times per week. I am just not seeing results. I have stopped drinking soda and am drinking a ton of water when I used to barely drink any at all. I have gone from walking an 18-19 minute mile to running a 13 minute mile and can now actually do push ups and make it through Insanity workouts, but I'm not seeing any loss of pounds and very little loss in inches (I have lost about 2.5 inches off my waist and about 2 inches off my hips). I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what... Any suggestions?


  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I have been at this since December and have only lost 2 pounds total. I'm 5'1 and currently 158 down from 160. I am logging my calories (measuring or weighing my food) and tracking my water intake and exercise. Some times I forget to log my workouts but do my best to get them posted when I can, however, I am doing pretty well with logging every thing I eat. There were a few days I missed because I got sick but for the most part I am logging everything as best I can. I do cardio 3 times per week either Zumba or going for a run outside weather permitting, and lift weights 2 times per week. I am just not seeing results. I have stopped drinking soda and am drinking a ton of water when I used to barely drink any at all. I have gone from walking an 18-19 minute mile to running a 13 minute mile and can now actually do push ups and make it through Insanity workouts, but I'm not seeing any loss of pounds and very little loss in inches (I have lost about 2.5 inches off my waist and about 2 inches off my hips). I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what... Any suggestions?

    losing 2.5 inches of your waist is amazing, not "very little".

    Well done!
  • susanwair
    susanwair Posts: 78 Member
    Focus on those inches lost- you should be proud of yourself- keep up the fantastic work :happy:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Some days you are waaay under on calories. You need to be eating to your daily calorie goal each and every day. Also, at 160, it's not reasonable to expect to lose 2 pounds per week, and it isn't sustainable. Adjust your goal to 1 pound a week, which will give you more calories.

    Also, I notice that some of the things you eat are entries entitiled "homemade". Hopefully if you are making these things you are using the recipe builder to find out the exact calorie count. People put in all sorts of random stuff, so make sure your entries are right. Also, if you "measure and weigh" everything, be sure that you are actually weighing everything and not just saying oh it's about a cup.


    And a great video that proves the measuring point:

  • cmadge3254
    cmadge3254 Posts: 8 Member
    I would recommend investing in a heart rate monitor. I love Polar. This way you can assure you are working out at the right intensities. For fat burn you should be at a lower HR intensity. I personally set goals weekly on how long I want to be in each of my intesnity zones and how many calories I want to burn that week during my workouts. This keeps me motivated and assures I reach my weight loss goals. I would also recommend you particiapting in strength training exercises like plyometrics and activities you are using your own body weight. For instance, push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, butt kickers, high knees, abs, kettle bells squats etc. Message me for more infomation.
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    Also, 2 inches off your hips is no small feat! My god, thats already a difference in pants size!!!! I wish I could lose 2 inches off my hips, but mine are going no where I'm afraid. You have lost a lot, not a little. Make sure you have the right perspective here.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Some days you are waaay under on calories. You need to be eating to your daily calorie goal each and every day. Also, at 160, it's not reasonable to expect to lose 2 pounds per week, and it isn't sustainable. Adjust your goal to 1 pound a week, which will give you more calories.

    Also, I notice that some of the things you eat are entries entitiled "homemade". Hopefully if you are making these things you are using the recipe builder to find out the exact calorie count. People put in all sorts of random stuff, so make sure your entries are right. Also, if you "measure and weigh" everything, be sure that you are actually weighing everything and not just saying oh it's about a cup.


    And a great video that proves the measuring point:


    ^^All of this. You are way under on your calories and it doesn't look like you're tracking exercise calories on MFP which means you're eating even less than it looks like. Figure out your BMR and TDEE and start eating again.
  • Shesallsmilez
    Shesallsmilez Posts: 6 Member
    I'm eating way more than I used to.. I have a hard time eating a lot and genuinely feel full or even like I ate too much on days that I go over 1200 cal. I will try to increase my calories but I seriously struggle with that because I often feel sick to my stomach most of the day if I eat more. I just don't know why it's so hard to eat...I will make sure to try to up the calories and double check all my recipes for accurate calorie input. Thank you!
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Maybe up your protein in the form of shakes and look at starting some light weight training too? Your inch loss is impressive but you probably do need to up your calories.
  • ReneeJ814
    ReneeJ814 Posts: 72 Member
    I completely understand where you are coming from. I'll lose about 10 pounds, then I'll stop losing for a month or two. Then I'll lose 10 more, and stop for a month or two. I've been on my weight loss journey for a year and I've lost 37 pounds. Yes, that's a lot of weight, but in a year's time I thought I would be further along than I am. Having said that, I've lost A LOT of inches and body fat. I've lost almost 22 inches total from different areas and about 8% body fat. I look and feel better than I ever have. That being said, I've hit a huge plateau and I haven't lost a pound in about 3 months. It's very discouraging when you do what you're supposed to do and the numbers on the scale stay the same. Even though I haven't lost weight, I continue to lose inches, which means that I'm probably building muscle and continuing to lose fat.

    My advice (and I have to remind myself of this every day): find other ways to measure your progress. Measure your progress by your inches lost, how good you feel, etc. It sounds like you're doing all the right things. Just keep going! My first month I only lost 2 pounds, but my weight loss took off from there. Maybe your weight loss is just about to get started. Don't give up!